Planned parenthood needs you now, please help by donating your child to science

FYI: A Why Question?

The so-called fake lord made this planet in 6 days some say.
For us humans to Rat Fuck IT! ~B.Maher
Planned Parenthood needs you.

Yea, this is what the World needs, more dead babies...........
What dead babies?
Planned parenthood sells baby parts for experimentation, if they are not children then why are they doing experiments on some foreign species?
They are neither body parts or a foreign species. Stop being willfully stupid; :// Planned Parenthood is involved in fetal tissue. That is not a body part. You have zero understanding of Biological principles. Stop with the trailer park baby killing nonsense.

Answer that? and while you are on the topic, tell us why you have no children and why you never will have any children?
Why do you ask stupid questions?
Because he is an uneducated old white fart.
Doesn't realize the research might save his small life someday
Remind me when you are not a dead limb on the tree of life.

PS. I am old, white and if you were here I would surely fart
Thanks for confirming.
Sucking off your socialist benefits thinking you put in more than you will take out.?
We need the young immigrants darlin to pay for your SS
Some Liberal bitch probably wantsto buy a new sports car so she needs more baby body parts to sell.
This is so unbelievably stupid.

But true.

The filthy Liberal zeal to kill the children and then sell the body parts to buy a sports car is, unfortunately, the world we live in.

From a deadhead who has no idea of the meaning of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college?
How can you spout filthy insults with words you don't know the definition of?

Liberals are the scum of this country. Not only assholes but ignorant of history, the Constitution, climate science, ethics, economics, immigration laws and even biology.

Stand and fight.?
Bet you never was in trench ware fare or had the shit bombed out of you brave boy
Patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel?
You have zero understanding of Biological principles.

But, doesn't begin at conception....right

Fuck off
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Oye vay... I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out something that makes more sense!

Doesn't it, you fucking, piece of shit, moron!


Why do women take the morning after pill?

Why do women get abortions?

Stages of life.....
You have zero understanding of Biological principles.

But, doesn't begin at conception....right

Fuck off
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Oye vay... I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out something that makes more sense!

Doesn't it, you fucking, piece of shit, moron!


Why do women take the morning after pill?

Why do women get abortions?

Stages of life.....

WOW!?..SOoooo, Deep! Let us see her. What is Life?


To eat, we kill life.
For us to eat more, we reduce reproductions. So we get more STUFF!
Goo in the oven is Life. An Unborn possible Human if it completes the cycles right.
And IF IT can struggle and breaks out of these vagina openings for a win.
There former Goo thangs become a Live Births. It gets NEW Papers!
If you're going to call from say 1day-38 weeks, these GOO Sacks a baby life,
needing protection. Try to be fair to other life.

So why do you not protect the eggs and the sperms?


These are Alive, Life Forms, Living cells.

Btw: We need to jail females for their periods, they killed a posable baby.
As for rubbing one out. We need to jail these guys as well.
Both are killing life.
Last edited:
No, you say IT/THEY exists, so I'm telling you. IT/THEY kills the most peoples. From your rewritten bibles some 26 times now at least.
IT/THEY killed this planet off by drowning them all. Some were pregnant with goo in their ovens. And also made in this world flood,
the first few Boat Peoples in the process. Some were humping the animals.
For me I'm telling you there are NO gods.

Oh, I said that did I trollbot?

Genesis 7:12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.


Ah, so you're just a fucking liar. :thup:

You never did say who you are a paid troll for? North Korea? China? ISIS?
There is no limit.

At least you answered.

Why? We must consider the life of the mother in the event of complications, or the fact that the Fetus is no longer advancing in the womb, jeopardizing the life of the mother.

And for the other 99.9999999997% of cases?

Your's is a red herring. You offer a scenario so rare as to be irrelevant.

Very few oppose abortion to save the life of the mother.

What is amusing is that should they isolate a gene that causes homosexuality, those like you will suddenly be avidly anti-abortion, since most babies identified as gay would be aborted.

