Police State: Psssshh........yeah right


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I see some dude named "Dissent" has a streak of "police state" threads remaining, so I'm sure my rebuttal will be allowed.

Well, all the Ron Paul junior anarchists have joined the cop-hater crowd. No surprise there.

What is a surprise is just how fucking stupid they are when talking about a "police state". They have no damn clue.

For one, 99% of the anti-coppers have absolutely NO CLUE about the realities of law enforcement and what it takes to keep 300,000,000 very diverse, very opinionated, very emotional....and heavily armed....people in a state of stable civility. Sure, pockets of crime and isolated incidents. But we dont have entire cities like Juarez, Mexico, or Kabul, Afghanistan. Our society has violence...but within reason. For the most part, our society is very stable, and outside of internet forums, mostly civil. These cop haters also have likely never as much as done one ride-a-long, much less picked up a gun and badge and worked a shift. You know....money where their mouth is...be the change from within....show us how they would police the city.


Of course, sadly I must always put in the mandatory disclaimer: Yes, there are some bad apple cops out there. Hope they get fired and/or prosecuted. Statistics show most bad apples, as small a percentage as they are, get weeded out within 5 years of swearing in. And, yes, sometimes horrible mistakes happen. Like the swat team who was provided the wrong address by an informant, or some rookie panics and shoots the family dog. Also tragic, and unfortunately, part of a force that is comprised of...well, people from our general population, NONE of whom are perfect, so obviously a perfect force will never exist.


Exactly what are the horrors of the "police state" USA??? That COPS do. Not politicians, but the street level cops. A traffic ticket...which will probably get reduced or dropped if the driver is polite, comes to court, and simply asks for leniancy. A cop who is rude verbally? A little too rough in a fight?

Oh, the horrors.

How about Southwest Asian cops...like Afghanistan...blowing up markets and murdering mass numbers of US troops?

Or how about Mexican cops, kidnapping and beheading hundreds of people every year on behalf of the drug cartels...who they have more loyalty to than their department.

Or how about the Chinese cops? Shoplift....and you may never be seen again.

Russian cops? HAHAHA!!! Yeah, call one a pig and video tape him. You wont leave the hospital before the current season changes.

You idiot "dissent"ers will one day realize you have it pretty good. That for 300,000,000 people who are heavily armed, drugged, mostly free, and emotionally short-fused....our cops are mostly doing a pretty darn good job.

But then again.......maybe they wont realize that. Because they'll always live in their parent's suburban home, safe, without much of a personal danger to their day to day lives, safely driving to the internet cafe (mostly absent of DUI drivers) and type away about the "police state" they live in. They'll gather outside some local bar and get drunk and/or high (mostly safely), and have no fear of being kidnapped or beheaded or robbed (like on some other world streets) and bitch about how the "pig" across the street is worthless.

Yep. They'll likely live such a safe life in such a bubble of comfort....that they'll never know how good they have it, or how lucky they are that they have "pigs" and the military to help keep that bubble closed to truly dangerous people throughout the world.
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Bucs, I agree, I'm pro cop most of the time, in fact I think they were justified in beating the shit out of Rodney King, a guy that drives 100+ miles an hour on a city interstate and then lunges at the cops after they stop him.....he needs an ass kicking.

The one major thing I dont like, is again the union, since it protects corrupt cops....that's gotta stop.
Bucs, I agree, I'm pro cop most of the time, in fact I think they were justified in beating the shit out of Rodney King, a guy that drives 100+ miles an hour on a city interstate and then lunges at the cops after they stop him.....he needs an ass kicking.

The one major thing I dont like, is again the union, since it protects corrupt cops....that's gotta stop.

I agree, not with King, but the no union thing. I'm almost overly pro-cop. Hell, I'm voting Democrat this year just because some GOP politicians have made some bad calls on police matters lately.

