Police State: Former TSA Agent: Your Worst Fears About Us Were True...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Confessions of a Gestapo Thug.

A former Transportation Security Administration agent has stepped forward and is offering up more information about the nation’s airline security agency, sure to send a shiver up passengers’ spines.

“Dear America, I saw you naked and yes, we were laughing. Confessions of an ex-TSA agent” Jason Edward Harrington, a former TSA agent (stationed at Chicago O’Hare International Airport) turned author, titles his article in Politico Magazine.

Harrington — who initially wrote about his experiences as an agent on an anonymous blog — walks readers through troubling circumstance after troubling circumstance.

“Just as the long-suffering American public waiting on those security lines suspected, jokes about the passengers ran rampant among my TSA colleagues: Many of the images we gawked at were of overweight people, their every fold and dimple on full awful display,” Harrington writes of the full-body “nude” scanners that TSA pulled in 2013. “Piercings of every kind were visible. Women who’d had mastectomies were easy to discern—their chests showed up on our screens as dull, pixelated (sic) regions. Hernias appeared as bulging, blistery growths in the crotch area.”

Not only were these scanners invasive but they were also ineffective — a fact, Harrington writes, TSA knew.

“We knew the full-body scanners didn’t work before they were even installed. Not long after the Underwear Bomber incident, all TSA officers at O’Hare were informed that training for the Rapiscan Systems full-body scanners would soon begin. The machines cost about $150,000 a pop,” he wrote, recalling one instructor who told a class of TSA officers that the scanners were “shit.”

And while the full-body scanners have been scrapped, Harrington offers additional details about TSA officers’ day-to-day, including pat downs for rude customers, code lingo for attractive women, and seizures of items.

“Once, in 2008, I had to confiscate a bottle of alcohol from a group of Marines coming home from Afghanistan,” he writes. “It was celebration champagne intended for one of the men in the group—a young, decorated soldier, He was in a wheelchair, both legs lost to an I.E.D., and it fell to me to tell this kid who would never walk again that his homecoming champagne had to be taken away in the name of national security.”...

Read more: Former TSA agent: Your worst fears about us were true | The Daily Caller
What have we become? Have the Terrorists won? Something to seriously ponder at this point.
"Your Worst Fears About Us Were True...

Confessions of a Gestapo Thug.

A former Transportation Security Administration agent has stepped forward and is offering up more information about the nation’s airline security agency, sure to send a shiver up passengers’ spines.

“Dear America, I saw you naked..."

I look exceptionally good without cloths. Are these people porn addicts?

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"Your Worst Fears About Us Were True...

Confessions of a Gestapo Thug.

A former Transportation Security Administration agent has stepped forward and is offering up more information about the nation’s airline security agency, sure to send a shiver up passengers’ spines.

“Dear America, I saw you naked..."

I look exceptionally good without cloths. Are these people porn addicts?


Funny, but not so funny. I have trouble laughing at this kind of miserable abuse.
Bush's biggest mistake was to allow the TSA to exist. At least they are not in charge of our healthcare...yet
Bush's biggest mistake was to allow the TSA to exist. At least they are not in charge of our healthcare...yet

Oh man, let's not even go there. Obamacare is a monumental unjust catastrophe. I don't even like thinking about it.
Fortunately this kind of security is not required for "accredited" passengers on Air Farce One. A good thing as an X-ray powerful enough to penetrate Moochelle's bustle or her husband's skull would pose a serious enough threat that D.C. would have to be evacuated prior to each flight.
Look what Fear got you! LOOK AT IT!

Look what FEAR got us all. Fear has always been the most important tool used by Governments. When Citizens are scared, they're willing to give up even their most basic rights. This has been proven all throughout time. Fear works. It's a proven winner.
Lets get this straight
there were NO hijackers, no airliners used as weapons, no foundation for DHS & TSA! The crooks have run a false flag operation and then screwed AMERICA!
Bush's biggest mistake was to allow the TSA to exist. At least they are not in charge of our healthcare...yet

The IRS is even worse than TSA and they are in charge.

The confessions of the former TSA agent aren't surprising. I think a lot of us suspected that things were that bad.
Lets get this straight
there were NO hijackers, no airliners used as weapons, no foundation for DHS & TSA! The crooks have run a false flag operation and then screwed AMERICA!

I no get.

Do you get it that TSA tells people that the CONSTITUTION does not apply at airports? Do you understand that in order to justify ( and poorly I might add ) the performance of the alleged "FLT175" aircraft, the airliner would have to be traveling 590 mph, now even with minimal research, you can see that its simply impossible to fly a commercial airliner at 590 mph at 900 ft altitude. The specified max speed of 530 mph is at 35,000 ft.
The problem here is that the hijacked airliners used as weapons against the WTC towers is simply a non-starter. In the planning stages of the attack, the people who were planning it would need a certainty of doing serious damage to the WTC towers by slamming airliners into them, if the airliners bounced off, the whole show would be ruined, so exactly how would terrorist, figure out exactly how vulnerable the towers were? and then have some guarantee that the airliners would be flown in such a manner as to make certain penetration, because if the airliner hit at an angle, there is a likelihood that it could bounce off rather than penetrating. + the fact that it is totally unknown territory that is the alleged flying at 590 mph into the south tower, flying so fast & so low has NEVER been done before and there is NO guarantee that it is even possible.
And now, even more good news from the Gestapo (Homeland Security)... The TSA is allowing Illegals to board planes with no ID. HUH? SAY WHAA??

