Does anyone have any faith in the fbi

The Republicans

Silver Member
Dec 31, 2018
So what is your opinion about Federal Bureau Of Investigation after the whole thing about the election fallout. Honestly, I think that agents who have developed any bias in a high profile case that would be involved in the current political situation should had been removed from the case.

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The eff bee eye have been an moronic pack of rabid debbils for decades.
If just one underling agent had the guts to stand up and call out his boss I would be more confidant in the FBI...but not one came forward...not one stood up and said they are framing the President of the United States.....guilty top to bottom...
there are 33850 people working for the FBI and most all of them are doing their jobs, quite well.
After what the Federal Bureau Of Investigation has been put through I don’t think that some departments are going to have any representation because of what they allowed to have happened

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there are 33850 people working for the FBI and most all of them are doing their jobs, quite well.

Scandals and the FBI concerning poor judgement, lies, and obfuscation run rampant. You can focus on anything, and find that the truth is often the hardest thing to find in an FBI investigation. Take their interviews for example. They don’t record them. So the only record of what is said during the interview, is the Agent’s notes. Despite the fact that every Police Department with more than one officer has video and audio recording in the interview rooms. The FBI doesn’t want a record. That allows the Agents to adjust the narrative. They’ve been caught many times where the notes of Agents do not even come close to agreeing.

Scientific Analysis? When the FBI begins a Scientific Analysis of a crime scene, you expect the famed FBI Lab to be accurate. But they make the tests up, and report on the results, and the test itself is essentially the equivalent of Alchemy. Lead Matching? Photographic Body Matching when the faces are obscured? Hair Matching? Fiber Matching? All of these were pioneered by the FBI, and all have been utterly discredited.

Even established evidence gathering techniques are screwed up royally by the FBI. U.S. To Pay $2M For False Terror Arrest

The “suspect” was able to prove he was no where near the Madrid Bombing. He never left the Country, he didn’t leave the state. He had witnesses, including Video, which showed he was in the city. Surveillance video included. But the FBI didn’t believe any of that. They’re too smart to fall for that sort of trick. Their Lab positively matched the Fingerprint. Of course, the Cops in Spain, Interpol, and just about everywhere else knew it was a Terrorist from Morocco. But that isn’t going to dissuade the FBI. They know better.

The FBI lied about the Bundy deal, they screwed up the Cruz Parkland deal, they lie and screw up daily, but are somehow respected. Why? Hollywood. Hollywood makes them out to be brilliant investigators who are always closing in on their man. Sorting through the smoke to find the smoldering embers of truth.

If I was on a Jury, and the Agent of the FBI swore he knew that the Defendant was the bad guy, I’d be doubtful. Because the FBI has a long and continuing history of ignoring laws, rules, standards, and even competence.
I have faith in most rank and file FBI agents. I have no faith in their leadership which has been politicized and weaponized.
I have faith in most rank and file FBI agents. I have no faith in their leadership which has been politicized and weaponized.

It was the Rank and File agents who lied to the Judge about Surveillance on the Bundy Ranch which got the case thrown out of court. It was Rank and File agents who were caught lying about what was said in the interview rooms. Where do you think the leadership comes from? Rank and File agents who perform admirably.
FBI employees need to pay bills just like anyone else.
In Nassau County there isn’t one public entity run by people that can’t be bought.
Interesting.. Republicans could not understand how blacks in LA distrusted law enforcement so much, that they found OJ not guilty. Now the same Republicans distrust the FBI so much they can't understand how this could happen.
So what is your opinion about Federal Bureau Of Investigation after the whole thing about the election fallout. Honestly, I think that agents who have developed any bias in a high profile case that would be involved in the current political situation should had been removed from the case.