BUT...even with that, I'm not for police unions. They DO protect bad cops. And....its true, they bloat salaries/pensions to levels that are far too high for cops. Sounds funny coming from me...but I would have NEVER wanted my backup to be a guy doing it for the money. A solid paycheck, yes. But starting pay in Seattle for experienced cops is almost 80,000 a year. Thats a bit ridiculous.
Shadap and fall in line with the statists...Just embrace your inner authoritarian.

You'd be much more respected than posers like Fake Malarkey.

HA!! If you actually knew any cops....like, as good friends, or actually WORKED as one.......you'd know that 90% of cops despise powerful politicians even more than you do. You all only see the publicly available shitty side of the mayors, governors, etc. NO cops would want "authoritarianism" where the politicians had even more power.

Thankfully, we aren't under that system. Cops have descretion. Meaning they have the power to tell a politician "Fuck off, I will not enforce that law". And in reality, they can't really do much to them for it. No court martial. Mabye a suspension. But the power TRULY lays with the hundreds of thousands of cops who can choose, or not, to enforce the laws our dumbass politicians pass.
Shadap and fall in line with the statists...Just embrace your inner authoritarian.

You'd be much more respected than posers like Fake Malarkey.

LOL, yeah , I hear ya....I dont see him on much lately, he tried to nail me in another thread...it's commical....

But I do cut the police alot of slack, because they have dangerous jobs and have to catch people and then all the work they do can be overturned by a technicality or just stupid judges and juries (*cough* OJ *cough*). And if they do get convicted they're sent to prisons with xbox, tv, conjugal visits, wtf?????
Shadap and fall in line with the statists...Just embrace your inner authoritarian.

You'd be much more respected than posers like Fake Malarkey.

HA!! If you actually knew any cops....like, as good friends, or actually WORKED as one.......you'd know that 90% of cops despise powerful politicians even more than you do. You all only see the publicly available shitty side of the mayors, governors, etc. NO cops would want "authoritarianism" where the politicians had even more power.

Thankfully, we aren't under that system. Cops have descretion. Meaning they have the power to tell a politician "Fuck off, I will not enforce that law". And in reality, they can't really do much to them for it. No court martial. Mabye a suspension. But the power TRULY lays with the hundreds of thousands of cops who can choose, or not, to enforce the laws our dumbass politicians pass.
What say in the matter did the Waco cops have when the federal troops rolled in?
Dissent and his Ron Paul cronies are just a bunch of immature assholes trapped in the 60's, despite being born with a silver spoon in their mouth during the 90's.

They think it's "cool" to be the rebel with the fuck-the-police attitude, maaaaaan.

How immature do you have to be to root for Obama -who represents everything you claim to be dead set against - over Romney who is clearly the closest thing to your values that is available?

They won't bend to the GOP, maaaaan. Or the PIGS, maaaaan....
Bucs, I agree, I'm pro cop most of the time, in fact I think they were justified in beating the shit out of Rodney King, a guy that drives 100+ miles an hour on a city interstate and then lunges at the cops after they stop him.....he needs an ass kicking.

The one major thing I dont like, is again the union, since it protects corrupt cops....that's gotta stop.

I agree, not with King, but the no union thing. I'm almost overly pro-cop. Hell, I'm voting Democrat this year just because some GOP politicians have made some bad calls on police matters lately.

BUT...even with that, I'm not for police unions. They DO protect bad cops. And....its true, they bloat salaries/pensions to levels that are far too high for cops. Sounds funny coming from me...but I would have NEVER wanted my backup to be a guy doing it for the money. A solid paycheck, yes. But starting pay in Seattle for experienced cops is almost 80,000 a year. Thats a bit ridiculous.

Well I understand that, I'm ok with cops getting paid, military, police, fire and those kinds of folks I dont mind making bank......the problem is retarded politicians wont fire some staffers (ie friends) that are useless and reduce a lot of waste. They use cops to blackmale voters and guilt them into tax increases, and if you have a republican mayor doing that, I'd vote his ass out too.
Shadap and fall in line with the statists...Just embrace your inner authoritarian.

