Police did not clear Lafayette Park area so Trump could hold 'Bible' photo op: Watchdog


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The MSM forced to clean up yet anoter mess they made with fake mews about President Trump.

And you lefty posters, how about you? LOL

U.S. Park Police did not clear Lafayette Park and the nearby area of protesters on June 1, 2020, so President Donald Trump could walk from the White House over to St. John’s Church, but learned of his interest in surveying the site hours after they already had begun planning to clear the area to put up new fencing, according to a new watchdog report.

The Interior Department’s inspector general did not determine whether law enforcement acted inappropriately against demonstrators last year and did not focus on individual incidents of police use of force, but found that poor communication between agencies and ineffective dispersal warnings "may have contributed to confusion during the operation and the use of tactics that appeared inconsistent" with initial plans.

The office also concluded that the Park Police officers acted within their authority to begin clearing Lafayette Square and nearby before the city’s 7 p.m. curfew, a move that was widely criticized at the time as having contributed to the chaos and confusion at the scene.


The MSM forced to clean up yet anoter mess they made with fake mews about President Trump.

And you lefty posters, how about you? LOL

U.S. Park Police did not clear Lafayette Park and the nearby area of protesters on June 1, 2020, so President Donald Trump could walk from the White House over to St. John’s Church, but learned of his interest in surveying the site hours after they already had begun planning to clear the area to put up new fencing, according to a new watchdog report.
The Interior Department’s inspector general did not determine whether law enforcement acted inappropriately against demonstrators last year and did not focus on individual incidents of police use of force, but found that poor communication between agencies and ineffective dispersal warnings "may have contributed to confusion during the operation and the use of tactics that appeared inconsistent" with initial plans.
The office also concluded that the Park Police officers acted within their authority to begin clearing Lafayette Square and nearby before the city’s 7 p.m. curfew, a move that was widely criticized at the time as having contributed to the chaos and confusion at the scene.

Right. It wasnt a photo OP by President Trump, but another "news" OP by the left. Someone just says something and every news outlet who doesnt like Trump repeats it, just like so many other things.
The MSM forced to clean up yet anoter mess they made with fake mews about President Trump.

And you lefty posters, how about you? LOL

U.S. Park Police did not clear Lafayette Park and the nearby area of protesters on June 1, 2020, so President Donald Trump could walk from the White House over to St. John’s Church, but learned of his interest in surveying the site hours after they already had begun planning to clear the area to put up new fencing, according to a new watchdog report.
The Interior Department’s inspector general did not determine whether law enforcement acted inappropriately against demonstrators last year and did not focus on individual incidents of police use of force, but found that poor communication between agencies and ineffective dispersal warnings "may have contributed to confusion during the operation and the use of tactics that appeared inconsistent" with initial plans.
The office also concluded that the Park Police officers acted within their authority to begin clearing Lafayette Square and nearby before the city’s 7 p.m. curfew, a move that was widely criticized at the time as having contributed to the chaos and confusion at the scene.

frankly this is not news...we knew this then but it didn’t keep the leftist propagandist from lying and spreading misinformation.

their dembots are it up p
The MSM forced to clean up yet anoter mess they made with fake mews about President Trump.

And you lefty posters, how about you? LOL

U.S. Park Police did not clear Lafayette Park and the nearby area of protesters on June 1, 2020, so President Donald Trump could walk from the White House over to St. John’s Church, but learned of his interest in surveying the site hours after they already had begun planning to clear the area to put up new fencing, according to a new watchdog report.
The Interior Department’s inspector general did not determine whether law enforcement acted inappropriately against demonstrators last year and did not focus on individual incidents of police use of force, but found that poor communication between agencies and ineffective dispersal warnings "may have contributed to confusion during the operation and the use of tactics that appeared inconsistent" with initial plans.
The office also concluded that the Park Police officers acted within their authority to begin clearing Lafayette Square and nearby before the city’s 7 p.m. curfew, a move that was widely criticized at the time as having contributed to the chaos and confusion at the scene.

Right. It wasnt a photo OP by President Trump, but another "news" OP by the left. Someone just says something and every news outlet who doesnt like Trump repeats it, just like so many other things.
I predict that if their heroes in DC manage to conquer this nation, THEY will eventually be treated to the same kind of propaganda, directed at THEM. The Marxist path must follow power and must always have enemies.
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.
Nope, the Capitol police, whom you claim to revere, did not get orders from President Trump. Nor did they ever use “tear gas”. Nor did they “attack” innocent “protesters”. They used pepper balls and smoke grenades to clear out violent thugs who were rioting, burning a church down, and assaulting police officers. They were true insurrectionists, as most were chanting and tweeting things like “burn it all down” and they tried storming the White House.
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.
Nope you got lied to and lapped it up like a dog! Lol
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.
Nope, the Capitol police, whom you claim to revere, did not get orders from President Trump. Nor did they ever use “tear gas”. Nor did they “attack” innocent “protesters”. They used pepper balls and smoke grenades to clear out violent thugs who were rioting, burning a church down, and assaulting police officers. They were true insurrectionists, as most were chanting and tweeting things like “burn it all down” and they tried storming the White House.