Anytime before birth, the fetus and the brain have still not fully developed. This is a woman's body. No man or woman has a right to decide what other men or women should do with their body. You and the rest of your ilk aren't God, thank God.

Ah, a "magic vagina" retard. These fools that think some process of magic transforms a "blob of parasitic goo" when it passes through the birth canal.

Abortion is most easily accepted by the ignorant who have no grasp of basic biology, dolts like you.
Politifact are Leftist biased, so nobody pays attention to them and here's Ben Shapiro with one example of their Leftist bias:

That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.

The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

The video speaks for itself, dumbass. Even the filthy Moon Bat spin and denial of facts can't hide it by claiming it was "edited", or whatever. They got caught red handed being assholes selling aborted body parts. Abortionists are scum just like anybody who supports the despicable murder of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

These criminals got caught trying to frame PP and admitted to it; Daleiden Admits to Deceptively Editing Videos. And there is nothing you can say or do to change that. So, not only did they edit it, they admitted to wrong doing. No body parts sold. Again, you lose. And name calling will never change that fact. But ha, thanks for playing.

Bull fucking shit.

Planned Genocide got caught - flat out. That they turn around and lie is far from exoneration of these evil ghouls.
That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.
The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

The video speaks for itself, dumbass. Even the filthy Moon Bat spin and denial of facts can't hide it by claiming it was "edited", or whatever. They got caught red handed being assholes selling aborted body parts. Abortionists are scum just like anybody who supports the despicable murder of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.
These criminals got caught trying to frame PP and admitted to it; Daleiden Admits to Deceptively Editing Videos. And there is nothing you can say or do to change that. So, not only did they edit it, they admitted to wrong doing. No body parts sold. Again, you lose. And name calling will never change that fact. But ha, thanks for playing.

Bull fucking shit.

Planned Genocide got caught - flat out. That they turn around and lie is far from exoneration of these evil ghouls.
Lucky for PP "Bull fucking Shit" doesn't move the ball forward for you or the criminals who concocted the false/edited video, trying to portray a scenario where PP was selling body parts when it was not. Try something more intelligent than "BFS".
There is no limit.

At least you answered.

Why? We must consider the life of the mother in the event of complications, or the fact that the Fetus is no longer advancing in the womb, jeopardizing the life of the mother.

And for the other 99.9999999997% of cases?
What about them? Are you God? If you were you wouldn't be asking the question of me right? Is it your body? If it isn't, then who are you again? With all the potential complications, you are not God who gets to decide another humans right to their bodies; Abortion & Pregnancy Risks | Department of Health | State of Louisiana The argument is a no brainer.

Your's is a red herring. You offer a scenario so rare as to be irrelevant.
Another totally irrelevant argument. You fail to mention rape or incest. How convenient! Again, not your body to decide. Keep your religion and your make believe science out of it.

Very few oppose abortion to save the life of the mother.
While many in the Republican Evangelical Christian Right wouldn't think it twice to make that illegal as well. Too go along with rape and incest. That is totally disgusting.

What is amusing is that should they isolate a gene that causes homosexuality, those like you will suddenly be avidly anti-abortion, since most babies identified as gay would be aborted.
What and who are you? You don't know me from Adam boss. Damn you're full of shit.

Anytime before birth, the fetus and the brain have still not fully developed. This is a woman's body. No man or woman has a right to decide what other men or women should do with their body. You and the rest of your ilk aren't God, thank God.

Ah, a "magic vagina" retard. These fools that think some process of magic transforms a "blob of parasitic goo" when it passes through the birth canal.
Ah, what a brilliant scientific analogy coming straight out of Jim Bob's ass.

