Plutocrats trying to buy the presidency

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.

Meanwhile Obama boasts he will have a billion dollars to buy his way in, and I don't see you complaining at all.
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.

Meanwhile Obama boasts he will have a billion dollars to buy his way in, and I don't see you complaining at all.

Wrong yet again.

In several previous threads I have clearly stated that I think its wrong that our government is for sale. I have also made it clear that I despise the crooked and corrupt ScaliaRobertsAlitoThomas.

Are you really saying that only the R's should be able to play by the rules the R's made?

Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.

Meanwhile Obama boasts he will have a billion dollars to buy his way in, and I don't see you complaining at all.

Wrong yet again.

In several previous threads I have clearly stated that I think its wrong that our government is for sale. I have also made it clear that I despise the crooked and corrupt ScaliaRobertsAlitoThomas.

Are you really saying that only the R's should be able to play by the rules the R's made?


And yet in this thread you are only whining ABOUT Republicans. Go figure.
Meanwhile Obama boasts he will have a billion dollars to buy his way in, and I don't see you complaining at all.

Wrong yet again.

In several previous threads I have clearly stated that I think its wrong that our government is for sale. I have also made it clear that I despise the crooked and corrupt ScaliaRobertsAlitoThomas.

Are you really saying that only the R's should be able to play by the rules the R's made?


And yet in this thread you are only whining ABOUT Republicans. Go figure.
Statists travel on two way streets while insisting others only travel in one.

Transparent as hell.
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.

The preponderance of our economic woes stem from the machinations of FDR....
...he was a Democrat liberal progressive.

He declared 'rights' such as

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

These, of course, are not rights, but entitlements, obligations of other folks to pay for.

One can see the spread of this poison in the CRA, student loans, ObamaCare.

Sad that you can't see the results: "We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States."
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.

The preponderance of our economic woes stem from the machinations of FDR....
...he was a Democrat liberal progressive.

He declared 'rights' such as

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

These, of course, are not rights, but entitlements, obligations of other folks to pay for.

One can see the spread of this poison in the CRA, student loans, ObamaCare.

Sad that you can't see the results: "We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States."
None of which can be found anywhere in The Constitution.
Republicans feel that since corporations make jobs, they should run the country.
Republicans feel that since corporations make jobs, they should run the country.
Wrong answer. Conservatives belive they should be left alone, as should the individual.

By the way? The same corporations you decry curry favour with the O and have given him funds to his targeted $1BN warchest...where are YOU on those corporations?

Aren't they evil too...or dismissed by you because they are giving to your guy?

We await your answer that I am sure will be laced with partisan hackery/quackery...
Republicans feel that since corporations make jobs, they should run the country.
Wrong answer. Conservatives belive they should be left alone, as should the individual.

By the way? The same corporations you decry curry favour with the O and have given him funds to his targeted $1BN warchest...where are YOU on those corporations?

Aren't they evil too...or dismissed by you because they are giving to your guy?

We await your answer that I am sure will be laced with partisan hackery/quackery...

Rdean will either ignore this post or just run away from this thread.
I got news for ya': The Plutocracy ALREADY own BOTH Parties! :lol:

Not going to argue with you on this post...but it is interesting that neither parties seem imbued with the conservative spirit...

In "The High Tide of American Conservatism: Davis, Coolidge, and the 1924 Election" Garland Tucker explains that 1924 was the last time both parties ran conservatives.

Both Coolidge and Davis were exemplary public servants who articulately expounded a similar philosophy of limited government and maximum individual freedom; and the Twenties were in many ways a Golden Age for conservative governance -- foreshadowing its resurgence under Ronald Reagan.

The enduring consequence of the election of 1924 was the philosophical divergence of the two parties -- Democrats leftward and Republicans rightward.

I can only hope that the election of 2008 proves to be as important, and demonstrates the importance of a return to conservative values.
Republican pledges 100 million dollars raising fears of buying the presidency. obama raises a billion dollars to be re-elected, he's not trying to buy the presidency.

And you wonder why democrats are despised.
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.

The preponderance of our economic woes stem from the machinations of FDR....
...he was a Democrat liberal progressive.

