Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

How come progressive policies keep being the most successful and popular policies in US history??

You're a complete liar.

NO ONE LIKES RACE RIOTS, you dumbass little fucktard.

Can you name a Conservative policy that is more popular than Medicare, Social Security, Civil Rights, hell, something as simple as 8-day work weeks and overtime pay is more popular than anything Conservatives are running on now....

You think forcing rape victims to have their rapist babies is popular with most of the country?

You think passing laws to discriminate against gay/trans people is popular with most of the country??

How about whining about Big Bird or Disney cartoons -- is that a popular conservative policy??

Matter of fact, how come most of the conservative policies address made up grievances instead of real economic issues??
You're so full of shit it's oozing out your fingers
How come progressive policies keep being the most successful and popular policies in US history??

Can you name a Conservative policy that is more popular than Medicare, Social Security, Civil Rights, hell, something as simple as 8-day work weeks and overtime pay is more popular than anything Conservatives are running on now....

You think forcing rape victims to have their rapist babies is popular with most of the country?

You think passing laws to discriminate against gay/trans people is popular with most of the country??

How about whining about Big Bird or Disney cartoons -- is that a popular conservative policy??

Matter of fact, how come most of the conservative policies address made up grievances instead of real economic issues??
I’ll take lower taxes for 1000 Alex
This is what the left has become. If you don't follow us in lockstep you should be locked up.

Former FOX News correspondent Carl Cameron to MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday: "It really is kind of horrible to think that journalists with national and international capacity are putting together this type of nonsense. I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner, and we need a lot more from the left and the middle, and we got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail."

Rent A Center is calling. Pay up or you'll be sitting on the floor staring at your four walls, genius.
Let's be honest if a Muslim went on TV and told everyone that Christians are Pedophiles who want to rape your children. They would want him shot.
But they see nothing about them saying it about Democrats...
Stalin used to love calling things like the free media the "enemy of the people". Trump stole that from him you know. You know, a commy?
Wrong. Trump merely called it squarely. Our liberal main stream media lost track of what their jobs are supposed to be. They have chosen to become purveyors of left wing propaganda and they feel perfectly ok with dispensing with the truth to do that sordid task. Trump called them FAKE News because that’s exactly what they chose to be. But he didn’t call them the enemy of the people. They are largely just the enemy of truth. Like you.
Wrong. Trump merely called it squarely. Our liberal main stream media lost track of what their jobs are supposed to be. They have chosen to become purveyors of left wing propaganda and they feel perfectly ok with dispensing with the truth to do that sordid task. Trump called them FAKE News because that’s exactly what they chose to be. But he didn’t call them the enemy of the people. They are largely just the enemy of truth. Like you.
Trump hates the media other then his asseaters on Fox, OAN, NEWSMAX & a few others because he's an idiot & an asshole who hates anyone who questions the Supreme Leader's authority.

Trump hates anyone who doesn't kiss his ass.
Trump hates the media other then his asseaters on Fox, OAN, NEWSMAX & a few others because he's an idiot & an asshole who hates anyone who questions the Supreme Leader's authority.

Trump hates anyone who doesn't kiss his ass.
Neither does BO, Biden or the Hildebeast. And the left wing assholes over at MSDNC, CNN etc go after anyone who disagrees with them. So take long walk off a short bridge.
Mayors that are Progs and Mayors that are Democrats. If they shut down their cities like we saw and se they are Progs. If they see financial problems in the budgets and they need to make tough choices including the city workers then they are Democrats. Too many of them did the same thing with Covid.

We should buy tickets to any deplorables in our cities to take any greyhound bus to any of your big major beautiful metropolis'.

Can you name a few?
Neither does BO, Biden or the Hildebeast. And the left wing assholes over at MSDNC, CNN etc go after anyone who disagrees with them. So take long walk off a short bridge.
We aren't calling you pedo's and commies. We actually like a 2 party system. You want one party rule. You want an authoritarian leader like Trump who's above the laws. You rig elections. You want big government legislating what we do in the bedroom and doctors office. SCUM
We aren't calling you pedo's and commies. We actually like a 2 party system. You want one party rule. You want an authoritarian leader like Trump who's above the laws. You rig elections. You want big government legislating what we do in the bedroom and doctors office. SCUM
You really should lay off mind altering substances.
Trump hates the media other then his asseaters on Fox, OAN, NEWSMAX & a few others because he's an idiot & an asshole who hates anyone who questions the Supreme Leader's authority.

Trump hates anyone who doesn't kiss his ass.
I don’t care about your opinions. The issue is whether or not the liberally biased main stream media has been busy for many years acting as the DEM Party mouthpiece to the extent of sharing pure crap as though it were “news.”

Try sticking to the topic.
The next Ice Age. Thank you for your clarifying question.

The next ice age never came? I wonder why?

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You're welcome.

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