Police tell Detroiters to buy guns

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Police tell Detroiters to buy guns
City police chief has encouraged residents to arm themselves as stark racial disparities in ‘shoot first’ laws become clear
Detroit police chief James Craig – nicknamed “Hollywood” for his years spent in the LAPD and his seeming love of being in front of the camera – has repeatedly called on “good” and “law-abiding” Detroiters to arm themselves against criminals in the city.

Police tell Detroiters to buy guns in city riven by race issues and crime | Money | theguardian.com

Oh, and look:
Detroit police chief: ‘No question in my mind’ legal gun ownership deters crime
Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies than it did last year, and Police Chief James Craig is crediting armed citizens for the drop.

“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said Chief Craig, who has been an open advocate for private gun ownership, the Detroit News reported. “I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.

“I can’t say what specific percentage is caused by this, but there’s no question in my mind it has had an effect,” he added.
Detroit police chief: 'No question in my mind' legal gun ownership deters crime - Washington Times

How is this possible?
More guns = more crime, right?
I thought we didn't need guns to protect ourselves, that we have the police for that...?

I coulda sworn I've heard a couple people claim that "Guns are banned" in Detroit, and that's why it's such a shithole...

MI gun laws. Note the pre-emptionof local laws.

Subject/LawLong GunsHandgunsRelevant StatutesNotes
Permit to purchase required?NoYesMCL 28.422*Permit required for purchase from an individual if, not processed through a FFL dealer.
Firearm registration?NoYesMCL 28.422]Handguns must be registered with the city chief of police or county sheriff.
Owner license required?NoNo
Carry permits issued?NoYesMCL 28.452bMichigan is a "shall issue" state for concealed carry.
Open carry permitted?YesYesOpen carry is generally permitted. Open carry in a vehicle is permitted only with a concealed carry license.
State preemption of local restrictions?YesYesLocal governments may restrict the discharge of firearms.
"Assault weapon" law?NoNo
Magazine Capacity Restriction?NoNo
NFA weapons restricted?YesNoShort barreled shotguns, short barreled rifles, automatic weapons, AOW's, and silencers/suppressors are allowed if in compliance with federal law.
When the police tell good 'ol boys and girls to arm themselves, it is suddenly all right.

It was alright even before the 2nd amendment stated the that the right to keep and bear arms was inalienable and not to be infringed...it is the anti-gunners who keep getting it wrong...and preventing innocent people from defending themselves from violent criminals...
MI gun laws. Note the pre-emptionof local laws.

Subject/LawLong GunsHandgunsRelevant StatutesNotes
Permit to purchase required?NoYesMCL 28.422*Permit required for purchase from an individual if, not processed through a FFL dealer.
Firearm registration?NoYesMCL 28.422]Handguns must be registered with the city chief of police or county sheriff.
Owner license required?NoNo
Carry permits issued?NoYesMCL 28.452bMichigan is a "shall issue" state for concealed carry.
Open carry permitted?YesYesOpen carry is generally permitted. Open carry in a vehicle is permitted only with a concealed carry license.
State preemption of local restrictions?YesYesLocal governments may restrict the discharge of firearms.
"Assault weapon" law?NoNo
Magazine Capacity Restriction?NoNo
NFA weapons restricted?YesNoShort barreled shotguns, short barreled rifles, automatic weapons, AOW's, and silencers/suppressors are allowed if in compliance with federal law.

Do you have any evidence that the city of Detroit actually has any laws that pre-empt the State laws?
If "legal guns" deter crime, why do the cities with the highest murder rates have minimal gun control laws?

Actually, I debunked that in several threads...the actual common quality to the most violent cities in America is having decades of democrat mayors...Business Insider listed the 25 most violent cities in the United States, the only one that hasn't had democrats for mayor...Cleveland...and that goes back and forth...the rest...democrats have been in charge for decades, imposing their anti-law enforcement, big tax, big spending policies and creating generations of children raising children on government welfare with no adult male role models except criminals and gang members...

So that meme doesn't work...

Besides...guns at the most basic level stop violent crime close to if not more than 350,000 times a year...that is violent crimes stopped and lives saved...even the anti gun researcher Hemmenway says they prevent at least 100,000 violent crimes a year...and his estimate is way too low...
Here is the list of the 25 most violent cities in the United States for 2012...I looked into all the mayors and except for Cleveland, and one other city run by a council...(majority of council members were democrats) they all had democrat mayors for decades...

This also impacts the most violent states...the gun grabbers claimed that the states with the most lax gun laws, red states, were the most violent...however...again...major cities in these states were run by democrats...for example...Tennessee...red state...has six of its biggest cities, including Memphis, run by democrat mayors...and Memphis was on the list for one of the most violent cities...
New Orleans, Detroit and St. Louis...run by Democrats for decades...
So what's your point, then?

I don't think crime is dependent upon gun control laws. Criminals are going to commit crimes regardless of gun laws, hence why we refer to them as "criminals."

You would be extremely silly not to have some sort of weapons for self defense if you live in a bad section of ANY city. The police will never get there in time to "save" you. They will show up after the fact, so why is it a problem for law-abiding citizens to practice their 2nd amendment rights again?

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