Polar Melting Test


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
I found this rather funny and telling at the same time....
" Polar Melting Test

TEST YOURSELF: What is your knowledge of how fast the polar ice caps are melting?

1) According to data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, as of the end of December 2014, the extent of Arctic sea ice coverage, when compared to the year-end averages from 1981 through 2010, was:

A) About 90% below normal

B) About 75% below normal

C) About 50% below normal

D) About 25% below normal

E) Less than 5% below normal

F) About 33% above normal

2) According to data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, as of the end of December 2014, the extent of Antarctic sea ice coverage, when compared to the year-end averages from 1981 through 2010, was:

A) About 90% below normal

B) About 75% below normal

C) About 50% below normal

D) About 25% below normal

E) Less than 5% below normal

F) About 33% above normal

3) Anybody who questions that the polar ice caps are in the process of a catastrophic melt-off most likely:

A) Is a mentally retarded orangutan who is not a real climate scientist, so should sit down and shut up

B) Works for Fox News

C) Is directly or indirectly on the payroll of the Koch Brothers

D) Is a racist, homophobic, creationist, evangelical, birther, gun-toting, inbred, flat-Earth Republican bigot who tortures puppies for fun on weekends, and who is actively waging war not just on the environment, but on women, people of color, and poor people as well.

E) Is committing a thought crime, and should be prosecuted as a danger to society.

F) All of the above "

Next post will give the answers...
" Answers:

1) E: Less than 5% below normal. The average extent of Arctic sea ice coverage for the end of December from 1981 to 2010 is given as 13.06 million square kilometers. This year it was 12.52 million square kilometers, down about 4.1% from the average. This is about the same as the historic low in 2011-2012. SOURCE: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/

2) F: About 33% above normal. The average extent of Antarctic sea ice coverage for the end of December from 1981 to 2010 is shown as about 4.2 million square kilometers. This year it is shown as about 5.7 million square kilometers, up about 33% from the average. This is the greatest Antarctic ice coverage since records were kept. SOURCE: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/ (the “Antarctic Daily Images” link)

For those “warmists” who are alarmed that global warming is not going as catastrophically as planned, take heart: there is an encouraging statement at the top of the official analysis, stating that although Antarctic sea ice extent was again at a record high, it is “poised for a rapid decline as the austral summer wears on.” There is still hope that the catastrophe we have all been so excited about may yet materialize!

3) This is a trick question. ALL of the answers are equally correct. As is the case with most things having to do with “climate change,” what is important is not the correct (that is, “scientifically supported”) answer, but the socially constructed reality (i.e., “mass hysteria”) that drives the policy to save us from the evils of fossil fuels. The correct answer is whatever helps you to best maintain your belief in the boogie man of global warming. "

So we have a 4.1% decline in one hemisphere and a 33% incline in the other with a net increase of over 1 million Kl Sq... I am still laughing...
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1) E: Less than 5% below normal.

The normal winter pattern. Open water in the arctic still freezes in the winter, and more summer melt means more open water. It just doesn't freeze as widely or as deep, and then melts out much more in the summer.

2) F: About 33% above normal.)

Yes, as predicted back in 1991 by Dr. Manabe, the godfather of global warming science.

So, according to Billy, AGW science being proven completely correct with its Antarctic sea ice predictions shows AGW science is all wrong. That's the level of brainpower we expect from deniers.

3) This is a trick question.

So you've stooped to race-baiting now. Well done.

Nobody called you a racist. You're just lying about that, in same way you lie about everything. You suck at the science, failing hard at everything. Rather than address that, you choose to cry about how meeeeeeaaaaaan everyone is.

How about you just grow a pair, whiner?
That type of test is OK, but you have to compare the results for every month, or at least quarterly.
That type of test is OK, but you have to compare the results for every month, or at least quarterly.
IF you go back monthly the global average is Positive 1.12 Million Kl Sq. for the last 16 months. The chicken little ice is melting crowd just does not have a claw to stand on.
That type of test is OK, but you have to compare the results for every month, or at least quarterly.
IF you go back monthly the global average is Positive 1.12 Million Kl Sq. for the last 16 months. The chicken little ice is melting crowd just does not have a claw to stand on.
That type of test is OK, but you have to compare the results for every month, or at least quarterly.
IF you go back monthly the global average is Positive 1.12 Million Kl Sq. for the last 16 months. The chicken little ice is melting crowd just does not have a claw to stand on.

I'm pretty sure that sept Arctic sea ice is down more than 5%. Exaggeration and misdirection is wrong. Period.
That type of test is OK, but you have to compare the results for every month, or at least quarterly.
IF you go back monthly the global average is Positive 1.12 Million Kl Sq. for the last 16 months. The chicken little ice is melting crowd just does not have a claw to stand on.
That type of test is OK, but you have to compare the results for every month, or at least quarterly.
IF you go back monthly the global average is Positive 1.12 Million Kl Sq. for the last 16 months. The chicken little ice is melting crowd just does not have a claw to stand on.

I'm pretty sure that sept Arctic sea ice is down more than 5%. Exaggeration and misdirection is wrong. Period.

Hmmmmm I was talking GLOBAL average... Not Northern Hemisphere which was -4.1.
Ice extent is not a good measure of future Faither temperature manipulation....

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