Poland will claim reparation from Germany in response for the EU sanctions


Aug 3, 2017

Macierewicz chce odszkodowania od Niemców za wojenne zniszczenia

In response for the sanctions procedure started by the European Union against Poland over its judiciary reform Sejm has been discussing the possibility of official seeking justice and reparations from Germany over the Polish wartime suffering during the World War II. The idea was suggested by the Polish Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz. He asserted that Poland was a USSR colony after the war, and that is why the decision of remission of reparation is not valid in modern Poland. It is a reminder that in 1953 the Polish leadership waived its right to German post-war compensation as a "contribution to solving the German's question in the spirit of democracy and peace".

Consequently, Warsaw has no intentions to compromise with the European Union government. It actually escalates open confrontation against Brussels. Besides, the reparation issue was repeatedly raised by the most influential politician in the country Jarosław Kazyński, who called the Macierewicz's instigation "a historical counteroffensive".

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