Abortion is most easily accepted by the ignorant who have no grasp of basic biology, dolts like you.
Once again you've broken ahead of the scientific community by supplying us all with your new found expertise in the world of "abortions" without actually explaining anything at all. Congratulations! You, like the rest, come here to spread conjecture and hyperbolic rants as a replacement for actual scientific research. Your basic knowledge in Biology would be great to read, if only there was something to read. Lol! What a joke.
You have zero understanding of Biological principles.

But, doesn't begin at conception....right

Fuck off
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Oye vay... I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out something that makes more sense!

Doesn't it, you fucking, piece of shit, moron!


Why do women take the morning after pill?

Why do women get abortions?

Stages of life.....

WOW!?..SOoooo, Deep! Let us see her. What is Life?


To eat, we kill life.
For us to eat more, we reduce reproductions. So we get more STUFF!
Goo in the oven is Life. An Unborn possible Human if it completes the cycles right.
And IF IT can struggle and breaks out of these vagina openings for a win.
There former Goo thangs become a Live Births. It gets NEW Papers!
If you're going to call from say 1day-38 weeks, these GOO Sacks a baby life,
needing protection. Try to be fair to other life.

So why do you not protect the eggs and the sperms?


These are Alive, Life Forms, Living cells.

Btw: We need to jail females for their periods, they killed a posable baby.
As for rubbing one out. We need to jail these guys as well.
Both are killing life. long did it take you to crap that out?
Your immense stupidity would be comical,
if it weren't so fucking pathetic!

WOW!?..SOoooo, Deep! Let us see her. What is Life?

Too deep for your peabrain!


the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity,
and continual change preceding death.

the existence of an individual human being or animal.
To eat, we kill life.
Obviously, your train of thought doesn't have a caboose....
derailing somewhere in the vastness of your immense stupidity
For us to eat more, we reduce reproductions. So we get more STUFF!
How you found your way out of the birth canal is a mystery!

I simply cannot justify
responding to the rest of your gibberish....but, I will suggest
posting on a thread more suited for your IQ
Every egg that passes every month from a fertile woman is 'life'. If she has 'chosen' not to get it fertilized, is that abortion?
Get real, 'lifers'. It is ridiculous to talk of unborn fetuses as 'babies' because there are living cells and not talk of any cell of a human as being a human.
Besides, anyone who truly thought abortion were murder would be at an abortion clinic stopping it, or would be in jail for having been arrested at an abortion clinic.
Put up or shut up.
Every egg that passes every month from a fertile woman is 'life'. If she has 'chosen' not to get it fertilized, is that abortion?
Apparently, there is a contest on this thread for the best idiotic post
And, obviously, you are among the contestants

I don't know who will win but,
I do know the competition is stiff!
Besides, anyone who truly thought abortion were murder would be at an abortion clinic stopping it, or would be in jail for having been arrested at an abortion clinic.
Well, seems you've taken a slight lead :happy-1:

Lucky for PP "Bull fucking Shit" doesn't move the ball forward for you or the criminals who concocted the false/edited video, trying to portray a scenario where PP was selling body parts when it was not. Try something more intelligent than "BFS".

Luckily for Planned Genocide the Obama DOJ was so corrupt that they attempted to cover the whole thing up rather than prosecuting the vile ghouls.

Nucatola admits on hidden camera that Planned Parenthood charges per-specimen for baby body parts, uses illegal partial-birth abortion procedures to get salable parts, and is aware of its own liability for doing so and takes steps to cover it up.

Nucatola described how abortion procedures are altered not for the safety of women but to get the most marketable body parts, including intact livers, hearts and heads, which are highly sought by those who procure human body tissue for research.}
Top abortionist confesses: I sell dead babies

Try something more intelligent than flat out lying.
What about them? Are you God? If you were you wouldn't be asking the question of me right? Is it your body? If it isn't, then who are you again? With all the potential complications, you are not God who gets to decide another humans right to their bodies; Abortion & Pregnancy Risks | Department of Health | State of Louisiana The argument is a no brainer.

