Police State: New Jersey Bans Smiling In Driver's License Photos...

Eh. My state passed some annoying ass law making it hard to renew my license so I haven't gone and done so. 1. I don't feel like driving that far 2. I don't feel like wasting my money 3. I don't feel like standing in line and having to be told I have the wrong documents...I have had my damn license for 5 damn years I shouldn't have to bring in my ss card,bc and 2 proofs of residence...

Quit your damn complaining! Driving is a privilege, not a right. Well, that's what Big Brother says anyway. I'm shocked so many good People accept such degradations. What happened to Americans? When did they become such blindly loyal Goose Steppers?
Eh. My state passed some annoying ass law making it hard to renew my license so I haven't gone and done so. 1. I don't feel like driving that far 2. I don't feel like wasting my money 3. I don't feel like standing in line and having to be told I have the wrong documents...I have had my damn license for 5 damn years I shouldn't have to bring in my ss card,bc and 2 proofs of residence...

Quit your damn complaining! Driving is a privilege, not a right. Well, that's what Big Brother says anyway. I'm shocked so many good People accept such degradations. What happened to Americans? When did they become such blindly loyal Goose Steppers?

Driving has always been a privilege hence the licensing requirements.
Eh. My state passed some annoying ass law making it hard to renew my license so I haven't gone and done so. 1. I don't feel like driving that far 2. I don't feel like wasting my money 3. I don't feel like standing in line and having to be told I have the wrong documents...I have had my damn license for 5 damn years I shouldn't have to bring in my ss card,bc and 2 proofs of residence...

Why should you not have to prove you are who you say, and live where you say you do?

Gotta keep down dead people voting you know.

I live in Ga that's all they need to know if I lived somewhere else I would have changed my license over to that state. It used to be you could renew online but now I get to go sit in line at the dmv for hours on end so the state can make more money from me...no thanks.
Oh and I don't drive I travel. :) Traveling isn't covered under the laws of the road so...
Eh. My state passed some annoying ass law making it hard to renew my license so I haven't gone and done so. 1. I don't feel like driving that far 2. I don't feel like wasting my money 3. I don't feel like standing in line and having to be told I have the wrong documents...I have had my damn license for 5 damn years I shouldn't have to bring in my ss card,bc and 2 proofs of residence...

Quit your damn complaining! Driving is a privilege, not a right. Well, that's what Big Brother says anyway. I'm shocked so many good People accept such degradations. What happened to Americans? When did they become such blindly loyal Goose Steppers?

Driving has always been a privilege hence the licensing requirements.
Bullsht...Licensing is just another revenue raising shakedown.
The partiot act was passed under full Republican control.

And strengthened under Democrat control. The NDAA was passed under Democrat control. Still think there's a Two-Party System? In reality, it's a One-Party System. They both fully agree on taking Freedom & Liberty away from the Citizens.

The Repubs insisted on the passage of the NDAA against the President's veto threat. Lindsay Grahm (R) was the lead drum banger too if I recall correctly. I listened to the senate debate on CSpan as it was occurring.

Lindsey Graham is the Grand Poobah of the Neo-cons.
Bullsht...Licensing is just another revenue raising shakedown.

I don't agree with that at all. Do you want just anybody out there operating a two ton machine at 70 MPH? Drunk people, insane people, 95 year old people who can barely see, 14 year old kids? I sure don't.

And since the vast majority of roadways are public the government has the right to set the laws regarding who uses them.
This is an atrocity. We need more smiles in DL pictures to stimulate the economy and lower unemployment, not to mention eliminate the deficit and pay down the public debt.
Eh. My state passed some annoying ass law making it hard to renew my license so I haven't gone and done so. 1. I don't feel like driving that far 2. I don't feel like wasting my money 3. I don't feel like standing in line and having to be told I have the wrong documents...I have had my damn license for 5 damn years I shouldn't have to bring in my ss card,bc and 2 proofs of residence...

Quit your damn complaining! Driving is a privilege, not a right. Well, that's what Big Brother says anyway. I'm shocked so many good People accept such degradations. What happened to Americans? When did they become such blindly loyal Goose Steppers?

Driving has always been a privilege hence the licensing requirements.

It's not a privilege. That's Big Brother nonsense. Driving on roads we the Taxpayers bought & paid for is not merely a 'privilege.' They're our roads, not the Government's. Big Brother isn't doing us some big favor by allowing us to drive on them. We don't have to grovel to Government and thank them for a 'privilege' that isn't a privilege.

Unfortunately, most Americans have been conditioned to accept all Big Brother absurdities. I really do hope one day most will wake up and realize they don't have to grovel and worship Big Brother. Government actually works for us, it's not the other way around. It's time for Americans to rediscover and embrace that fact.
One day, smiling in Public may be banned. Don't laugh either, anything is possible when it comes to Big Brother. But hey, it's all for the childen and your own good.
Bullsht...Licensing is just another revenue raising shakedown.

I don't agree with that at all. Do you want just anybody out there operating a two ton machine at 70 MPH? Drunk people, insane people, 95 year old people who can barely see, 14 year old kids? I sure don't.

And since the vast majority of roadways are public the government has the right to set the laws regarding who uses them.
How does licensing stop anyone from operating any vehicle, any more so than laws against smoking pot keep people from smoking pot?

Regardless, licensing is still a big revenue shakedown.
This is an atrocity. We need more smiles in DL pictures to stimulate the economy and lower unemployment, not to mention eliminate the deficit and pay down the public debt.

Yes, in the grand scheme of things this is trivial, but it's the multiplication of all these little things here and there that start to add up to a big deal when you realize how many freedoms have been taken away from you over the long term. You can't smile on your driver's license anymore, your kid can't ride their bike without a helmet anymore, you can't drive your car without wearing your seat belt anymore, you can't ride in the back of a pick up truck anymore, can't smoke in a restaurant anymore, etc. etc. All of these things are fairly trivial by themselves, but they are all things we could do when I was a kid and now in many places can't. See what I mean?
Saw "Police State" title.

Where exactly did the "Police" come into this? They dont work for or run the DMV. They didn't invent the software or purchase it. And they sure as hell dont enforce the no-smiling rule.

Hmmm. Oh well, just blame cops for everything.

Hey!!! POLICE STATE NFL!!! The Packers are losing to the Seahawks...obviously the Seattle Highway Patrol delayed Green Bay's trip to the stadium and prevented them from gameplanning because they want all that NFL revenue to go to a liberal haven like Seattle rather than a blue collar and beer town like Green Bay.
Plus...if I was in a New Jersey DMV....I wouldnt need a law to prevent me from smiling.

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