Political Correctness is Retarded


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
So my wife has this movie on about Mary Queen of Scots. Since this is an American site, and y'all barely know the history of your own country, Mary Queen of Scots was Queen of Scotland in the 16th century.

Anyways, we're watching this movie, and in the movie, there is a member of the Scottish court who is black.

As everyone downstairs knows, I am black. I am also of Scottish heritage. And there were NO FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE IN SCOTLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!@@!!@!@@!!!#2212!!!!

Liberals suck.
So my wife has this movie on about Mary Queen of Scots. Since this is an American site, and y'all barely know the history of your own country, Mary Queen of Scots was Queen of Scotland in the 16th century.

Anyways, we're watching this movie, and in the movie, there is a member of the Scottish court who is black.

As everyone downstairs knows, I am black. I am also of Scottish heritage. And there were NO FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE IN SCOTLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!@@!!@!@@!!!#2212!!!!

Liberals suck.
Actually, you just verified our belief that you're retarded...
The National Archives | Exhibitions & Learning online | Black presence | Early times
So my wife has this movie on about Mary Queen of Scots. Since this is an American site, and y'all barely know the history of your own country, Mary Queen of Scots was Queen of Scotland in the 16th century.

Anyways, we're watching this movie, and in the movie, there is a member of the Scottish court who is black.

As everyone downstairs knows, I am black. I am also of Scottish heritage. And there were NO FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE IN SCOTLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!@@!!@!@@!!!#2212!!!!

Liberals suck.

I watched Reign damn it!

( It was a CW show about Queen Mary of Scots )

You know when it has gone amuck is when they portray Queen Mary with a Latina actress until then leave political correctness alone!
King James IV of Scotland had many black Moors that were present in his Court.....

I had completely forgotten about that.

Thank you for reminding me of that historical fact.
Every historical movie is bound to contain a few anachronisms...

So my wife has this movie on about Mary Queen of Scots. Since this is an American site, and y'all barely know the history of your own country, Mary Queen of Scots was Queen of Scotland in the 16th century.

Anyways, we're watching this movie, and in the movie, there is a member of the Scottish court who is black.

As everyone downstairs knows, I am black. I am also of Scottish heritage. And there were NO FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE IN SCOTLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!@@!!@!@@!!!#2212!!!!

Liberals suck.

I couldn't watch it. You have to be able to suspend disbelief to become absorbed in a movie. Will they remake Shaka Zulu and make the opposing tribe white? Or Asian?
So my wife has this movie on about Mary Queen of Scots. Since this is an American site, and y'all barely know the history of your own country, Mary Queen of Scots was Queen of Scotland in the 16th century.

Anyways, we're watching this movie, and in the movie, there is a member of the Scottish court who is black.

As everyone downstairs knows, I am black. I am also of Scottish heritage. And there were NO FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE IN SCOTLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!@@!!@!@@!!!#2212!!!!

Liberals suck.

I couldn't watch it. You have to be able to suspend disbelief to become absorbed in a movie. Will they remake Shaka Zulu and make the opposing tribe white? Or Asian?

When they made "Zulu" in 1964, they portrayed the real character of Colour Sergeant Bourne as an older gentleman, played excellently by English actor Nigel Green.

In fact, Frank Bourne, at age 24,was the youngest NCO to obtain the rank of Colour Sergeant in the history of the British Army. It earned him the nickname, 'The Kid'.

I find that error to be quite disturbing.

Political Correctness is a bunch of crybaby, butthurt/pussyhurt miserable anti-free-speech prissiness disguised as good manners. It is also the most joyless, humorless state of mind in which a person can possibly exist.
So my wife has this movie on about Mary Queen of Scots. Since this is an American site, and y'all barely know the history of your own country, Mary Queen of Scots was Queen of Scotland in the 16th century.

Anyways, we're watching this movie, and in the movie, there is a member of the Scottish court who is black.

As everyone downstairs knows, I am black. I am also of Scottish heritage. And there were NO FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE IN SCOTLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!@@!!@!@@!!!#2212!!!!

Liberals suck.

Reminds me of the upcoming nextflix adaptation of the Witcher novels which are medieval sword and sorcery fantasies with an eastern european flair where all the characters are white. The casting is extremely "diverse" which is to say almost no white people. Same deal with the upcoming Wheel of Time adaptation where the inhabitants of a little mountain village whos ancestry dates back a thousand years consists of a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds as if that makes any sense whatsoever.

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