Let an American Citizen try to board a plane with no ID. Let's see how the Gestapo handles that. Fondling American children and grannies, while at the same time allowing Illegals on planes. WTG Big Brother! Another wonderful success story. :mad-61:
Lets get this straight
there were NO hijackers, no airliners used as weapons, no foundation for DHS & TSA! The crooks have run a false flag operation and then screwed AMERICA!

I no get.

Do you get it that TSA tells people that the CONSTITUTION does not apply at airports? Do you understand that in order to justify ( and poorly I might add ) the performance of the alleged "FLT175" aircraft, the airliner would have to be traveling 590 mph, now even with minimal research, you can see that its simply impossible to fly a commercial airliner at 590 mph at 900 ft altitude. The specified max speed of 530 mph is at 35,000 ft.
The problem here is that the hijacked airliners used as weapons against the WTC towers is simply a non-starter. In the planning stages of the attack, the people who were planning it would need a certainty of doing serious damage to the WTC towers by slamming airliners into them, if the airliners bounced off, the whole show would be ruined, so exactly how would terrorist, figure out exactly how vulnerable the towers were? and then have some guarantee that the airliners would be flown in such a manner as to make certain penetration, because if the airliner hit at an angle, there is a likelihood that it could bounce off rather than penetrating. + the fact that it is totally unknown territory that is the alleged flying at 590 mph into the south tower, flying so fast & so low has NEVER been done before and there is NO guarantee that it is even possible.

You are kidding right?
And now, even more good news from the Gestapo (Homeland Security)... The TSA is allowing Illegals to board planes with no ID. HUH? SAY WHAA??

Let an American Citizen try to board a plane with no ID. Let's see how the Gestapo handles that. Fondling American children and grannies, while at the same time allowing Illegals on planes. WTG Big Brother! Another wonderful success story. :mad-61:

TSA guidelines certainly allow a person to board a plane without ID.I had to do it once when my wallet went missing while on vacation.

I had to go through secondary security checks ,but I was allowed to board the flight home.
Lets get this straight
there were NO hijackers, no airliners used as weapons, no foundation for DHS & TSA! The crooks have run a false flag operation and then screwed AMERICA!

I no get.

Do you get it that TSA tells people that the CONSTITUTION does not apply at airports? Do you understand that in order to justify ( and poorly I might add ) the performance of the alleged "FLT175" aircraft, the airliner would have to be traveling 590 mph, now even with minimal research, you can see that its simply impossible to fly a commercial airliner at 590 mph at 900 ft altitude. The specified max speed of 530 mph is at 35,000 ft.
The problem here is that the hijacked airliners used as weapons against the WTC towers is simply a non-starter. In the planning stages of the attack, the people who were planning it would need a certainty of doing serious damage to the WTC towers by slamming airliners into them, if the airliners bounced off, the whole show would be ruined, so exactly how would terrorist, figure out exactly how vulnerable the towers were? and then have some guarantee that the airliners would be flown in such a manner as to make certain penetration, because if the airliner hit at an angle, there is a likelihood that it could bounce off rather than penetrating. + the fact that it is totally unknown territory that is the alleged flying at 590 mph into the south tower, flying so fast & so low has NEVER been done before and there is NO guarantee that it is even possible.

Yes, all of the passengers of the airliners were taken to a secret airfield. Then the hundreds of passengers were taken from the planes, and executed. Then the Towers were brought down with sooper sekrit demolishuns.

And even though Bill Clinton could not keep an Oval Office blowjob secret, the thousands of people involved in the 9/11 conspiracy have all kept their mouths shut.

That's some conspiracy!!!

Idiot asshole. You defile the deaths of those people with your credulous retardation.
Do you get it that TSA tells people that the CONSTITUTION does not apply at airports? Do you understand that in order to justify ( and poorly I might add ) the performance of the alleged "FLT175" aircraft, the airliner would have to be traveling 590 mph, now even with minimal research, you can see that its simply impossible to fly a commercial airliner at 590 mph at 900 ft altitude. The specified max speed of 530 mph is at 35,000 ft.
The problem here is that the hijacked airliners used as weapons against the WTC towers is simply a non-starter. In the planning stages of the attack, the people who were planning it would need a certainty of doing serious damage to the WTC towers by slamming airliners into them, if the airliners bounced off, the whole show would be ruined, so exactly how would terrorist, figure out exactly how vulnerable the towers were? and then have some guarantee that the airliners would be flown in such a manner as to make certain penetration, because if the airliner hit at an angle, there is a likelihood that it could bounce off rather than penetrating. + the fact that it is totally unknown territory that is the alleged flying at 590 mph into the south tower, flying so fast & so low has NEVER been done before and there is NO guarantee that it is even possible.


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