So, the claim of life of the mother is a red herring fallacy, a dishonest tactic you use to obscure the facts.

Your childish "are you god" bullshit is also an acknowledgement that you lack substance.

Now, let's look at the other blatant lies you are employing.

"right to their bodies"

As with most ghouls, I must assume you have never had a basic biology class and slept through 3rd grade science. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the genetic material of life on earth. In humans, the genetic code is found in every cell. Hair follicles, skin, finger nails - your DNA will be the same.

Now as an ignorant ghoul attempting to defend the reprehensible, you made a claim that abortion deals with a "woman's own body," hence the DNA of the baby is identical to that of the mother.

Except of course it isn't, sploogy. The baby is a separate and distinct human life. You seek to promote killing others, not "control one's own body."

Another totally irrelevant argument. You fail to mention rape or incest. How convenient! Again, not your body to decide. Keep your religion and your make believe science out of it.

That you are utterly dishonest is highly relevant.

That you think science is "make believe" is very telling. Oh and sploogy, where have I mentioned religion? You are an ignorant dolt with contempt for basic biological fact. That has nothing to do with religion.

While many in the Republican Evangelical Christian Right wouldn't think it twice to make that illegal as well. Too go along with rape and incest. That is totally disgusting.

Do you ever stop blatantly lying?

You basically spew talking points from Planned Genocide that were debunked decades ago. Either you are too ignorant to grasp this, or so fucking dishonest that you don't care.

hat and who are you? You don't know me from Adam boss. Damn you're full of shit.

You are a Progressive Communist chattering the usual shit from the left.

Do you not view homosexuality as the pinnacle achievement of the human species as is the dogma of your party.

Ah, what a brilliant scientific analogy coming straight out of Jim Bob's ass.

Again, you are an ignorant dolt with zero grasp of human gestation or development.

The human brain is "fully formed" at about 21 years of age. Are you ghouls looking to murder your fellow humans until 21 years of age?

Well, Joseph Mengele is the spiritual basis of Planned Genocide morality....

Once again you've broken ahead of the scientific community by supplying us all with your new found expertise in the world of "abortions" without actually explaining anything at all. Congratulations! You, like the rest, come here to spread conjecture and hyperbolic rants as a replacement for actual scientific research. Your basic knowledge in Biology would be great to read, if only there was something to read. Lol! What a joke.

Nothing new about any of this, you ignorant fool. A third grade science class would teach it to you.
You have zero understanding of Biological principles.

But, doesn't begin at conception....right

Fuck off
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Oye vay... I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out something that makes more sense!

Doesn't it, you fucking, piece of shit, moron!


Why do women take the morning after pill?

Why do women get abortions?

Stages of life.....

WOW!?..SOoooo, Deep! Let us see her. What is Life?


To eat, we kill life.
For us to eat more, we reduce reproductions. So we get more STUFF!
Goo in the oven is Life. An Unborn possible Human if it completes the cycles right.
And IF IT can struggle and breaks out of these vagina openings for a win.
There former Goo thangs become a Live Births. It gets NEW Papers!
If you're going to call from say 1day-38 weeks, these GOO Sacks a baby life,
needing protection. Try to be fair to other life.

So why do you not protect the eggs and the sperms?


These are Alive, Life Forms, Living cells.

Btw: We need to jail females for their periods, they killed a posable baby.
As for rubbing one out. We need to jail these guys as well.
Both are killing life. long did it take you to crap that out?
Your immense stupidity would be comical,
if it weren't so fucking pathetic!

WOW!?..SOoooo, Deep! Let us see her. What is Life?

Too deep for your peabrain!


the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity,
and continual change preceding death.

the existence of an individual human being or animal.
To eat, we kill life.
Obviously, your train of thought doesn't have a caboose....
derailing somewhere in the vastness of your immense stupidity
For us to eat more, we reduce reproductions. So we get more STUFF!
How you found your way out of the birth canal is a mystery!

