Poland Offers ‘Fort Trump’ as Name If U.S. Builds Military Base


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
we need to take a base out of Germany anyway...

https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics ... gs.KgVN4Z0

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland -- and Polish President Andrzej Duda, eager to secure a deal, suggested it be named “Fort Trump.”

Trump raised the possibility of a new U.S. base in Poland in a meeting with Duda in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He said at a news conference with the Polish leader that Duda had offered to pay more than $2 billion toward construction.

“Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they’re willing to do that, it’s something we will certainly talk about.”
This would be great. I agree we need to get out of Germany, it’s becoming less and less safe here thanks to Merkel’s open door policy to third world rapists and terrorists. Poland on the other hand has their shit together.
we need to take a base out of Germany anyway...

https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics ... gs.KgVN4Z0

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland -- and Polish President Andrzej Duda, eager to secure a deal, suggested it be named “Fort Trump.”

Trump raised the possibility of a new U.S. base in Poland in a meeting with Duda in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He said at a news conference with the Polish leader that Duda had offered to pay more than $2 billion toward construction.

“Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they’re willing to do that, it’s something we will certainly talk about.”

The whole world has Trump figured out, kiss his ass a little, stroke his ego and he is theirs.

We need to be bringing troops home, not moving them around
we need to take a base out of Germany anyway...

https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics ... gs.KgVN4Z0

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland -- and Polish President Andrzej Duda, eager to secure a deal, suggested it be named “Fort Trump.”

Trump raised the possibility of a new U.S. base in Poland in a meeting with Duda in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He said at a news conference with the Polish leader that Duda had offered to pay more than $2 billion toward construction.

“Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they’re willing to do that, it’s something we will certainly talk about.”

Duda is smart. The Orange Virus would never say no to having something named after his 'brand'.
How is this “America first”?

Monroe Doctrine. Because of the threat of Russian aggression in former Communist countries, our national interests have expanded beyond the Caribbean and South America.

Hell, JFK even cited the Monroe Doctrine as grounds for his confrontation with the Soviet Union over the installation of Soviet ballistic missiles on Cuban soil.
How is this “America first”?

We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Most of our bases are in Germany, where the cost of living is astronomical and it is getting more dangerous for us Americans working over here thanks to Merkel’s pro-Muslim immigration. Moving to Poland would save taxpayers a lot of money and make it safer for us and the families over here.
How is this “America first”?

We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!
How is this “America first”?

We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

That would have been helpful as hell, it is only 1200 miles from Poland to Benghazi! They could have been there in no time! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
How is this “America first”?

We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:
How is this “America first”?

We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

That would have been helpful as hell, it is only 1200 miles from Poland to Benghazi! They could have been there in no time! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:

Benghazi wasn't the first time Americans needed help, and it won't be the last. Shit can happen anywhere in the world at a moment's notice.
How is this “America first”?

We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.
We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

The world is full of brutal dictators, it is not our job to remove them. Every time we do it never turns out well.
We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

He was knocked off by ISIS, encouraged by their de facto president, Obama.

Qaddafi was one of the tamer dictators in the ME who wasn’t a batshit crazy Sunni extremist, which is why ISIS and Obama hated him.
we need to take a base out of Germany anyway...

https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics ... gs.KgVN4Z0

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland -- and Polish President Andrzej Duda, eager to secure a deal, suggested it be named “Fort Trump.”

Trump raised the possibility of a new U.S. base in Poland in a meeting with Duda in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He said at a news conference with the Polish leader that Duda had offered to pay more than $2 billion toward construction.

“Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they’re willing to do that, it’s something we will certainly talk about.”
Uh oh.
We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

Of course he was a dictator, but he wasn't allowing radical Islamics to take over his country. Obama authorized military intervention in Libya in March of 2011. His reason was supposedly to save the lives of "peaceful, pro-democracy protesters" who found themselves the target of a crackdown by Qaddafi.

Obama along with several other NATO countries established a no-fly zone throughout Libya and started bombing Qaddafi’s forces. Except that it didn't go the way he expected: Libya not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it turned into a failed state. Violent deaths and other human rights abuses increased dramatically. Rather than helping the United States combat terrorism, as Qaddafi did during his last decade in power, Libya became a safe haven for militias affiliated with al Qaeda and ISIS. Plus we lost four Americans there, thanks to Obama's and Hillary's ineptitude.

President Trump would never allow something like that to happen.

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