Please continue protesting not let up!

Here is the problem for you right wingers. We all have ears and eyeballs. Someone Trump lies on TV we know about it. All your spin can't hide it.

He's in office because we all have ears and eyeballs. We saw and heard the lies of the left and all the MSM's spin couldn't hide it.

Trump's lies are no more outrageous than his opponent's were or his predecessor. They all lie lie lie.
I haven't heard or seen much about protest. We'd like to keep Donny motivated and pushing forward, particularly on the subject of illegal immigration....Please start heavily protesting the wall and removal of illegals again. PLEASE.
Happy to see the protesting today...keep pushing wackos, you’re one more protest away from impeaching Trump I just know it.
We legit citizens want President Trump to stay pissed and motivated to continue bitch-slapping the ignorant loonies, criminals and low-life's. Pass it on. Please keep protesting!
What's legit about telling the press what they should be reporting? Sean Spicer said the press should be publishing his made-up numbers regarding the attendance at the inauguration vs. the protests instead of the real numbers!

White House press secretary attacks media for accurately reporting inauguration crowds


You had to go back 18 months to find something that a person who no longer works for the President said about something insignificant.

Incredible work there, dumbass!
What's legit about telling the press what they should be reporting? Sean Spicer said the press should be publishing his made-up numbers regarding the attendance at the inauguration vs. the protests instead of the real numbers!White House press secretary attacks media for accurately reporting inauguration crowds
See that's kinda the point...there's lots of cleanup to be done in the White House with Hussein now gone and all loonies and low-life's can think about is the number of people that turned out for the inauguration. Don't these whack-jobs have anything better to do with their time?
What point? It doesn't have anything to do with Obama. The point is that Spicer was getting upset that the media wouldn't accept his numbers and went off on a disturbing diatribe, unfitting of a media event in a country with freedom of the press.

You are absolutely right! He should be fired immediately!

Wait! Uh, oops! He has not worked there in quite a while.

Keep up the great work, dumbass!
We legit citizens want President Trump to stay pissed and motivated to continue bitch-slapping the ignorant loonies, criminals and low-life's. Pass it on. Please keep protesting!
What's legit about telling the press what they should be reporting? Sean Spicer said the press should be publishing his made-up numbers regarding the attendance at the inauguration vs. the protests instead of the real numbers!

White House press secretary attacks media for accurately reporting inauguration crowds


You had to go back 18 months to find something that a person who no longer works for the President said about something insignificant.

Incredible work there, dumbass!

Odd, but Trump goes back that far, and further at every rally.
We legit citizens want President Trump to stay pissed and motivated to continue bitch-slapping the ignorant loonies, criminals and low-life's.
Pass it on....Please keep protesting!
The idiot's that votes for him are only 26% of the eligible viters....the masses fo hate him and his minions...we will talk in mid terms and I. 2020 the mean time I'm moving to OC to make it even bluer with 5 more blue votes :).
We legit citizens want President Trump to stay pissed and motivated to continue bitch-slapping the ignorant loonies, criminals and low-life's.
Pass it on....Please keep protesting!

You support a non-legit president.
I support holding up most right wing legislation in Court.

they have no Constitutional Clue or Constitutional Cause.

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