Police Sergeant Chokes Subordinate Officer -- Was He Wrong?

...only at the detriment of the communities they serve. Wherever you "reign in" cops, you will find horrible conditions for the citizens.

I see no detriment here. He was trying to escalate the situation needlessly. That is going to stop one way or the other.
I said..can you do that to an officer and it not be called assault??

Grabbing someone's throat and then shoving them against a car -- can you do that and it not be assault -- especially to an officer?
Youre asking if someone yanks you backwards, can you push them away, even by the throat? I would certainly assume so. Then again, this is a white man cop, so he is likely going to be unfairly punished.
If you watch the video, you see that she was the aggressor. Out of nowhere she just runs up and yanks him by his belt, dragging him backwards. His reaction doesnt seem entirely unjustified. ...and lets slow down with this "choking" claim. No one was choked at any point. He simply pushed her away.
Yea it is just protocol to grab another officer by the throat, that usual doesn't cause you to choke.
He pushed her throat. At no point was there a grip. Remind me again what happened right before that. What was she doing? :laugh:

She was doing what she was trained to do. Stop another officer from needlessly escalating a situation.
Youre asking if someone yanks you backwards, can you push them away, even by the throat? I would certainly assume so. Then again, this is a white man cop, so he is likely going to be unfairly punished.
If someone yanks you back as you're trying to assault a defenseless man, handcuffed in the back of a patrol car, what they are doing is defending someone, and if you choke that person, you've just committed assault on top of attempted assault. Are you a moron or something? Are you slow mentally?
If someone yanks you back as you're trying to assault a defenseless man, handcuffed in the back of a patrol car, what they are doing is defending someone, and if you choke that person, you've just committed assault in top on attempted assault. Are you a moron or something? Are you slow mentally?
I saw no assault on a defenseless man. Neither did you.
Yep, and now they show up WAAAAAY the fuck after the crime was committed, thanks to you all reigning them in.
Reigning them in means they can't just brutalize or murder folks and walk away Scott Free, what the hell are you talking about?

Chicago has more police officers than anybody in the country and what has that done to slow down crime in that city?
I know sunrise, fl---some very very violent criminals over there. The male cop was trying to arrest ANOTHER violent Black criminal and she was interfering. Putting everyone in danger.

The criminal wasn't being abused so why was she interfering is another question?
He had already been arrested and cuffed. The asshole was about to mace him just because he felt like it

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