Political fallout of the Texas pool party....

A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.
As usual you prove once again that the Constitution means nothing to you and you have no problem with crucifying those you disagree with or have done/said something YOU deem as inapropriate. Now if the principle had made the "statement" while on the job that's one thing but if he made the statement on his own time then he's 1st Amendment rights are (or should be) protected.
The ONLY reason he was let go was because he works in a "diverse" district, it's obvious to anyone that PCness is behind the move to "fire" him. As for you "opinion" as usual it's akin to you being an ignorant ass. Oh my mistake, having an ass.........
I can't decide which is worse the far right's brand of fascism or yours. Nah, it's an easy decision, their both heinous.

Dude....the guy was not crucified.

He want arrested. He wasn't fined by a judge.

He actually wasn't fired.
He's not being crucified??!! What's happening here on this forum by some right this minute?
We don't live in America anymore.....

A Florida high school principal, who defended the Texas police officer at the center of that infamous pool melee, has become the latest victim of radical speech police hell-bent on trying to silence public discourse.

Alberto Iber lost his job as the principal at North Miami Senior High School after he wrote a comment about the McKinney, Texas incident on the Miami Herald’s website.

He did nothing wrong Florida principal ousted after defending Texas cop Fox News
The Internet and cell phones are allowing these minor incidents to become equal to the crucifixion of Jesus. A heyday for morons seeking jussis and peafs...
THEY'RE DESTROYING PEOPLE FOR HAVING A OPINION THEY DON'T LIKE. These young thugs were not invited and the owners had every right to call the police.

Why shouldn't they???

Just sayin...this thread is not about the incident.
It is about a man getting fired from his job for three sentences he made about an incident 4 states away.
It is beyond the usual PC Police. This is full on PC Naziism.
Have you seen what's happening to Seinfeld? The left is shredding for saying America is too PC. This country has gone crazy.
"We don't live in America anymore....."

Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

The problem is with those on the right who seek to contrive the incident into a 'political issue.'
No the problem is the left has ruined this country by turning everyone into a victim
We don't live in America anymore.....

A Florida high school principal, who defended the Texas police officer at the center of that infamous pool melee, has become the latest victim of radical speech police hell-bent on trying to silence public discourse.

Alberto Iber lost his job as the principal at North Miami Senior High School after he wrote a comment about the McKinney, Texas incident on the Miami Herald’s website.

He did nothing wrong Florida principal ousted after defending Texas cop Fox News
The Internet and cell phones are allowing these minor incidents to become equal to the crucifixion of Jesus. A heyday for morons seeking jussis and peafs...
Interesting the hyperbole.
Where is the video of this cop at the (reported) two suicide incidents he had responded to just prior to the holocaust at the pool?
We don't live in America anymore.....

A Florida high school principal, who defended the Texas police officer at the center of that infamous pool melee, has become the latest victim of radical speech police hell-bent on trying to silence public discourse.

Alberto Iber lost his job as the principal at North Miami Senior High School after he wrote a comment about the McKinney, Texas incident on the Miami Herald’s website.

He did nothing wrong Florida principal ousted after defending Texas cop Fox News
The Internet and cell phones are allowing these minor incidents to become equal to the crucifixion of Jesus. A heyday for morons seeking jussis and peafs...
Interesting the hyperbole.
There is proof of the pool atrocity....
"We don't live in America anymore....."

Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

The problem is with those on the right who seek to contrive the incident into a 'political issue.'
No the problem is the left has ruined this country by turning everyone into a victim
And this principal isn't being turned into a victim on this thread by..............................the Right?

That's where we are, gang. Watch what you say or you'll be destroyed.

Unacceptable opinions will bring consequences.

This is really happening.


Yes, if you say something that makes people question your ability to do your job, you will be fired if your employer hears about it.

I worked with a lady who posted her resume on Craig's list, where she said something about the company that was kind of benign. (That the company had been bought out and she didn't feel comfortable.) she was fired for it.

This principal is lucky that he has civil service protections (he's been reassigned), but frankly, if I were the parent of a 14 year old black girl and heard that her principal thought it was okay for the police to brutalize black children (something even the police themselves admit was wrong), I'd have serious questions about the suitability of that person to watch over my child.

