Polar vortex splits into three and sends Arctic air southward


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

as eastern half of the US gears up for bitterly cold weeks to come

As experts predicted, polar vortex splits into three above Arctic Circle

This will push Arctic air southward, blanketing eastern half of North America

Temperatures are likely to plummet in the coming days and weeks

The change will also likely result in disruptive snowstorms this winter

Meanwhile, Australia is suffering through blazing heat far beyond normal.

More @ Polar vortex splits and sends Arctic air southward as bitter cold is likely to blanket eastern U.S. | Daily Mail Online

'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England @ 'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England


as eastern half of the US gears up for bitterly cold weeks to come

As experts predicted, polar vortex splits into three above Arctic Circle

This will push Arctic air southward, blanketing eastern half of North America

Temperatures are likely to plummet in the coming days and weeks

The change will also likely result in disruptive snowstorms this winter

Meanwhile, Australia is suffering through blazing heat far beyond normal.

More @ Polar vortex splits and sends Arctic air southward as bitter cold is likely to blanket eastern U.S. | Daily Mail Online

'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England @ 'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England


as eastern half of the US gears up for bitterly cold weeks to come

As experts predicted, polar vortex splits into three above Arctic Circle

This will push Arctic air southward, blanketing eastern half of North America

Temperatures are likely to plummet in the coming days and weeks

The change will also likely result in disruptive snowstorms this winter

Meanwhile, Australia is suffering through blazing heat far beyond normal.

More @ Polar vortex splits and sends Arctic air southward as bitter cold is likely to blanket eastern U.S. | Daily Mail Online

'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England @ 'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England

/-----/ "Meanwhile, Australia is suffering through blazing heat far beyond normal."
Because it's summertime south of the Equator. Heat happens in Summertime.

as eastern half of the US gears up for bitterly cold weeks to come

As experts predicted, polar vortex splits into three above Arctic Circle

This will push Arctic air southward, blanketing eastern half of North America

Temperatures are likely to plummet in the coming days and weeks

The change will also likely result in disruptive snowstorms this winter

Meanwhile, Australia is suffering through blazing heat far beyond normal.

More @ Polar vortex splits and sends Arctic air southward as bitter cold is likely to blanket eastern U.S. | Daily Mail Online

'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England @ 'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England

You see that blocking high in the center, that is where massive energy is being lost to space. The lows are now circling it and pulling energy to that high to release it. Paradoxical Presentation.. What the alarmist claim about warming is actually the release of energy increasing and cooling of the mid latitudes.

Its amazing how many people have no clue about how the earth cools itself...

Now that the oceans are again going colder and their buffer heat has been released we are going to cool.. I think the next three years will be a wake up call to a lot of people..
When do we get this global warming I keep hearing about the last 30 years?

extreeme weather is CC .....~S~
Bull Shit!

There is nothing extreme about what is happening. Are you 12 years old? I'm in my fifties and what we are seeing now is what we were seeing in the late 60's...

You really should study history before you go poping off about what is really extreme.. AN ICE AGE IS EXTREME and yet the earth spends 90,000 years in one every cycle.. THAT SIR, IS CLIMATE CHANGE!
My balls fell off when I walked outside this morning!!

The AGW crowd can never figure out.....after 20 years btw....why their message doesnt resonate with the public?


And they call skeptics flat earthers!!!:flirtysmile4:

as eastern half of the US gears up for bitterly cold weeks to come

As experts predicted, polar vortex splits into three above Arctic Circle

This will push Arctic air southward, blanketing eastern half of North America

Temperatures are likely to plummet in the coming days and weeks

The change will also likely result in disruptive snowstorms this winter

Meanwhile, Australia is suffering through blazing heat far beyond normal.

More @ Polar vortex splits and sends Arctic air southward as bitter cold is likely to blanket eastern U.S. | Daily Mail Online

'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England @ 'Life-Threatening' Cold Strikes New England

This phenomenon happens occasionally, and it sure sucks for us when it does. The energy companies love it, though.
Because it's summertime south of the Equator. Heat happens in Summertime.
Neato! But you kind of forgot to account for the "far above normal part". Odd, since it is the only sentence to which you chose to respond out of the entire thread.

Lol.....define "far above normal" s0n.

You can always identify those who watch CNN.....perpetually suckered by loose association semantics!:backpedal::bye1::bye1::bye1:
Hey Longknife.....according to Crick though there is no such thing as a "polar vortex". He says it's a term made up by meteorologists!!! I shit you not....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

When I read that, it gave me pause......like, "WTF is wrong with me that I even respond to somebody that far off the reservation?"
I love threads like this one that show the earths cooling system in high gear.


Blue lines are cold air exiting the arctic and red lines are heat being drawn to the arctic. The high pressure extends to the stratosphere in the arctic region so heat circulating there is rapidly dissipated to space in the thin atmosphere of the polar region.

And the power of this high is directly related to the low temperature at altitude vs the surface..

Teachable moments... Got to love'm...

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