I simply cannot justify
responding to the rest of your gibberish....but, I will suggest
posting on a thread more suited for your IQ

Try Google. It can help you.

But here...I'll help you once, here..

Q: Are Plants Life/Alive/Living?

A; The dog is a living thing. A tree or flower is a plant, and trees and flowers need air, nutrients, water, and sunlight. A flower and tree are also living things. Plants are living things and they need air, nutrients, water, and sunlight
Talk is cheap. Responsibility is hard.

Abortions can cost less than 1000 bucks to taxpayers if needing help.
Rasing a Long-Term Takers will cost taxpayers 375K to millions to jail it.

Abortion is the Cheaper solutions for us taxpayers when we need to deal with these thangs.
What about them? Are you God? If you were you wouldn't be asking the question of me right? Is it your body? If it isn't, then who are you again? With all the potential complications, you are not God who gets to decide another humans right to their bodies; Abortion & Pregnancy Risks | Department of Health | State of Louisiana The argument is a no brainer.

So, the claim of life of the mother is a red herring fallacy, a dishonest tactic you use to obscure the facts.

Your childish "are you god" bullshit is also an acknowledgement that you lack substance.
you either are or you are not God? Nothing "childish" about it at all. You, as well as others from the pro-life side toss out a lot of conjecture, claiming abortion kills babies. According to who and how? We don't know who you and others are, and you and others have also provided zero scientific data to prove your claims. That said, just telling the world that the mother is killing her baby is nothing more than a red herring. It doesn't tell us anything.

Now, let's look at the other blatant lies you are employing.

"right to their bodies"

As with most ghouls, I must assume you have never had a basic biology class and slept through 3rd grade science. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the genetic material of life on earth. In humans, the genetic code is found in every cell. Hair follicles, skin, finger nails - your DNA will be the same.
Try again! That analysis does not prove the woman is killing a baby. The genetic material is the building blocks for life. The subject of genetic DNA has never made the claim that life begins during that building process. Genetics 101 — The Hereditary Material of Life | NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine

Now as an ignorant ghoul attempting to defend the reprehensible, you made a claim that abortion deals with a "woman's own body," hence the DNA of the baby is identical to that of the mother.
Once again, your point is moot. The identical DNA makeup is not proof of life. And you have not presented any truth of that. Your explanation reminds me of someone tossing spaghetti up against the wall hoping something will stick as it relates to scientific evidence. You aren't revealing anything that has any scientific evidence proving life before birth.

Except of course it isn't, sploogy. The baby is a separate and distinct human life. You seek to promote killing others, not "control one's own body."
You, so far have failed miserably proving that, based on insufficient information.

Another totally irrelevant argument. You fail to mention rape or incest. How convenient! Again, not your body to decide. Keep your religion and your make believe science out of it.

That you are utterly dishonest is highly relevant.

That you think science is "make believe" is very telling. Oh and sploogy, where have I mentioned religion? You are an ignorant dolt with contempt for basic biological fact. That has nothing to do with religion.

While many in the Republican Evangelical Christian Right wouldn't think it twice to make that illegal as well. Too go along with rape and incest. That is totally disgusting.

Do you ever stop blatantly lying?

You basically spew talking points from Planned Genocide that were debunked decades ago. Either you are too ignorant to grasp this, or so fucking dishonest that you don't care.
That by itself is a lie, because nothing has been debunked. Never heard of "planned genocide" before? I care about accurate scientific information, not some religious/political agenda.

hat and who are you? You don't know me from Adam boss. Damn you're full of shit.

You are a Progressive Communist chattering the usual shit from the left.
What is Communist about having an abortion? Even your name calling doesn't make sense.

Do you not view homosexuality as the pinnacle achievement of the human species as is the dogma of your party.
Your question with a period proves to me that you have never done any extensive research your own with the main goal of understanding all Biological principles and facts related to homosexuality. You have surrounded yourself with willful ignorance and hate. You have never made the courageous step to truly try to understand or learn about the miracle that is nature, and its inner most mysteries, that lend to us logical answers and valuable information. You simply fall back in the same ignorant, hateful hole like your ilk, because it's the easiest route to take.