You'd be much more respected than posers like Fake Malarkey.

HA!! If you actually knew any cops....like, as good friends, or actually WORKED as one.......you'd know that 90% of cops despise powerful politicians even more than you do. You all only see the publicly available shitty side of the mayors, governors, etc. NO cops would want "authoritarianism" where the politicians had even more power.

Thankfully, we aren't under that system. Cops have descretion. Meaning they have the power to tell a politician "Fuck off, I will not enforce that law". And in reality, they can't really do much to them for it. No court martial. Mabye a suspension. But the power TRULY lays with the hundreds of thousands of cops who can choose, or not, to enforce the laws our dumbass politicians pass.
What say in the matter did the Waco cops have when the federal troops rolled in?

not a whole lot......when Mr..er Ms Reno showed up, they had notta....which is worrisome, then they went after Randy Weaver and others.
In my view the common element in the personality of this crowd is irrational fear, cynicism, and resentment for grievances imagined. That last one is why they accuse a man like Rudy Giuliani of being a traitor, while he brought law an order to Gotham.

They trust nothing to be what it appears to be which is driven by their cynicism, and their irrational fear goes to their lack of deep life experiences.

That's not all of them by any means, some are just driven by a need to feel important and having the right answers, as they determine them, and that "facade" provides what's actually missing in their lives, which is a meaningfully existence.
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Shadap and fall in line with the statists...Just embrace your inner authoritarian.

You'd be much more respected than posers like Fake Malarkey.

HA!! If you actually knew any cops....like, as good friends, or actually WORKED as one.......you'd know that 90% of cops despise powerful politicians even more than you do. You all only see the publicly available shitty side of the mayors, governors, etc. NO cops would want "authoritarianism" where the politicians had even more power.

Thankfully, we aren't under that system. Cops have descretion. Meaning they have the power to tell a politician "Fuck off, I will not enforce that law". And in reality, they can't really do much to them for it. No court martial. Mabye a suspension. But the power TRULY lays with the hundreds of thousands of cops who can choose, or not, to enforce the laws our dumbass politicians pass.
What say in the matter did the Waco cops have when the federal troops rolled in?

None. Unfortunately, fuck ups happen, and that was a HUGE one. But again...if you KNEW any cops well, you'd see 99% of the local/state cops view the Feds as a bunch of fuck ups with big egos anyway. And they're mostly right
In my view the common element in the personality of this crowd is irrational fear, cynicism, and resentment for grievances imagined. That last one is why they accuse a man like Rudy Giuliani of being a traitor, while he brought law an order to Gotham.

They trust nothing to be what it appears to be which is driven by their cynicism, and their irrational fear goes to their lack of deep life experiences.

That's not all of them by any means, some are just driven by a need to feel important and having the right answers, as they determine them, and that "facade" provides what's actually missing in their lives, which is a meaningfully existence.

They make me think that somewhere in their past....are really hot 18 year old HS or college girlfriend really broke their heart. Or.......they once thought the Hooters waitress REALLY liked them, no, seriously dude, she REALLY does!!!
Dissent and his Ron Paul cronies are just a bunch of immature assholes trapped in the 60's, despite being born with a silver spoon in their mouth during the 90's.

They think it's "cool" to be the rebel with the fuck-the-police attitude, maaaaaan.

How immature do you have to be to root for Obama -who represents everything you claim to be dead set against - over Romney who is clearly the closest thing to your values that is available?

They won't bend to the GOP, maaaaan. Or the PIGS, maaaaan....

I thought long and hard about just that. Made a new thread to say it. But I will not be voting for Obama or Democrats after all.

I'm not voting, period. Not this year.
HA!! If you actually knew any cops....like, as good friends, or actually WORKED as one.......you'd know that 90% of cops despise powerful politicians even more than you do. You all only see the publicly available shitty side of the mayors, governors, etc. NO cops would want "authoritarianism" where the politicians had even more power.

