Plague of Sex Scandals -- aint no coincidence.

Your Best Guess at WHO is Coordinating the Daily Leak of Sex Scandals.

  • Harvey Weinstein --- Revenge for watching his empire crumble

  • High Placed Source in the FBI --- Wrong doings getting too close to home. Remember J. Edgar Hoover?

  • Hillary Clinton -- Had a fondness for late night reading of FBI files in the WH quarters

  • They are all ratting others out as they get nailed.

  • Bill O'Reilly -- an arrogant vindictive guy who got nailed way before all this broke..

  • Donald Trump -- Got abused by the Big Brother collection system. Taking it for test drive. LOL !

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Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
Trump! The guy is taking down the entire fucking media.

Yeah -- but.. I kinda discounted that a bit. Because all this information is old. And the 702 Patriot Act system wouldn't have the history that goes that far. But MAYBE -- they are FBI files kept just the way that J. Edgar Hoover kept them to blackmail folks when he needed to..

But you're right. It would be someone with a BIG grudge against the media and lots of connections.
Around the time of Anita Hill there were ladies and women coming out of the woodwork too.

Been there before. We're there again.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
I do not know if they are coordinated or not.

Ladies and women are spontaneous creatures and when you stimulate them they come out of the woodwork.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
I do not know if they are coordinated or not.

Ladies and women are spontaneous creatures and when you stimulate them they come out of the woodwork.

But I've looked into several of these.. The Matt Lauer "tip" got to NBC a month ago. Wasn't the accuser. NBC has been designing cover since then. The EXCLUSIVE story came from a Journal. Forget the name. But I can find it. So it appears these ARE leaks thru media not related to broadcasting. And most of these (if not all) are in broadcasting).
I blame bill Clinton. His behavior and his wife's tatics educated many others in to how to defend and demean.
Hollywood and media needed a given plan for defending and used his.
I agree that this must be a coordinated effort (which by the way is breathtaking in its scope). I've got suspicions but nothing I could back up with evidence.

This is amazing to behold for certain.
I also think it is Trump. The more he outs people in the media the more it lessens his Access Hollywood tape, and it gets revenge on the media. He has the means of digging up dirt through his connections with the National Enquirer.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
I do not know if they are coordinated or not.

Ladies and women are spontaneous creatures and when you stimulate them they come out of the woodwork.

But I've looked into several of these.. The Matt Lauer "tip" got to NBC a month ago. Wasn't the accuser. NBC has been designing cover since then. The EXCLUSIVE story came from a Journal. Forget the name. But I can find it. So it appears these ARE leaks thru media not related to broadcasting. And most of these (if not all) are in broadcasting).
So print media is at war with video media? Possible.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
I do not know if they are coordinated or not.

Ladies and women are spontaneous creatures and when you stimulate them they come out of the woodwork.

But I've looked into several of these.. The Matt Lauer "tip" got to NBC a month ago. Wasn't the accuser. NBC has been designing cover since then. The EXCLUSIVE story came from a Journal. Forget the name. But I can find it. So it appears these ARE leaks thru media not related to broadcasting. And most of these (if not all) are in broadcasting).
So print media is at war with video media? Possible.

It may be that the print media is being served out the material and asked to embargo it or something. Something like a "nuclear option" that the coordinator can schedule depending on the news cycle. And if it's embargoed for awhile, you need to land it somewhere different in the media. Because folks move around within their own circles and talk. So if ya got a juicy on Lauer -- you land it in at print place.

Have any of these been print media people? I think there were. Maybe WashPo or NYTimes a week ago. So you would leak THAT thru maybe TV place as an exclusive.
I blame bill Clinton. His behavior and his wife's tatics educated many others in to how to defend and demean.
Hollywood and media needed a given plan for defending and used his.

Ooow. Should I add "Feud between Hollywood money and DC politicians" to the poll? Maybe it IS a two sided showdown.
I blame bill Clinton. His behavior and his wife's tatics educated many others in to how to defend and demean.
Hollywood and media needed a given plan for defending and used his.
I really don't want to see someone else say later "yes I did it because I could."
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
You can ridicule this.
When I turned on the tv today and was first getting wind
about Matt Lauer, I just about lost it!
I shut off the television but, continued ranting and swearing.

Later on, as my son and I watched the NYC tree lighting special
I commented how awkward Hoda, Al and Savannah must feel...
He asked me if I believe the reply....

No, I don't...and frankly, I don't even care if it were true
This is too much, all of a sudden....
There is no doubt in my mind this is election fallout
and is setting the stage for a women candidate in 2020

There are 2 sides to every story and women will play,
then turn the tables to make men pay, to get ahead,
to get money, to get their 15 minutes of fame, out of spite.

Women know the men who think with their dicks
and they are more then willing to play the game...
they'll play nice, until they're out of turns.

If a woman wants a movie part so bad
that she feels the only way to get it is to play along....
what does that say about her?

If a woman feels the only way to get,
keep or advance at a job, is to play along....
what does that say about her?

If your career is more important than,
what you claim years later, as sexual harassment,....
its not sexual harassment
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
You can ridicule this.
When I turned on the tv today and was first getting wind
about Matt Lauer, I just about lost it!
I shut off the television but, continued ranting and swearing.

Later on, as my son and I watched the NYC tree lighting special
I commented how awkward Hoda, Al and Savannah must feel...
He asked me if I believe the reply....

No, I don't...and frankly, I don't even care if it were true
This is too much, all of a sudden....
There is no doubt in my mind this is election fallout
and is setting the stage for a women candidate in 2020

There are 2 sides to every story and women will play,
then turn the tables to make men pay, to get ahead,
to get money, to get their 15 minutes of fame, out of spite.

Women know the men who think with their dicks
and they are more then willing to play the game...
they'll play nice, until they're out of turns.

If a woman wants a movie part so bad
that she feels the only way to get it is to play along....
what does that say about her?

If a woman feels the only way to get,
keep or advance at a job, is to play along....
what does that say about her?

If your career is more important than,
what you claim years later, as sexual harassment,....
its not sexual harassment

Most of these media type cases have pretty solid evidence. Don't know about Lauer's case that much, but NBC folded and is booting him.

It's SOME kind of coordinated purge. Maybe politically motivated. Maybe just the Media fighting. There are stock and merger reasons for knocking the news corps down a peg. Sure isn't just a random parade of accusers coming out.

Maybe the NOW organization has developed a domestic spying operation and has been collecting information for years.:happy-1:
All to make Trump just look like one of the men. He has always been a womanizer, his Vietnam was to escape a STD. Now he is just one of the boys.

Also Moore, guilty as guilty can be.

All to make Trump and Moore normal men.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.

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