He declared 'rights' such as

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

These, of course, are not rights, but entitlements, obligations of other folks to pay for.

One can see the spread of this poison in the CRA, student loans, ObamaCare.

Sad that you can't see the results: "We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States."
None of which can be found anywhere in The Constitution.

That's because progressives have always been anti-Constitution.

1. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Woodrow Wilson explained that a “true leader” uses the masses like “tools.” He must inflame their passions with little heed for the facts. “Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader.” “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great. He rejected the principles of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” that are the foundation of American government: “Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand….”

2. Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. … Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to those who think voting for another plutocrat like Nooten Mittens. But then, I also thought the sight of two rich guys who like to fire people standing on the same stage was a nightmare made flesh.

We need to invest in America and Americans - NOT in off shore banks and foreign countries.

BTW, jobs are up again this month, economy growing, Dow and NASDAQ continue to grow - all in spite of the R's fighting and filibustering EVERY bill that would result in jobs and growth. Thank you Mr. President but think how much faster jobs would grow if the damned fascist R's weren't obstructing every jobs and growth bill.

Meanwhile Obama boasts he will have a billion dollars to buy his way in, and I don't see you complaining at all.

Wrong yet again.

In several previous threads I have clearly stated that I think its wrong that our government is for sale. I have also made it clear that I despise the crooked and corrupt ScaliaRobertsAlitoThomas.

Are you really saying that only the R's should be able to play by the rules the R's made?


"The Lincoln room became controversial in recent years when former President Bill Clinton offered the thrill of spending a night in it to celebrities, big contributors and many of his Arkansas friends, relatives and supporters. During his eight-year tenure, Clinton had more than 900 guests, including 72 of daughter Chelsea Clinton's chums, and the White House admitted that most of these overnight guests got to try out the Lincoln bed.

Clinton's guests included entertainer Barbra Streisand, actor Tom Hanks, producer Steven Spielberg, playwright Neil Simon, former Chrysler chairman Lee Iaccoca, the Rev. Billy Graham, actress Jane Fonda and her then husband Ted Turner, founder of the Cable News Network.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, George W. Bush sanctimoniously accused Clinton of "virtually renting out the Lincoln bedroom to big campaign donors." He condemned the use of the "hallowed" chamber for political payoffs."

Read more: Selling Lincoln bedroom disrespectful -
The preponderance of our economic woes stem from the machinations of FDR....
...he was a Democrat liberal progressive.

He declared 'rights' such as

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

These, of course, are not rights, but entitlements, obligations of other folks to pay for.

One can see the spread of this poison in the CRA, student loans, ObamaCare.

Sad that you can't see the results: "We've already gotten glimpses of what these people want to do to the United States."
None of which can be found anywhere in The Constitution.

That's because progressives have always been anti-Constitution.

1. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Woodrow Wilson explained that a “true leader” uses the masses like “tools.” He must inflame their passions with little heed for the facts. “Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader.” “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great. He rejected the principles of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” that are the foundation of American government: “Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand….”

2. Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. … Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]
And thus why we got the 16, 17th Amendments, and the Federal Reserve was created.

Been slow, steady erosion ever since.
Republican pledges 100 million dollars raising fears of buying the presidency. obama raises a billion dollars to be re-elected, he's not trying to buy the presidency.

And you wonder why democrats are despised.

Ya' know, Katz,... it's long past the time when we should expect that the same kind of thinking applies to the Left and the Right.
We should never expect a level playing field, the same level of standards, or the same motivations.....'s one of the reasons that it so very easy to live life as a liberal.
None of which can be found anywhere in The Constitution.

That's because progressives have always been anti-Constitution.

1. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Woodrow Wilson explained that a “true leader” uses the masses like “tools.” He must inflame their passions with little heed for the facts. “Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader.” “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great. He rejected the principles of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” that are the foundation of American government: “Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand….”

2. Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. … Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]
And thus why we got the 16, 17th Amendments, and the Federal Reserve was created.

Been slow, steady erosion ever since.

The lack of checks and balances and the Imperial Presidency of FDR.

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