Thankfully, we aren't under that system. Cops have descretion. Meaning they have the power to tell a politician "Fuck off, I will not enforce that law". And in reality, they can't really do much to them for it. No court martial. Mabye a suspension. But the power TRULY lays with the hundreds of thousands of cops who can choose, or not, to enforce the laws our dumbass politicians pass.
What say in the matter did the Waco cops have when the federal troops rolled in?

None. Unfortunately, fuck ups happen, and that was a HUGE one. But again...if you KNEW any cops well, you'd see 99% of the local/state cops view the Feds as a bunch of fuck ups with big egos anyway. And they're mostly right
Whatever...You've already sold yourself out as an apologist for the man.

Sucks to be you.
What say in the matter did the Waco cops have when the federal troops rolled in?

None. Unfortunately, fuck ups happen, and that was a HUGE one. But again...if you KNEW any cops well, you'd see 99% of the local/state cops view the Feds as a bunch of fuck ups with big egos anyway. And they're mostly right
Whatever...You've already sold yourself out as an apologist for the man.

Sucks to be you.

So I suppose "the man" would mean police officers?

And I do know "ignorant" means not stupid, but merely uninformed, so you feel I'm uninformed in my support of police officers?

Hope I didn't overload your thought process with all that.
In my view the common element in the personality of this crowd is irrational fear, cynicism, and resentment for grievances imagined. That last one is why they accuse a man like Rudy Giuliani of being a traitor, while he brought law an order to Gotham.

They trust nothing to be what it appears to be which is driven by their cynicism, and their irrational fear goes to their lack of deep life experiences.

That's not all of them by any means, some are just driven by a need to feel important and having the right answers, as they determine them, and that "facade" provides what's actually missing in their lives, which is a meaningfully existence.

They make me think that somewhere in their past....are really hot 18 year old HS or college girlfriend really broke their heart. Or.......they once thought the Hooters waitress REALLY liked them, no, seriously dude, she REALLY does!!!
You just touched on it in very a basic way. If they can be honest, if asked they'd admit to feeling "lost" in the same way a Christian uses the word. They are looking, if not to be saved, then to be saviours.

They call those who are beyond the pale "sheeple" and they would be our shepherds, almost in the New Testament sense.

I will guess that if asked, very, very few of them are Christians, but the obverse is not true, that all or nearly all atheists or agnostics are of this "style of thinking; as most liberals are atheists/agnostics, but are not Conspiratorialists, but their politics is their religion substitute; I.E. - "doing good works"
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Good cops are great - bad cops are the worst. When they do wrong they should be made to pay much more than the citizen, but the opposite is the course predominately! The alliance between the police, and the way too powerful procecuters thwarts justice. Cops who don't use their turn signals really piss me off.
Good cops are great - bad cops are the worst. When they do wrong they should be made to pay much more than the citizen, but the opposite is the course predominately! The alliance between the police, and the way too powerful procecuters thwarts justice. Cops who don't use their turn signals really piss me off.

Haha, yeah, I hate when people dont use signals.

I will add though, in my time in a patrol car, I realized why SOME of those things happen.

My first 2 years I always wore my seatbelt. It was safer, and in most places "the law". Then one slow night, I turned a corner in one of our bad areas. A guy who was well known by patrol to have mental issues was standing right around the corner, and when I turned, he was right next to me and pulled a gun and pointed it at my car. It happened so fast I still dont remember if it was at me or just the car. But anyway.....I tried to GTF out of my car asap (death box if you dont), and nearly choked myself on my seatbelt. Thank God the batshit crazy dude ran and didn't shoot, but, that day on I never wore it. Got lots of citizen complaints about it, as many cops do on those seatbelts. Said we should "set the example" and wear it like they all have to. True. But others dont have to worry about being ambushed in their car like that. It happens.

But its interesting to find out the why behind the actions we sometimes see cops do.

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