Plain View Project Database Unjust Slander Against Philadelphia Police Officers!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The local media has placed a giant spotlight on the publication of a database produced by an initiative called the "Plain View Project". This database, in part, contained postings in social media by numerous members of the Philadelphia Police Department that was discriminatory, disrespectful and offensive. I don't condone or agree with any of the postings reported in the media for my religion commands me to behave in a virtuous manner, to love my neighbor and these postings violate that instruction. However, I don't think people should be condemning these officers or labeling them as unfit to do their job over these posts. America's culture perpetuates a very insensitive amoral sense of humor you listen to late night talk show host and it is overwhelming this type of unvirtuous humor if one were to develop a list of examples from these hosts it would be almost endless. One also must remember we as a community ask police officers to do a very dangerous job, to enforce our laws on crimes, which regularly requires them to put their lives at risk whether it be pulling over a motorist who could have a gun or responding to domestic violence cases where emotions are the most raw these jobs require tough officers that is people that are tough and such people sometimes aren't sensitive don't always put that filter on their remarks that virtuous people operate with. It is over scrutiny of these officers that we mine their social media postings for offensive remarks these people aren't ministers, aren't elementary school teachers they are crime fighters rough around the edges protectors of everyone's safety, for these reasons it is unfair to subject these officers to the scrutiny the public is seeing them subjected to!

Observing the history of how things work in Philadelphia I can see how a lynch mob mentality could build on this issue resulting in the termination of these officers careers. I can see how leaders of the community will abandon courage and submit to the will of vocal minority group that have a narrow self serving agenda and don't care about being fair and considering the totality of the circumstances here. Leaders of the community if need be should take on the lynch mob! They should say that although the officers should not have written what they wrote in many cases it wasn't unjust! For instance a person blowing a whistle in an officers face one the loud noise could damage the officers ear drums secondly officers have a duty to maintain order how can they achieve this important duty when people are permitted to go up to their face and blow a whistle it is just to say such a person acted like an idiot for he did not act like a good citizen. For instance, the Quran does have statements that on their face call for violence against infidels "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)"[Chapter 9 verse 5 from Wikipedia website which identified other "sword verses" in Quran]. Another instance, perpetrators that steal a car and crash into a mother with her two children killing all of them and another perpetrator that attacks a pregnant women calling such perpetrators "animals" is not unjust - it is commonly taught to our children that the difference between human beings and the rest of the animals that exist in this world is that human beings have a conscience we distinguish between right and wrong these perpetrators did not act with a conscience therefore it is just to call them animals. For instance, a lot of people don't get food stamps that struggle to buy food and a lot of people get food stamps don't work but are physically able to work acknowledging the unfairness in these deadbeat people using their food stamps to buy junk food that many hard working nonrecipients of food stamps wish they could afford to buy but just can't for affordability reasons isn't an unjust criticism it criticism with legitimate basis. For instance, a certain segment of the community does not talk in a common manner the terms and phrases they use are not common referencing the way they speak is not unjust!

One person that deserves a heap of criticism in this matter that so far seems to have avoided it is the leader behind this Emily Baker-White. She is a lawyer who claims to have been largely interested in identifying bias in police officers which makes them unfit to do their job. Well I think a fair analysis of Ms. Baker-White is that she is a disgrace to the legal profession lawyers are supposed to have good character and be responsible citizens, qualities she did not display here. Most of this database does not contain evidence of biased police officers; foolish and immature maybe but not unfit to do their job, in fact many of them are and have been great police officers and a blessing on the community but do to your efforts Ms. Baker-White will be found unfit to do and lose their jobs!
I have been trying to think of your post without laughing. The Police Officer’s testimony is only as good as his credibility. That credibility is assailed easily. Especially if he lies.

Let’s say you find a recording of the Police Officer using derogatory words to describe minorities. You get the cop on the stand, and you ask him if he ever used those words. The cop, maintaining his image of impartial professionalism, says no. Then you play the recording for the jury. The cop’s credibility is shot. He just lied to the Jury, and that lie was right there. Ask Mark Furman how that works out. Because then the Jury wonders if the cop will lie about this, what else is he lying about? Can we trust him to tell the truth when he says he found this evidence, or that clue?

