Pledge Allegiance…to Whom?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. As president, George Washington unsuccessfully proposed a national university for the express purpose of strengthening the national identity. In his will, he bequeathed money to schools in Alexandria, Va., and Rockbridge County, Va., the latter of which formed an early endowment for Washington College (now Washington and Lee University). 10 Things We Should Know About George Washington :: Washington and Lee University

2. Today, the curricula of major American universities require more courses in “multiculturalism” and “diversity” than in American history.

a. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) conducted a survey of 543 universities and colleges, and found “Sixty-three percent of colleges and universities report that they either have in place a diversity requirement or they are in the process of developing one.” Diversity in Higher Education: National Survey Finds Diversity Requirements Common Around the Country

b. “Western Civilization survey courses have virtually disappeared from general education requirements,” and “Even for history majors, Western Civilization surveys are rarely required,” and “American history survey requirements for history majors are rare,” and “Surveys of American history are not included in general education requirements.”

3. Not only is the United States of America disappearing before our very eyes, but we are paying the globalists to eradicate our nation.
What is left for students but beliefs that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic?

a. Due to being so immersed, some of the brightest board members fail to understand how America advanced social evolution, propounding unalienable rights, the basis for American exceptionalism.

4. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Imagine a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view. . Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians
Prager, “Still The Best Hope,” chapter two.

5. The lessons of the colleges and universities are geared to produce globalists who believe “Collectively we stand to benefit from a world governed by rules and institutions; one not attached to American principles, e.g., a requirement for a consent by the governed, but global governance which “depends not on consent but on the presumed rightness of its human rights universals.”

a. The actual substance of those human rights command os determined by transnational elites in unaccountable supranational institutions, rights which are ‘evolving,’ and determined by judges, lawyers, activists, and the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Right, and include “periodic holidays with pay,” pay for public holidays, “paid leave or leave with adequate social security benefits,” and a school system in which “the material conditions of teaching staff shall be continuously improved.” International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Here….let me translate that:
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs).”
It is not 'leftist' to understand that concepts are originated and reside in the mind and spirit of people. We have no other means of communication and these 'virtual' realities are as real to us as anything else. It must be understood, however, that these are totally, entirely and by their very nature subjective. Missing that, our reasoning is ill-founded.
"Would someone please translate his post."
Ce n'est pas de 'gauche' à comprendre que tous concepts sont conçu et reste dans l’esprit des gens. Nous n'avons aucune moyen de la communication à part de ces réalités 'virtuel', qui sont en même temps aussi réal à nous que n'importe autre chose
Portant, il faut absolument que ça soit bien compris d'être de nature totalement subjectif. Si non, tout raisonnement est mal foundé.
^^^^^^ Would someone please translate his post........... :cool: on me!

OK....4-eyes fails to realize the power of rationalization.
He is willing to allow himself to pretend that what is wants to do is actually the right thing to do.

This is a facet of human nature that it takes strength of character to overcome.

David Mamet wrote the following in "The Secret Knowledge."

1. If a child does not learn through observation, through family, school and church, rules may be considered arbitrary, and he may endeavor to create rules of his own, based on reason. This secondary process can only be a self-excusatory rationalization for his desires: copulate freely, do not take on responsibility through marriage, do not respect or trust authority, demand governmental support, base political choices upon feelings rather than experience, don’t bother to learn a trade, and so on.

a. Voilà the generation of the sixties.

2. Compounding the error, the brightest go on to university where intelligent young people are misled into the essential fallacy of Liberalism: all society and human interaction is susceptible to human reason, and that tradition, patriotism, marriage, etc. are arbitrary, and stand between the individual’s spontaneity and his ability to create a perfect world.

a. In short, man’s reason is supreme: he is God.

Wadda ya' think?
You crack me up sometimes, PC, with your lack of research and dependence on talking points. The reason Washington wanted a national university is because he believed it would bring together people from different parts of the country with differing beliefs and *gasp* make the US more multicultural.

bwahahahahahahaha! And you are also now on record for wanting federally run education.
You crack me up sometimes, PC, with your lack of research and dependence on talking points. The reason Washington wanted a national university is because he believed it would bring together people from different parts of the country with differing beliefs and *gasp* make the US more multicultural.

bwahahahahahahaha! And you are also now on record for wanting federally run education.

This was one of your most absurd posts.
Nothing in it is true.
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You crack me up sometimes, PC, with your lack of research and dependence on talking points. The reason Washington wanted a national university is because he believed it would bring together people from different parts of the country with differing beliefs and *gasp* make the US more multicultural.

bwahahahahahahaha! And you are also now on record for wanting federally run education.

Yeah Washington wanted all those Chinese, Indian, and black kids in those multicult schools.
The Pledge of Allegiance is obsolete. One nation, under God, that doesn't even exist anymore.
You crack me up sometimes, PC, with your lack of research and dependence on talking points. The reason Washington wanted a national university is because he believed it would bring together people from different parts of the country with differing beliefs and *gasp* make the US more multicultural.

bwahahahahahahaha! And you are also now on record for wanting federally run education.

Yeah Washington wanted all those Chinese, Indian, and black kids in those multicult schools.
Nah, just the white kids. Of fortune and talent. But his aim was to put them in association with each other to broaden their horizons by making them more multicultural, even if the culture was just varying degrees of white.
I see very little difference in the Democrat/liberals worship of Obama and the N. Koreans worship of Kim il Sung and his dwarf son. :cool:

[ame=]Kim Il Sung worship, Haiju North Korea - YouTube[/ame]
No, it is clear that no reasonable answer can be given to the question of where concepts and words exist outside the mind.

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