“Please Don’t Call It Fake News!”


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Sooo….President Trump labels the enemy media ‘fake news’….and it resonates, because he nailed it: it is fake.

Most media, just as most of the teaching profession and the feminist movement, is joined at the hip with the Liberals/Democrats.

2. Trump must be being successful, because the publisher of the NYTimes is begging him to stop.

“BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) — The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

In a statement, A.G. Sulzberger said he decided to comment publicly after Trump revealed their off-the-record meeting to his more than 53 million Twitter followers on Sunday. Trump’s aides had requested that the July 20 meeting not be made public, Sulzberger said.

“Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Trump wrote.” Times publisher asks Trump to reconsider anti-media rhetoric

I feel like the mosquito in the nudist colony....I have to figure out where to begin.

3.Let’s begin here: Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Even in the face of a history marked with failure, and ignorance, the Left claims to be so much smarter than their opponents. They regularly claim that the Right is anti-science, but Hussein Obama picked this guy as his science adviser:

“John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.” Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much. Ehrlich, Ehrlich, and Holdren, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” http://www.as.wvu.edu/biology/bio463/EHLRICH1.PDF

4. Let’s take a look at who is ‘anti-science’: 93 % of scientists acknowledge the necessity of animal research, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 48% of Democrats. Section 5: Evolution, Climate Change and Other Issues

Nuclear power plants? 70 % of scientists favor, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 45% of Democrats Ibid.

The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Who’s More Anti-Science: Republicans or Democrats?

Soooo, when President Trump was elected, the Liberals/Democrats pulled out every arrow in their quiver…..and one of those ‘arrows’ was a pretend march by scientists against trump.

What does this have to do with ‘fake news’???

Coming right up.......
The lying propagandists who pretend that people who correctly identify liars are someone how inflicting a great hurt upon free speech and our free press crack me up.

No, to say "you're a liar" in no way impinges upon your right to free speech.

And kicking out loud, lying, offensive douchebags from the Whitehouse likewise inflicts no harm on the ideal and facilitation of a free press.
1.Sooo….President Trump labels the enemy media ‘fake news’….and it resonates, because he nailed it: it is fake.

Most media, just as most of the teaching profession and the feminist movement, is joined at the hip with the Liberals/Democrats.

2. Trump must be being successful, because the publisher of the NYTimes is begging him to stop.

“BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) — The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

In a statement, A.G. Sulzberger said he decided to comment publicly after Trump revealed their off-the-record meeting to his more than 53 million Twitter followers on Sunday. Trump’s aides had requested that the July 20 meeting not be made public, Sulzberger said.

“Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Trump wrote.” Times publisher asks Trump to reconsider anti-media rhetoric

I feel like the mosquito in the nudist colony....I have to figure out where to begin.

3.Let’s begin here: Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Even in the face of a history marked with failure, and ignorance, the Left claims to be so much smarter than their opponents. They regularly claim that the Right is anti-science, but Hussein Obama picked this guy as his science adviser:

“John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.” Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much. Ehrlich, Ehrlich, and Holdren, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” http://www.as.wvu.edu/biology/bio463/EHLRICH1.PDF

4. Let’s take a look at who is ‘anti-science’: 93 % of scientists acknowledge the necessity of animal research, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 48% of Democrats. Section 5: Evolution, Climate Change and Other Issues

Nuclear power plants? 70 % of scientists favor, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 45% of Democrats Ibid.

The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Who’s More Anti-Science: Republicans or Democrats?

Soooo, when President Trump was elected, the Liberals/Democrats pulled out every arrow in their quiver…..and one of those ‘arrows’ was a pretend march by scientists against trump.

What does this have to do with ‘fake news’???

Coming right up.......

I really want to go out and march to free all the journalists that Trump has had arrested and put in prison....but.....I keep looking and I can't find any.....does anyone know of any journalists Trump has had arrested in the middle of the night....I have this brand new sign I want to carry and a new chant I want to scream...but I can't find any jails holding any journalists.....
The lying propagandists who pretend that people who correctly identify liars are someone how inflicting a great hurt upon free speech and our free press crack me up.

No, to say "you're a liar" in no way impinges upon your right to free speech.

And kicking out loud, lying, offensive douchebags from the Whitehouse likewise inflicts no harm on the ideal and facilitation of a free press.
That's why, Allie, we are working to kick that orange loud,lying, offensive douchebag from the White House.
The lying propagandists who pretend that people who correctly identify liars are someone how inflicting a great hurt upon free speech and our free press crack me up.

No, to say "you're a liar" in no way impinges upon your right to free speech.

And kicking out loud, lying, offensive douchebags from the Whitehouse likewise inflicts no harm on the ideal and facilitation of a free press.
That's why, Allie, we are working to kick that orange loud,lying, offensive douchebag from the White House.
so you do admit to a coup! thanks, there you have it folks, this fk wants to take away your vote!!!! came right and said so. traitor.
As usual - your diatribe is too long and contains too much subject matter.
Let's boil it down and set the record straight shall we, because Sulzberger is entirely CORRECT!