She wasn't brutalized. Frankly, the principal has the right to voice his opinion. I would expect him to sue the school and easily win his case.
THEY'RE DESTROYING PEOPLE FOR HAVING A OPINION THEY DON'T LIKE. These young thugs were not invited and the owners had every right to call the police.

Why shouldn't they???

Just sayin...this thread is not about the incident.
It is about a man getting fired from his job for three sentences he made about an incident 4 states away.
It is beyond the usual PC Police. This is full on PC Naziism.
Have you seen what's happening to Seinfeld? The left is shredding for saying America is too PC. This country has gone crazy.
There have been other instances of intimidation around the world over the years, but this is different. That was government.

This is people exercising their rights to destroy those who dare to say something they don't like. They're using our own freedoms against us.

I suppose there has always been a tacit trust among Americans that we wouldn't do that to each other. Not any more.

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THEY'RE DESTROYING PEOPLE FOR HAVING A OPINION THEY DON'T LIKE. These young thugs were not invited and the owners had every right to call the police.

Why shouldn't they???

Just sayin...this thread is not about the incident.
It is about a man getting fired from his job for three sentences he made about an incident 4 states away.
It is beyond the usual PC Police. This is full on PC Naziism.
Have you seen what's happening to Seinfeld? The left is shredding for saying America is too PC. This country has gone crazy.
There have been other instances of intimidation around the world over the years, but this is different. That was government.

This is people exercising their rights to destroy those who dare to say something they don't like. They're using our own freedoms against us.

I suppose there has always been a tacit trust that we wouldn't do that to each other. Not any more.


Agreed. This is a two edged sword and when that sword is turned back against those people who destroy lives because they don't like what they hear, normalcy will have to follow.
dimocraps are the scum of the earth, people.

Not just the elected scum of the earth.

I've been telling you all along...... It's the whole system. The politician scum, the LSM scum, the bureaucratic scum, the apparatchik scum and whether you choose to believe it or not -- the scum that vote for them.

When are you going to figure it out? When it's too late?

We're almost there, people. We're almost there

You don't have to like Republicans....... All I ask is that you recognize the truth of what I've been saying in here from day 1

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


all of them
"We don't live in America anymore....."

Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

The problem is with those on the right who seek to contrive the incident into a 'political issue.'
No the problem is the left has ruined this country by turning everyone into a victim
And this principal isn't being turned into a victim on this thread by..............................the Right?

No, he's being turned into a victim by those who are attacking and harming him.

YOu do realize there is a difference between someone who suffers a real injury, and the victims you lefties love to celebrate, right?
We don't live in America anymore.....

A Florida high school principal, who defended the Texas police officer at the center of that infamous pool melee, has become the latest victim of radical speech police hell-bent on trying to silence public discourse.

Alberto Iber lost his job as the principal at North Miami Senior High School after he wrote a comment about the McKinney, Texas incident on the Miami Herald’s website.

He did nothing wrong Florida principal ousted after defending Texas cop Fox News
The Internet and cell phones are allowing these minor incidents to become equal to the crucifixion of Jesus. A heyday for morons seeking jussis and peafs...
Interesting the hyperbole.
There is proof of the pool atrocity....
"Pool atrocity"...more hyperbole
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

She wasn't brutalized and anyway, here's a thought, when the cops tell you to do something, do it. She got what she deserved.
A guy who thinks it's okay for a policeman to brutalize a nearly naked 14 year old girl is probably not someone anyone would want looking over their children.

Not seeing a problem here.

She wasn't brutalized and anyway, here's a thought, when the cops tell you to do something, do it. She got what she deserved.
Isn't it interesting how the OTHER cops were able to talk to the kids without chaos? Isn't it interesting how one of the OTHER cops took the girl's handcuffs off and she wasn't out of control? Isn't it interesting how the Chief of Police said this guy was out of control?
THEY'RE DESTROYING PEOPLE FOR HAVING A OPINION THEY DON'T LIKE. These young thugs were not invited and the owners had every right to call the police.

Why shouldn't they???

Funny when the black girl spoke out of turn you fuckers said slamming her around was fine.

This person spoke out of turn and you fuckers say leave her alone.

Then claim the "left" (whoever that is) wants to stop free speech. You cant make this shit up

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