Ah, what a brilliant scientific analogy coming straight out of Jim Bob's ass.

Again, you are an ignorant dolt with zero grasp of human gestation or development.

The human brain is "fully formed" at about 21 years of age. Are you ghouls looking to murder your fellow humans until 21 years of age?
There you go again. Your blind ignorance always on display for us to see, while you again play God. You see, that is the big difference. I don't pretend to play God. You do. I look for a scientific approach and explanation, because I'm not so arrogant to think I can take on the role of God.

Well, Joseph Mengele is the spiritual basis of Planned Genocide morality....

Once again you've broken ahead of the scientific community by supplying us all with your new found expertise in the world of "abortions" without actually explaining anything at all. Congratulations! You, like the rest, come here to spread conjecture and hyperbolic rants as a replacement for actual scientific research. Your basic knowledge in Biology would be great to read, if only there was something to read. Lol! What a joke.

Nothing new about any of this, you ignorant fool. A third grade science class would teach it to you.
Stay stupid my friend. You deserve yourself.

But, doesn't begin at conception....right

Fuck off
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Does it? How do you know/ find out? What is your evidence? Did you feel the need to "fuck off" yourself, and then is when you found out?
Oye vay... I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out something that makes more sense!

Doesn't it, you fucking, piece of shit, moron!


Why do women take the morning after pill?

Why do women get abortions?

Stages of life.....

WOW!?..SOoooo, Deep! Let us see her. What is Life?


To eat, we kill life.
For us to eat more, we reduce reproductions. So we get more STUFF!
Goo in the oven is Life. An Unborn possible Human if it completes the cycles right.
And IF IT can struggle and breaks out of these vagina openings for a win.
There former Goo thangs become a Live Births. It gets NEW Papers!
If you're going to call from say 1day-38 weeks, these GOO Sacks a baby life,
needing protection. Try to be fair to other life.

So why do you not protect the eggs and the sperms?


These are Alive, Life Forms, Living cells.

Btw: We need to jail females for their periods, they killed a posable baby.
As for rubbing one out. We need to jail these guys as well.
Both are killing life. long did it take you to crap that out?
Your immense stupidity would be comical,
if it weren't so fucking pathetic!

WOW!?..SOoooo, Deep! Let us see her. What is Life?

Too deep for your peabrain!


the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity,
and continual change preceding death.

the existence of an individual human being or animal.
To eat, we kill life.
Obviously, your train of thought doesn't have a caboose....
derailing somewhere in the vastness of your immense stupidity
For us to eat more, we reduce reproductions. So we get more STUFF!
How you found your way out of the birth canal is a mystery!

I simply cannot justify
responding to the rest of your gibberish....but, I will suggest
posting on a thread more suited for your IQ

Try Google. It can help you.

But here...I'll help you once, here..

Q: Are Plants Life/Alive/Living?

A; The dog is a living thing. A tree or flower is a plant, and trees and flowers need air, nutrients, water, and sunlight. A flower and tree are also living things. Plants are living things and they need air, nutrients, water, and sunlight
Try Google. It can help you.

But here...I'll help you once, here..

Q: Are Plants Life/Alive/Living?

A; The dog is a living thing. A tree or flower is a plant, and trees and flowers need air, nutrients, water, and sunlight. A flower and tree are also living things. Plants are living things and they need air, nutrients, water, and sunlight
I'm not the one who needs help.... you are!

Your not telling me anything I don't know

What is your fucking point anyway?

Go back and read our exchange again...
come back, when you're ready to discuss biology
and biological principles, as it pertains to
reproduction and human life, sensibly....

Otherwise, I have neither the time,
nor the crayons, to explain this to you.

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