Please Donate to the Federal Goverment


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Time for the people advocating higher taxes to put their money where their mouth is.

This is a list of the amount dontated the the Federal Government for payment on the debt the last 15 years. Pretty pathetic.

2011 (YTD) - $406,606.00
2010 - $2,840,466.75
2009 - $3,063,057.05
2008 - $2,189,358.89
2007 - $2,624,862.42
2006 - $1,646,209.41
2005 - $1,455,541.65
2004 - $664,911.25
2003 - $1,277,423.40
2002 - $744,675.06
2001 - $1,645,082.28
2000 - $1,868,891.93
1999 - $1,457,510.59
1998 - $1,535,541.02
1997 - $955,897.15
1996 - $1,985,175.10

The money raised in 2010 could pay off a whole 7.5 minutes of interest on the debt payment.

$2.84 Million Was Donated To The US Government In 2010 To Help Reduce The Public Debt Load
I always said rich folks who bitch about "tax cuts for the rich" should put their money where their mouth is, and create a site for people who want to donate to the G, can do so and it will be publicly verified and acknowledged and on the record.

Of course, it'll never happen.
If I was rich, I'd rather donate to the mafia. They only take 6 cents out of every honest dollar. The U.S. Govt. takes 36 cents.
Anyone can donate money at any time to the Govt.

I feel that anyone who want to do that should go ahead and make it so.

Whip out that wallet and have at it. I'm sure the Clowns would be more than happy to take your money.

Yes YOUR money.

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