"I told the president directly that I thought that his language was not just divisive but increasingly dangerous," Sulzberger said in a statement released by the Times about the July 20 meeting at the White House. "I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence."

"I repeatedly stressed that this is particularly true abroad, where the president’s rhetoric is being used by some regimes to justify sweeping crackdowns on journalists," Sulzberger continued. "I warned that it was putting lives at risk, that it was undermining the democratic ideals of our nation, and that it was eroding one of our country’s greatest exports: a commitment to free speech and a free press."​

NYT publisher disputes Trump's retelling of off-the-record conversation
As usual - your diatribe is too long and contains too much subject matter.
Let's boil it down and set the record straight shall we, because Sulzberger is entirely CORRECT!

"I told the president directly that I thought that his language was not just divisive but increasingly dangerous," Sulzberger said in a statement released by the Times about the July 20 meeting at the White House. "I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence."

"I repeatedly stressed that this is particularly true abroad, where the president’s rhetoric is being used by some regimes to justify sweeping crackdowns on journalists," Sulzberger continued. "I warned that it was putting lives at risk, that it was undermining the democratic ideals of our nation, and that it was eroding one of our country’s greatest exports: a commitment to free speech and a free press."​

NYT publisher disputes Trump's retelling of off-the-record conversation
and trump basically said, fk you! Oh my!!!!
As usual - your diatribe is too long and contains too much subject matter.
Let's boil it down and set the record straight shall we, because Sulzberger is entirely CORRECT!

"I told the president directly that I thought that his language was not just divisive but increasingly dangerous," Sulzberger said in a statement released by the Times about the July 20 meeting at the White House. "I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence."

"I repeatedly stressed that this is particularly true abroad, where the president’s rhetoric is being used by some regimes to justify sweeping crackdowns on journalists," Sulzberger continued. "I warned that it was putting lives at risk, that it was undermining the democratic ideals of our nation, and that it was eroding one of our country’s greatest exports: a commitment to free speech and a free press."​

NYT publisher disputes Trump's retelling of off-the-record conversation

Those regimes are cracking down on jouranalists because they are left wing totalitarians....Trump has nothing to do with that. You guys love the left wing assholes in Cuba, Venezuela and Russia....before hilary lost..... now all of a sudden you care about them murdering and arresting journalists? And that crap hole country....Mexico, where all those people are running away from, I don't see you complaining about the drug cartels with their government allies murdering journalists down there...
1.Sooo….President Trump labels the enemy media ‘fake news’….and it resonates, because he nailed it: it is fake.

Most media, just as most of the teaching profession and the feminist movement, is joined at the hip with the Liberals/Democrats.

2. Trump must be being successful, because the publisher of the NYTimes is begging him to stop.

“BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) — The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

In a statement, A.G. Sulzberger said he decided to comment publicly after Trump revealed their off-the-record meeting to his more than 53 million Twitter followers on Sunday. Trump’s aides had requested that the July 20 meeting not be made public, Sulzberger said.

“Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Trump wrote.” Times publisher asks Trump to reconsider anti-media rhetoric

I feel like the mosquito in the nudist colony....I have to figure out where to begin.

3.Let’s begin here: Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Even in the face of a history marked with failure, and ignorance, the Left claims to be so much smarter than their opponents. They regularly claim that the Right is anti-science, but Hussein Obama picked this guy as his science adviser:

“John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.” Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much. Ehrlich, Ehrlich, and Holdren, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” http://www.as.wvu.edu/biology/bio463/EHLRICH1.PDF

4. Let’s take a look at who is ‘anti-science’: 93 % of scientists acknowledge the necessity of animal research, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 48% of Democrats. Section 5: Evolution, Climate Change and Other Issues

Nuclear power plants? 70 % of scientists favor, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 45% of Democrats Ibid.

The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Who’s More Anti-Science: Republicans or Democrats?

Soooo, when President Trump was elected, the Liberals/Democrats pulled out every arrow in their quiver…..and one of those ‘arrows’ was a pretend march by scientists against trump.

What does this have to do with ‘fake news’???

Coming right up.......

The MSM is a living, mercenary weapon of mass propaganda. For all their anti-President Trump cannon fire, they'll likely never admit to their fear of losing Him to impeachment or by other means, as their ratings would plummet. PDT minute by minute money in their pocket.

Since the American postmodernist movement is anti-fact, ant-reason, anti-logic and anti-dialogue, I imagine it views science as an inconvenience, unless they can manipulate the science to serve their own agenda.
1.Sooo….President Trump labels the enemy media ‘fake news’….and it resonates, because he nailed it: it is fake.

Most media, just as most of the teaching profession and the feminist movement, is joined at the hip with the Liberals/Democrats.

