Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The planned leaks if information are designed to lesson the impact of the final decision not to charge Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown. When the decision does come out, I'm betting there will still be riots and looting...not limited to Ferguson, Mo.

....and the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson will jump into the race-baiting spotlight yet again.

UPDATED Former Police Chief Speaks on Latest Michael Brown Shooting Information CBS St. Louis

FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – Information about the Michael Brown fatal police shooting is beginning to leak out, and former St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch says it’s no accident the feds are allowing the information.

Fitch discussed a New York Times article indicating, according to federal investigators, there was a struggle that led up to the fatal police shooting of Brown, with KMOX’s Mark Reardon on Monday.

Fitch calls the information from the investigation coming out as phase two – to “coordinate leaks to the media, and to start getting some of the facts out there to kind of let people down slowly,” he says. “When I say this is phase two – phase one was really Eric Holder’s announcement how they were going to basically do a complete review and take over the Ferguson Police Department.”

Fitch says he thinks the feds recognize that it’s “probably very unlikely” that there’s going to be charges against Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.
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Two other scenarios are now likely if he stays in Ferguson....either he'll get ambushed or hesitate to use his weapon the next time which might get him killed. He should resign and consider a new career elsewhere.
It's disgraceful is what it is. They ought to, at the very least, can his ass.

Who on Earth would want to be a police officer if the BEST result for you if you end up shooting a suspect is that you get fired?

Some of you are fucking idiots.

He did his job wrong, it resulted in TERRIBLE consequences. When people do their jobs wrong, they should be discharged. It really is that simple.

This sets a terrible precedent. "Peace officers" can use deadly force on unarmed citizens when they so choose. I just don't like it.

Racists here don't mind. But if the guy had been a white man, standing in front of his home, barring entry to his house because police didn't have a warrent and he diddn't want cops harassing his wife and young children? Well, I think folks would be singing a different tune. . . .
It's disgraceful is what it is. They ought to, at the very least, can his ass.

Who on Earth would want to be a police officer if the BEST result for you if you end up shooting a suspect is that you get fired?

Some of you are fucking idiots.

He did his job wrong, it resulted in TERRIBLE consequences. When people do their jobs wrong, they should be discharged. It really is that simple.

This sets a terrible precedent. "Peace officers" can use deadly force on unarmed citizens when they so choose. I just don't like it.

Racists here don't mind. But if the guy had been a white man, standing in front of his home, barring entry to his house because police didn't have a warrent and he diddn't want cops harassing his wife and young children? Well, I think folks would be singing a different tune. . . .

He dd no such thing. Have you ever been a police officer? No? Then shut the fuck up
Two other scenarios are now likely if he stays in Ferguson....either he'll get ambushed or hesitate to use his weapon the next time which might get him killed. He should resign and consider a new career elsewhere.
He should be given retirement. In fact he cannot safely continue his job for reasons relating to it. He should also get the hell out of Saint Louis, which he has probably done already.
The simple fact is, if he though Michael Brown was guilty, he should have thrown cuffs on him and thrown him in the back of the cruiser. The perp. is dead now because the cop did his job wrong. The cop needs to be fired because someone is dead and the cop went overboard using lethal force. It wouldn't have happened if the cop wasn't such an idiot.

Ah. . . . the terror of the police state.
It's disgraceful is what it is. They ought to, at the very least, can his ass.

Who on Earth would want to be a police officer if the BEST result for you if you end up shooting a suspect is that you get fired?

Some of you are fucking idiots.

He did his job wrong, it resulted in TERRIBLE consequences. When people do their jobs wrong, they should be discharged. It really is that simple.

This sets a terrible precedent. "Peace officers" can use deadly force on unarmed citizens when they so choose. I just don't like it.

Racists here don't mind. But if the guy had been a white man, standing in front of his home, barring entry to his house because police didn't have a warrent and he diddn't want cops harassing his wife and young children? Well, I think folks would be singing a different tune. . . .

That's different circumstances moron.

If a black man were standing in front of his home not letting a cop illegally enter and the cop killed the guy Id want the cop fried

If a white man got in a fight with a cop and was shot while charging the cop, I'd want the cop found not guilty.

Why do you dumb son of a bitches have to turn everything into race?
He did his job wrong, it resulted in TERRIBLE consequences. When people do their jobs wrong, they should be discharged. It really is that simple.

This sets a terrible precedent. "Peace officers" can use deadly force on unarmed citizens when they so choose. I just don't like it.

If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. People can and do kill others with their bare hands all the time. If that is what happened in this case in Ferguson then Wilson was justified. I'm not convinced that's the case, but I wasn't there to witness it and there is no video evidence of the attack. While I'm skeptical that Wilson was right in shooting Brown, were I sitting on a jury and presented with the exact same facts that I know right now I wouldn't be able to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt.

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