Political Compass Test ~ Where Is YOUR Head At?


Ariel Looney
May 22, 2010
south Texas
The Political Compass - Test

The post about the way USMB "leans" made me have to stop and think about where I actually fall in the Political Spectrum, since I seem to embrace facets of ALL of the parties,

and I thought it would be interesting to see just where we all fall on this,

SO, if a Mod could figure out how to label the choices in a poll for this, I'd sure appreciate it!

Take the test, then come back and select the answer that best describes your results!

I'm so close to smack daub in the middle, it's almost spooky...

Economic Left/Right: -0.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.97

Oh, I assign no major VALIDITY to it, I'm just wEndering how any of us fare on it.

But, I can respect that you might now want to do it, AGAIN! :lol:

It's weird to me, because even though some of my viewpoints have changed, I STILL keep ending up at the center...
I've come to loathe this silly test.

I outright reject the premise of several of the questions and a few of them are so vague I don't know what to think about them.

You just don't want everyone to know that you scored north of Stalin & Hilter...:eusa_drool:

I'm in Ghandi land....:eek:
Economic Left/Right: -7.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.54


Hadn't done it in a while, still in the same place.
Economic Left/Right: -6.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.62

Damn near Nelson Mandela, actually. Kinda surprising to me. I did something similar to this in college and it appears I've moved farther left since then; Not what I expected.

Now the question is, where does Nader fall on this thing?

[edit] It is kinda silly though. One has to wonder how often they're really answering the question, and how often people just give the answer they believe they're "Supposed" to give.
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Completely meaningless, but funny


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I've come to loathe this silly test.

I outright reject the premise of several of the questions and a few of them are so vague I don't know what to think about them.

You just don't want everyone to know that you scored north of Stalin & Hilter...:eusa_drool:

I'm in Ghandi land....:eek:
Actually, I've consistently scored a couple clicks south of Milton Friedman, on the several times I've played along with the goofy questions.
When I said almost slap daub in the middle?


Looks like I'm a semi-left leaning,


No likeee...
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I've come to loathe this silly test.

I outright reject the premise of several of the questions and a few of them are so vague I don't know what to think about them.

I agree. If anyone needs a test to tell them what kind of views they have, they shouldn't be voting.
When I said almost slap daub in the middle?


Looks like I'm a semi-left leaning,


No likeee...

Many people are liberal and don't realize it... Realizing it is the first step to tracking down the lies that convinced you that you were anything but. The more such people we can reach, the less we'll have marching to the polls and marching against their own, and the country's, best interests in every election.
Excuse me?

Not "what kind of views" ~ you have to know what you think to take the test...

For me, it's that I'm just not so sure, anymore, of where I fall in the spectrum. I would have said Right, but that doesn't appear to be the case,

BASED upon my views.
The same morons who say shit like that are the ones who call themselves 'libertarians' because that's what the internets or the talking heads told them to call themselves.

They're morons with inferiority complexes.

Familiarizing yourself with various schools of thought and noting common ground and also differences is what intelligent people do. People who don't know what the terms mean are the ones who think Maxine Waters is a Liberal (her expressed views more closely resemble democratic socialism or some other form of totalitarian socialism) and go on about he evil 'teh libruls' are while claiming the FF were actually conservatives despite their fondness of Locke and the fact that the conservatives were actually called Tories.
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The same morons who say shit like that are the ones who call themselves 'libertarians' because that's what the internets or the talking heads told them to call themselves.

They're morons with inferiority complexes.

Familiarizing yourself with various schools of thought and noting common ground and also differences is what intelligent people do. People who don't know what the terms mean are the ones who think Maxine Waters is a Liberal (her expressed views more closely resemble democratic socialism or some other form of totalitarian socialism) and go on about he evil 'teh libruls' are while claiming the FF were actually conservatives despite their fondness of Locke and the fact that the conservatives were actually called Tories.

Not sure if you're calling me a moron or not here, but I happen to agree with at least some of that.

Many people out in the wild don't really understand the ideologies at all, even [and perhaps "especially"] those who consider themselves politically active. They treat politics in the US like a sporting event; Pick a side, memorize talking points, and commence to discuss with others who have done the same thing. The key to a test such as this one is to ask questions that might not be in the person's playbook. I wasn't terribly impressed by this particular test. Like I remarked earlier, for a lot of the questions asked, particularly in a politically active venue such as USMB, the people taking the test already know how they're "Supposed" to answer (and perhaps only subconsciously).
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