Planned Parenthood and Birth Control prevents millions upon millions of abortion


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Why so much activity from the so called pro-life against Birth Control opportunities?
It has nothing to do with whether we believe in birth control....i do. I'm Christian....
Catholics don't. I have no problem with women using birth control! My problem is with the women that don't, and murder a baby because they get pregnant. Abortion is no birth control!
omg, nobody I know is AGAINST birth control...

But I guess we should rejoice we've ONLY HAD 55million children aborted since it became legal...yeah birth control

When I come in to a debate I come in at an unexpected angle. I see souls in people being saved to have way more than what is on this planet. Therefore preventing life, and aborting to me are seen as not good. Non productive sex will occur, but what is important is the intent of your heart. That is what God sees. Whatever the topic that has to be considered. He is in those that are like he is.
54,559,615 Abortions Since Roe vs. Wade Decision in 1973 cannot be documented.

Between more people choosing to keep babies,birth control and the increasing numbers of single moms say that abortion numbers have decreased dramatically over the years.

Prevention is the key. Pro life people come down hard on sex education, birth control and prevention in general so it's hard to accept that position.

Is the pro life movement against having sex? A natural act that which is not evil.
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Abortion numbers have dropped considerably over the past few decades which is always left out of the rhetoric. Even since 1990 abortions numbers have dropped 25%. 41% of children are born to single moms which is another indication abortion numbers must be dropping.

These same voices campaign against birth control. What's up with that? Birth control is a plus for their cause yet constantly campaign against such practical measures.

What is their campaign against? Are these voices against having sex?

Are these voices living in fear that the white population is becoming the minority group?

These voices slam Planned Parenthood which provides information and services that which prevent pregnancies which is a plus for their nasty campaigns.

Sexual Health Topics - Planned Parenthood

Birth Control Methods - Birth Control Options
omg, nobody I know is AGAINST birth control...

But I guess we should rejoice we've ONLY HAD 55million children aborted since it became legal...yeah birth control

While you are free to speak for yourself,

I am against birth control.
Many people I know agree with me.

The problem with birth control is layered.

It may act as an abortifacient, terminating a distinct innocent human life chemically.
So it is very much part of the abortion industry.

It also is directly linked to the rise of cancerous diseases amongst women. There is no denying the correlation in the rise of women's cancer and the rise of birth control accessibility. Again, a tool for the culture of death.

It's promotion is a clear sign of a diseased culture. A culture that does not promote natural families, procreation, and life itself... is a culture that will die.
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omg, nobody I know is AGAINST birth control...

But I guess we should rejoice we've ONLY HAD 55million children aborted since it became legal...yeah birth control

While you are free to speak for yourself,

I am against birth control.
Many people I know agree with me.

The problem with birth control is layered.

It may act as an abortifacient, terminating a distinct innocent human life chemically.
So it is very much part of the abortion industry.

It also is directly linked to the rise of cancerous diseases amongst women. There is no denying the correlation in the rise of women's cancer and the rise of birth control accessibility. Again, a tool for the culture of death.

It's promotion is a clear sign of a diseased culture. A culture that does not promote natural families, procreation, and life itself... is a culture that will die.

You make a great point. I actually disagree with all of your stated opinions, however we often forget that, yes, there are plently of people who oppose birth control. I know many many people who are agaisnt BC in any form.
Is this the position? Don't have sex unless one is trying to make a baby?

Without men and sperm there can be no babies. Perhaps men should be looking into birth control?

What about the position sex is healthy for the mind and body?
Cancer and birth control?

Which birth control methods are directly related to cancer?
How about toxic lawn and garden chemicals making cancer?

How about smoking and cancer?
How about unhealthy diets not being able to fight off those cancer cells running about the human body?

How about air pollution and cancer?
It is difficult to pinpoint birth control as the culprit although many pharmaceuticals are out there that
might be a contributing factor?

If I am not mistaken our human bodies seem to have cancer cells that need to be kept at bay.
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The Catholic position is that sex is healthy inside of marriage only, masturbation is a sin. Also you may not use any form of birth control, however the priest(who counsels couples before marriage) does suggest if you are attempting to prevent conception, to use the rhythm method.
How about toxic lawn and garden chemicals making cancer?

How about smoking and cancer?

Birth Control, the pharmaceutical kind, and the cultural disease, has been encouraged by the cult of death known as planned parenthood.
The anti-life propaganda machine has been pushing for the death of America for a long time.

Smoking, has been discouraged, and rates have decreased.
Lawn chemicals have been under ever tightened control by your friendly neighborhood EPA, so...

Oh yeah, except chemicals that are designed to prevent life pushed on girls and women by the aforementioned cult of death.
Why doesn't the EPA have anything to say about those carcinogens?

Baby butchers and big pharma, a team truly made in hell.

You see, evil does not really care about health, they only want moral decay and eventual death.
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The Catholic position is that sex is healthy inside of marriage only, masturbation is a sin. Also you may not use any form of birth control, however the priest(who counsels couples before marriage) does suggest if you are attempting to prevent conception, to use the rhythm method.

Yes, and you know what we call people who use that method, don't you?

The rhythm method can be pretty effective, if used correctly. I've mentioned before, I'm Catholic, so I know/ am related to plenty of women who rely on it. The real issue with it is women who aren't regular, or who don't count properly.

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