Plurality of Democrats think Obama should be able to ignore court rulings if it’s “important".....

Everybody knows, if the government gets shut down, it's the Republicans' fault. That's axiomatic and none of your double talk will change that fact, shortbus.
But what you post is a lie, we all know this, it's simply talking points and BS quotes from the CommiecRAT lap dog media! But we will wait and see what will happen, as it is all speculation right now.
It's a lie? Every time there's been a threat of the government shutting down, it was the Republicans doing it, shortbus. Everyone knows that. Who do you think you're fooling? Enjoy your '14 win. 2016 will be a lot different.
There is no threat of shutting down the government, pull your fucking head out of your ass.
If it looks like they're not getting their way there will be. All you have to do is look at their history. You're not fooling anyone with your denials. Seems to me y'all aren't just worshiping Putin, now you're emulating him!

I guess you enjoy the view inside your colon, if your dear leader forces a shutdown it will involve 17% of one department, not exactly a government shutdown. But hey, let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda.

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