So the Database you decry is easy to make ineffective, have the cops tell the truth. But they don’t want to tell the truth. Cops prefer to lie and sound professional, and dedicated, and disinterested other than their professional duties. They don’t care who the defendant is, they only care about finding the truth, and identifying the guilty.

That is why this Database is a threat. The cops have to admit to all those things, and that destroys their credibility too. How many times have you made derogatory statements online about minorities? One, ten, or a hundred? Or was it more?

The easiest way to shut it down, is to stop saying things online or in person, that are derogatory or inflammatory. Of course, the cops will never do that either.
The local media has placed a giant spotlight on the publication of a database produced by an initiative called the "Plain View Project". This database, in part, contained postings in social media by numerous members of the Philadelphia Police Department that was discriminatory, disrespectful and offensive. I don't condone or agree with any of the postings reported in the media for my religion commands me to behave in a virtuous manner, to love my neighbor and these postings violate that instruction. However, I don't think people should be condemning these officers or labeling them as unfit to do their job over these posts. America's culture perpetuates a very insensitive amoral sense of humor you listen to late night talk show host and it is overwhelming this type of unvirtuous humor if one were to develop a list of examples from these hosts it would be almost endless. One also must remember we as a community ask police officers to do a very dangerous job, to enforce our laws on crimes, which regularly requires them to put their lives at risk whether it be pulling over a motorist who could have a gun or responding to domestic violence cases where emotions are the most raw these jobs require tough officers that is people that are tough and such people sometimes aren't sensitive don't always put that filter on their remarks that virtuous people operate with. It is over scrutiny of these officers that we mine their social media postings for offensive remarks these people aren't ministers, aren't elementary school teachers they are crime fighters rough around the edges protectors of everyone's safety, for these reasons it is unfair to subject these officers to the scrutiny the public is seeing them subjected to!

Observing the history of how things work in Philadelphia I can see how a lynch mob mentality could build on this issue resulting in the termination of these officers careers. I can see how leaders of the community will abandon courage and submit to the will of vocal minority group that have a narrow self serving agenda and don't care about being fair and considering the totality of the circumstances here. Leaders of the community if need be should take on the lynch mob! They should say that although the officers should not have written what they wrote in many cases it wasn't unjust! For instance a person blowing a whistle in an officers face one the loud noise could damage the officers ear drums secondly officers have a duty to maintain order how can they achieve this important duty when people are permitted to go up to their face and blow a whistle it is just to say such a person acted like an idiot for he did not act like a good citizen. For instance, the Quran does have statements that on their face call for violence against infidels "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)"[Chapter 9 verse 5 from Wikipedia website which identified other "sword verses" in Quran]. Another instance, perpetrators that steal a car and crash into a mother with her two children killing all of them and another perpetrator that attacks a pregnant women calling such perpetrators "animals" is not unjust - it is commonly taught to our children that the difference between human beings and the rest of the animals that exist in this world is that human beings have a conscience we distinguish between right and wrong these perpetrators did not act with a conscience therefore it is just to call them animals. For instance, a lot of people don't get food stamps that struggle to buy food and a lot of people get food stamps don't work but are physically able to work acknowledging the unfairness in these deadbeat people using their food stamps to buy junk food that many hard working nonrecipients of food stamps wish they could afford to buy but just can't for affordability reasons isn't an unjust criticism it criticism with legitimate basis. For instance, a certain segment of the community does not talk in a common manner the terms and phrases they use are not common referencing the way they speak is not unjust!

One person that deserves a heap of criticism in this matter that so far seems to have avoided it is the leader behind this Emily Baker-White. She is a lawyer who claims to have been largely interested in identifying bias in police officers which makes them unfit to do their job. Well I think a fair analysis of Ms. Baker-White is that she is a disgrace to the legal profession lawyers are supposed to have good character and be responsible citizens, qualities she did not display here. Most of this database does not contain evidence of biased police officers; foolish and immature maybe but not unfit to do their job, in fact many of them are and have been great police officers and a blessing on the community but do to your efforts Ms. Baker-White will be found unfit to do and lose their jobs!
There have been many Police Officers that have brought legal suits against people who have brought false charges. It ended in Fla, because of the Police Officer Protection Act. Allow Police to bring legal Civil suites again people who file false charges...Last one I heard of collected 500.000 against a Lawyer from Miami who was stopped for DWI.

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