Pretty sure you didn't watch it if you think that's what happened.
The MSM forced to clean up yet anoter mess they made with fake mews about President Trump.

And you lefty posters, how about you? LOL

U.S. Park Police did not clear Lafayette Park and the nearby area of protesters on June 1, 2020, so President Donald Trump could walk from the White House over to St. John’s Church, but learned of his interest in surveying the site hours after they already had begun planning to clear the area to put up new fencing, according to a new watchdog report.

The Interior Department’s inspector general did not determine whether law enforcement acted inappropriately against demonstrators last year and did not focus on individual incidents of police use of force, but found that poor communication between agencies and ineffective dispersal warnings "may have contributed to confusion during the operation and the use of tactics that appeared inconsistent" with initial plans.

The office also concluded that the Park Police officers acted within their authority to begin clearing Lafayette Square and nearby before the city’s 7 p.m. curfew, a move that was widely criticized at the time as having contributed to the chaos and confusion at the scene.


The initial footage clearly shows them be forcible removed so get over it. But it's odd a republican believing the ABC. That's a bit hypocritical when it suits them.
The whole exercise was a political stunt by Trump who wanted to cement the godbotherers vote. He couldn't survey his butt with a mirror. Since his defeat has anyone seen him in a church?
And the Jesus junkies fell for it.
They probably didn't care whether it was true or not. I got the impression the Orange Man Bad mob just repeated anything negative and spewed hate at anyone who tried to correct them. It pleases me that such people are never happy. They are incapable of it.

Oh, they are very stupid, make no mistake about that.
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.

It's amazing the mental gymnastics you can make your room temperature IQ mind do to avoid admitting the MSM lied and your side in general lied.
Illegal aliens are massing at the border, the V.P. giggles when asked about the job she is supposed to do, cities are burning, foreign policy is incoherent, the president's junkie son might be a racist and about a dozen other critical happenings in the Biden administration but the crazy left is concerned about a freaking Trump photo op over a year ago. Go figure.
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.
Nope, the Capitol police, whom you claim to revere, did not get orders from President Trump. Nor did they ever use “tear gas”. Nor did they “attack” innocent “protesters”. They used pepper balls and smoke grenades to clear out violent thugs who were rioting, burning a church down, and assaulting police officers. They were true insurrectionists, as most were chanting and tweeting things like “burn it all down” and they tried storming the White House.

Pretty sure you didn't watch it if you think that's what happened.
I did watch it live. I remember the rioters throwing shit at police, and refusing to leave the area when told to by police.
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.
Barr planned to have that area cleared, not Trump, you uninformed idiot.
They had plans to clear the Park at curfew. But the reason people wanted to know is because Bill Barr played a visit to park police prior to Trumps walk in the park, which was caught on video.

So of course people would suspect that Bill Barr told park police of Trump's plan to walk through Lafayette park, to the church, and speculated park police of rushing the matter and using tear gas and other things on the peaceful protesters at the time.

But as mentioned in your article, Park police are NOT the police force who used the tear gas....DC police did, not the Park police.

The investigators did not investigate the dispensing of chemical pepper spray gasses, and whether civil rights were abused or it was wrong or right, to use them...

They didn't investigate the thing, that mattered most.... Too bad.....
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.
Nope, the Capitol police, whom you claim to revere, did not get orders from President Trump. Nor did they ever use “tear gas”. Nor did they “attack” innocent “protesters”. They used pepper balls and smoke grenades to clear out violent thugs who were rioting, burning a church down, and assaulting police officers. They were true insurrectionists, as most were chanting and tweeting things like “burn it all down” and they tried storming the White House.

Pretty sure you didn't watch it if you think that's what happened.
I did watch it live. I remember the rioters throwing shit at police, and refusing to leave the area when told to by police.
Bull crap.... I watched it live and the people pepper bombed were peaceful.
Bullshit. We all watched it live on TV. Secret police attacked protestors and then Trump took a walk to closed church to hold up a bible he had to borrow. Now they are saying it only looked bad? Looks like another Trump appointee that needs to be shown the door.

It's amazing the mental gymnastics you can make your room temperature IQ mind do to avoid admitting the MSM lied and your side in general lied.
Not sure how you think a live feed can lie. I watched it as it happened and I know what I saw. If there is actually no connection between the attack on protestors and Trump's stroll to the church then he's an even stupider son of a bitch than I thought.

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