Time to chop Congress down a peg


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Enough is enough...write your pos congress person and give em hell.

While Congress is moving to explicitly apply insider trading laws to its members, lawmakers are exempt from provisions of other federal laws.

In 1995, the House and Senate passed the Congressional Accountability Act, which did apply many civil rights, labor and workplace safety statutes to the legislative branch.

Specifically, members of Congress are exempt from:

•The Freedom of Information Act.
•Investigatory subpoenas to obtain information for safety and health probes.
•Protections against retaliation for whistleblowers.
•Having to post notices of worker rights in offices.
•Prosecution for retaliating against employees who report safety and health hazards.
•Having to train employees about workplace rights and legal remedies.
•Record-keeping requirements for workplace injuries and illnesses.

Unfair? Further evidence that members of Congress are out of touch and think they’re above the law?

You decide.
Enough is enough...write your pos congress person and give em hell.

While Congress is moving to explicitly apply insider trading laws to its members, lawmakers are exempt from provisions of other federal laws.

In 1995, the House and Senate passed the Congressional Accountability Act, which did apply many civil rights, labor and workplace safety statutes to the legislative branch.

Specifically, members of Congress are exempt from:

•The Freedom of Information Act.
•Investigatory subpoenas to obtain information for safety and health probes.
•Protections against retaliation for whistleblowers.
•Having to post notices of worker rights in offices.
•Prosecution for retaliating against employees who report safety and health hazards.
•Having to train employees about workplace rights and legal remedies.
•Record-keeping requirements for workplace injuries and illnesses.

Unfair? Further evidence that members of Congress are out of touch and think they’re above the law?

You decide.

If that list of exemptions are true, Congress (and all in the Govt) should not be exempt from.
Congress' poll numbers have been in the low double digits for years. In fact, Dick Cheney actually had higher poll numbers when he left office and we all know he wasn't our most popular politico. I expect to see their numbers drop to single digits any day. But you could not be more mistaken if you believe any one of them cares.

Considering less than 50% of the eligible voters do. And those who do just keep re-electing the same old same old year after year regardless of how much their performance sucks or how much they manage to screw us.

As has been witnessed by those of us paying attention, Congress showed its collective contempt for the American people when it bailed out those responsible for the economic meltdown; and they did it using billions of our tax dollars. Now if that's not a slap in the face, I'm sure I don't know what is.

The year Reagan was elected President, I left the Republican Party. Let's just say I'm no fan having observed how he balanced California's budget while Governor. But my contempt is equal opportunity; I don't like the Democrats any better either.

That anyone over 40 believes that America is still the home of the brave and the land of free is mind boggling. Why? Because they've witnessed first hand exactly how far this nation has gone off course. Those we've elected and given the power to represent us seldom do so. The truth does not drop from their lips, even when that truth wouldn't hurt anyone living or dead. And their lies and justifications go so far beyond the pale; and the coup de grase they never get around to levying sanctions or punishing anyone in their Court for their egregious actions.

I left home at age 18. I was tired of being told what to do and that it was for my benefit. And those were my parents, who I truly believe cared about my future. As for Congress, they only care about their futures and the only people who benefit are those who can afford to contribute large sums of $$$ to their campaigns for re-election.

There is a line in a Pink Floyd that goes we've become comfortably numb. There is nothing comfortable about being numb when one's life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being chipped away daily.

This is the year of the Write-In-Candidate or a Vote for None of the Above. But by all means vote.

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