Political fallout of the Texas pool party....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
We don't live in America anymore.....

A Florida high school principal, who defended the Texas police officer at the center of that infamous pool melee, has become the latest victim of radical speech police hell-bent on trying to silence public discourse.

Alberto Iber lost his job as the principal at North Miami Senior High School after he wrote a comment about the McKinney, Texas incident on the Miami Herald’s website.

He did nothing wrong Florida principal ousted after defending Texas cop Fox News
THEY'RE DESTROYING PEOPLE FOR HAVING A OPINION THEY DON'T LIKE. These young thugs were not invited and the owners had every right to call the police.

Why shouldn't they???

Just sayin...this thread is not about the incident.
It is about a man getting fired from his job for three sentences he made about an incident 4 states away.
It is beyond the usual PC Police. This is full on PC Naziism.
THEY'RE DESTROYING PEOPLE FOR HAVING A OPINION THEY DON'T LIKE. These young thugs were not invited and the owners had every right to call the police.

Why shouldn't they???

Just sayin...this thread is not about the incident.
It is about a man getting fired from his job for three sentences he made about an incident 4 states away.
It is beyond the usual PC Police. This is full on PC Naziism.

It is getting scary and the left seems to be flying off the deep end these past couple of years. They want to silence people that will stand up to thugs and criminals.

We truly have the mentally ill running our society.
What they have done to this man is by definition fascism.
They are abusing a policy whereby faculty members are required to act "in accordance to core values of the school"...and extending that to expressing an opinion that might be against the opinions of the school boards political views.
I hope this man sues them.
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

Of course you don't see a problem.

That's where we are, gang. Watch what you say or you'll be destroyed.

Unacceptable opinions will bring consequences.

This is really happening.


Yes, if you say something that makes people question your ability to do your job, you will be fired if your employer hears about it.

I worked with a lady who posted her resume on Craig's list, where she said something about the company that was kind of benign. (That the company had been bought out and she didn't feel comfortable.) she was fired for it.

This principal is lucky that he has civil service protections (he's been reassigned), but frankly, if I were the parent of a 14 year old black girl and heard that her principal thought it was okay for the police to brutalize black children (something even the police themselves admit was wrong), I'd have serious questions about the suitability of that person to watch over my child.
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

Of course you don't see a problem.

It's what the rest of us have to deal with every day. It's why I don't say "My Boss is a Weenie" on Facebook.
It's what the rest of us have to deal with every day. It's why I don't say "My Boss is a Weenie" on Facebook.

Where did he write the comment?

I don't believe those comments deserve a reprimand. However, if I were his superior, I'd question the decision to hire a such a dummy. I'd probably evaluate m hiring practices.
Perfect example of the transformation of America where if you represent a particular class or race or political ideology you can get away with murder, but your opponents cannot do the slightest thing wrong in reaction.

This is why I'll never be a liberal.

They don't believe in right or wrong. Only whatever furthers their cause.

Get rid of all of the liberals in this country and most of our problems go away.
Just sayin...this thread is not about the incident.
It is about a man getting fired from his job for three sentences he made about an incident 4 states away.
It is beyond the usual PC Police. This is full on PC Naziism.

Three sentences that makes a reasonable person wonder if this is someone you want watching your kid for 6 hours a day.

A reasonable person would look at that and wonder how this guy would handle a food fight in his cafeteria, as children are wont to do.
Just sayin...this thread is not about the incident.
It is about a man getting fired from his job for three sentences he made about an incident 4 states away.
It is beyond the usual PC Police. This is full on PC Naziism.

Three sentences that makes a reasonable person wonder if this is someone you want watching your kid for 6 hours a day.

A reasonable person would look at that and wonder how this guy would handle a food fight in his cafeteria, as children are wont to do.

Refer to Post# 13
You didn't get it the first time
Perfect example of the transformation of America where if you represent a particular class or race or political ideology you can get away with murder, but your opponents cannot do the slightest thing wrong in reaction.

This is why I'll never be a liberal.

They don't believe in right or wrong. Only whatever furthers their cause.

Get rid of all of the liberals in this country and most of our problems go away.

My life was perfectly fine when Bill Clinton was running things.

Your boy Bush messed them up.

Okay, now, the hyperventalating aside, people are fired all the time for saying things on social media.

And, yes, the scrutiny level IS higher for education professionals.

3. A Georgia teacher was called into the principal’s office in 2009 after a student’s parent complained of finding pictures of her drinking beer and wine on her Facebook page. School administration said the images “promoted alcohol use,” and the teacher was ultimately asked to choose between resignation or accepting a suspension. She chose to resign.

6. A county school bus driver in Georgia was fired in 2013 for posting about a hungry student passenger who claimed he didn’t have enough money to get lunch at school. “As a tax payer … I would rather feed a child than to give food stamps to a crack head,” the driver wrote. School board officials didn’t take the critique well, and in fact found no proof that the boy went without lunch. County school board policy stipulated that “disciplinary procedures” apply to employees who post on social networking sites and cause disruption to the instructional environment. The bus driver refused to recant and apologize, so he was fired.

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