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NOBODY with common sense would ever trust the FBI. Know this: If you were to call the FBI and report someone, YOU would be the target of an FBI probe before they would look into your allegations.
It can't be overstated how big a problem this is for America. The FBI and the CIA have been perverted into political hit squads working for the Democrats. The FBI apparently spends all of it's time trying to take down the Republican President.
I have faith in most rank and file FBI agents. I have no faith in their leadership which has been politicized and weaponized.
That’s like saying “ I know the Emporer is evil; but I support the Stormtroopers...”
I have faith in most rank and file FBI agents. I have no faith in their leadership which has been politicized and weaponized.
That’s like saying “ I know the Emporer is evil; but I support the Stormtroopers...”

This isn't Star Wars. FBI agents can still do the right things, but their leadership can also be politically motivated, and support subterfuge which I think they have with Trump.
I have faith in most rank and file FBI agents. I have no faith in their leadership which has been politicized and weaponized.
That’s like saying “ I know the Emporer is evil; but I support the Stormtroopers...”

This isn't Star Wars. FBI agents can still do the right things, but their leadership can also be politically motivated, and support subterfuge which I think they have with Trump.
“Can”... How many did? None. The rank and file take their cues from leadership. Crooked, or otherwise. The Hannityesque middling ground approach to trust in government agencies, or agents is nothing but cover for the lack of enough moxy to call out corruption.
How many of these agents engaged fellow members at Ruby Ridge, in defense of citzens? ZERO... Waco? ZERO... The Bundy standoff? ZERO... If you think the rank and file are beholden to some star spangled sense of Americana; You’ve got another thing coming...
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I have faith in most rank and file FBI agents. I have no faith in their leadership which has been politicized and weaponized.
That’s like saying “ I know the Emporer is evil; but I support the Stormtroopers...”

This isn't Star Wars. FBI agents can still do the right things, but their leadership can also be politically motivated, and support subterfuge which I think they have with Trump.
“Can”... How many did? None. The rank and file take their cues from leadership. Crooked, or otherwise. The Hannityesque middling ground approach to trust in government agencies, or agents is nothing but cover for the lack of enough moxy to call out corruption.
How many of these agents engaged fellow members at Ruby Ridge, in defense of citzens? ZERO... Waco? ZERO... The Bundy standoff? ZERO... If you think the rank and file are beholden to some star spangled sense of Americana; You’ve got another thing coming...

I agree that they will follow the orders of those that pay them, and hold their pensions, and benefits in their hands. However, I do NOT think the average FBI employee is a political operative looking to overthrow a sitting President, or ruin the country.

Oh, and I haven't watched Fox News in years as I cut the cable long ago. No comment on Fox, I just don't receive it on my tv anymore.
So what is your opinion about Federal Bureau Of Investigation after the whole thing about the election fallout. Honestly, I think that agents who have developed any bias in a high profile case that would be involved in the current political situation should had been removed from the case.

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Putin approves your message.
I have faith in most rank and file FBI agents. I have no faith in their leadership which has been politicized and weaponized.
That’s like saying “ I know the Emporer is evil; but I support the Stormtroopers...”

This isn't Star Wars. FBI agents can still do the right things, but their leadership can also be politically motivated, and support subterfuge which I think they have with Trump.
“Can”... How many did? None. The rank and file take their cues from leadership. Crooked, or otherwise. The Hannityesque middling ground approach to trust in government agencies, or agents is nothing but cover for the lack of enough moxy to call out corruption.
How many of these agents engaged fellow members at Ruby Ridge, in defense of citzens? ZERO... Waco? ZERO... The Bundy standoff? ZERO... If you think the rank and file are beholden to some star spangled sense of Americana; You’ve got another thing coming...

I agree that they will follow the orders of those that pay them, and hold their pensions, and benefits in their hands. However, I do NOT think the average FBI employee is a political operative looking to overthrow a sitting President, or ruin the country.

Oh, and I haven't watched Fox News in years as I cut the cable long ago. No comment on Fox, I just don't receive it on my tv anymore.
Your post pretty much says it all. They hold no loyalty to the American people. They are loyal to the ones who pay them. Kinda like mercenaries. Hardly the type I’d look to for the model of a hero. If they aren’t loyal to you, and me, over the money; what good are they to us as citizens?

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