2. Trump must be being successful, because the publisher of the NYTimes is begging him to stop.

“BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) — The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

In a statement, A.G. Sulzberger said he decided to comment publicly after Trump revealed their off-the-record meeting to his more than 53 million Twitter followers on Sunday. Trump’s aides had requested that the July 20 meeting not be made public, Sulzberger said.

“Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Trump wrote.” Times publisher asks Trump to reconsider anti-media rhetoric

I feel like the mosquito in the nudist colony....I have to figure out where to begin.

3.Let’s begin here: Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Even in the face of a history marked with failure, and ignorance, the Left claims to be so much smarter than their opponents. They regularly claim that the Right is anti-science, but Hussein Obama picked this guy as his science adviser:

“John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.” Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much. Ehrlich, Ehrlich, and Holdren, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” http://www.as.wvu.edu/biology/bio463/EHLRICH1.PDF

4. Let’s take a look at who is ‘anti-science’: 93 % of scientists acknowledge the necessity of animal research, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 48% of Democrats. Section 5: Evolution, Climate Change and Other Issues

Nuclear power plants? 70 % of scientists favor, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 45% of Democrats Ibid.

The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Who’s More Anti-Science: Republicans or Democrats?

Soooo, when President Trump was elected, the Liberals/Democrats pulled out every arrow in their quiver…..and one of those ‘arrows’ was a pretend march by scientists against trump.

What does this have to do with ‘fake news’???

Coming right up.......

The MSM is a living, mercenary weapon of mass propaganda. For all their anti-President Trump cannon fire, they'll likely never admit to their fear of losing Him to impeachment or by other means, as their ratings would plummet. PDT minute by minute money in their pocket.

Since the American postmodernist movement is anti-fact, ant-reason, anti-logic and anti-dialogue, I imagine it views science as an inconvenience, unless they can manipulate the science to serve their own agenda.
the press is useless.
Last week the entire LIB MSM claimed a woman photographed in the Oval office was someone she wasn't b/c of the color of her hair!
Prefect example of a bunch of LIB media douche-bags with nothing but TDS in their heads.
They are reaping what they sow.
1.Sooo….President Trump labels the enemy media ‘fake news’….and it resonates, because he nailed it: it is fake.

Most media, just as most of the teaching profession and the feminist movement, is joined at the hip with the Liberals/Democrats.

2. Trump must be being successful, because the publisher of the NYTimes is begging him to stop.

“BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) — The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

In a statement, A.G. Sulzberger said he decided to comment publicly after Trump revealed their off-the-record meeting to his more than 53 million Twitter followers on Sunday. Trump’s aides had requested that the July 20 meeting not be made public, Sulzberger said.

“Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Trump wrote.” Times publisher asks Trump to reconsider anti-media rhetoric

I feel like the mosquito in the nudist colony....I have to figure out where to begin.

3.Let’s begin here: Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Even in the face of a history marked with failure, and ignorance, the Left claims to be so much smarter than their opponents. They regularly claim that the Right is anti-science, but Hussein Obama picked this guy as his science adviser:

“John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.” Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much. Ehrlich, Ehrlich, and Holdren, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” http://www.as.wvu.edu/biology/bio463/EHLRICH1.PDF

4. Let’s take a look at who is ‘anti-science’: 93 % of scientists acknowledge the necessity of animal research, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 48% of Democrats. Section 5: Evolution, Climate Change and Other Issues

Nuclear power plants? 70 % of scientists favor, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 45% of Democrats Ibid.

The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Who’s More Anti-Science: Republicans or Democrats?

Soooo, when President Trump was elected, the Liberals/Democrats pulled out every arrow in their quiver…..and one of those ‘arrows’ was a pretend march by scientists against trump.

What does this have to do with ‘fake news’???

Coming right up.......

I really want to go out and march to free all the journalists that Trump has had arrested and put in prison....but.....I keep looking and I can't find any.....does anyone know of any journalists Trump has had arrested in the middle of the night....I have this brand new sign I want to carry and a new chant I want to scream...but I can't find any jails holding any journalists.....

He does it with his words and mouth. Fox and the right wing radio weasels pitch in.
Those regimes are cracking down on jouranalists because they are left wing totalitarians....Trump has nothing to do with that. You guys love the left wing assholes in Cuba, Venezuela and Russia....before hilary lost..... now all of a sudden you care about them murdering and arresting journalists? And that crap hole country....Mexico, where all those people are running away from, I don't see you complaining about the drug cartels with their government allies murdering journalists down there...

"Left wing totalitarians"? :icon_rolleyes:
Sorry - Strong-arms like Putin, Erdogan, Assad and Duterte are RW Totalitarians imitating TRUMP with the "fake news" dog whistle that sends dogs like you running every time.
Trump wishes he were one but thanks to the legislative, and judicial branch along with the FREE PRESS - He won't get away with it.
Opinion | Nina Khrushcheva: Trump's totalitarian play-acting is about pomp, not policy
There is no such thing as a left wing totalitarian, but thanks for letting your ignorance pridefully shine through!

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