Physics undergrads crunched numbers for Star Trek’s tribble problem


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Chalk this one up to fun scientific papers we inexplicably missed last year. A group of undergraduates at the University of Leicester in the UK calculated the growth rate of the fictional Star Trek critters known as tribbles. They published their results in a short paper in the university's undergraduate-centric Journal of Physics Special Topics, estimating just how long it would take for there to be enough tribbles to fill up the USS Enterprise.

First aired on December 29, 1967, "The Trouble with Tribbles" episode was written by David Gerrold, then a 23-year-old college student in California. He originally envisioned it as a cautionary tale of ecological disaster—inspired in part by how quickly rabbits multiplied when they were first introduced to Australia in 1859, a region where they had no natural predators. However, over several rewrites, the tone evolved to incorporate more humor—much to the dismay of ST:TOS creator Gene Roddenberry, who thought the episode lacked gravitas. Roddenberry was ultimately proven wrong. The episode frequently ranks among the top ten best episodes of ST:TOS, if not the entire franchise.

...It's a relatively simple calculation involving an exponential formula, ideal for creative homework problems. In the episode, Spock estimates that each tribble (born pregnant) can give birth to ten offspring in 12 hours and pegs the number of tribbles on board after just three days at 1,777,561. The students assumed Spock's assessment was correct, and their calculation also assumed no tribbles died. They also estimated that it would take 18.4×109 tribbles to entirely fill the USS Enterprise. Under those conditions, they concluded that, given the rate of exponential growth, it would take 4.5 days for tribbles to completely fill the ship.
Physics undergrads crunched numbers for Star Trek’s tribble problem

I'm so glad this problem has been solved.
Chalk this one up to fun scientific papers we inexplicably missed last year. A group of undergraduates at the University of Leicester in the UK calculated the growth rate of the fictional Star Trek critters known as tribbles. They published their results in a short paper in the university's undergraduate-centric Journal of Physics Special Topics, estimating just how long it would take for there to be enough tribbles to fill up the USS Enterprise.

First aired on December 29, 1967, "The Trouble with Tribbles" episode was written by David Gerrold, then a 23-year-old college student in California. He originally envisioned it as a cautionary tale of ecological disaster—inspired in part by how quickly rabbits multiplied when they were first introduced to Australia in 1859, a region where they had no natural predators. However, over several rewrites, the tone evolved to incorporate more humor—much to the dismay of ST:TOS creator Gene Roddenberry, who thought the episode lacked gravitas. Roddenberry was ultimately proven wrong. The episode frequently ranks among the top ten best episodes of ST:TOS, if not the entire franchise.

...It's a relatively simple calculation involving an exponential formula, ideal for creative homework problems. In the episode, Spock estimates that each tribble (born pregnant) can give birth to ten offspring in 12 hours and pegs the number of tribbles on board after just three days at 1,777,561. The students assumed Spock's assessment was correct, and their calculation also assumed no tribbles died. They also estimated that it would take 18.4×109 tribbles to entirely fill the USS Enterprise. Under those conditions, they concluded that, given the rate of exponential growth, it would take 4.5 days for tribbles to completely fill the ship.
Physics undergrads crunched numbers for Star Trek’s tribble problem

I'm so glad this problem has been solved.

Not quite right but close.

the growth rate of the fictional Star Trek critters known as tribbles
They aren't quite fictional, you can actually buy them! And if you are lucky, you might even still find one of the originals for sale. I heard of one such guy in Height-Ashbury who bought one and honest to god when he got up the next day, he had a box full! :eek:
—much to the dismay of ST:TOS creator Gene Roddenberry, who thought the episode lacked gravitas. Roddenberry was ultimately proven wrong. The episode frequently ranks among the top ten best episodes of ST:TOS, if not the entire franchise.
Gene is never wrong. What Gene R. was railing about was the shift away from the more serious theme he intended as he was away working on other projects by his replacement producer, Gene L. Coon, who was actually responsible for creating much of the humor and camaraderie of the series. The episode WAS funny and popular but added little to the genre of science fiction.
their calculation also assumed no tribbles died
Being that the poisoned quadrotriticale WAS a factor, I think they should have run two calculations, the second for the actual conditions. Also, the rather inhuman act of beaming them over to the Klingons was never fully explained. Scotty should have been made to face charges for that out of respect for interstellar life!

Actually the Trouble With Tribbles idea is stolen from Robert A. Heinlein's book The Rolling Stones. In the book they have a problem with flat cats which they picked up on Mars as they head towards the asteroids. They put the breeding little buggers in cold storage and make a tidy profit selling them to the asteroid miners who left Mars to pursue their fortune.


FWIW, the actor who played Korax the Klingon who started the fight in the gallery with Scotty (the Enterprise shouldn't be hauling garbage, it should be hauled away AS garbage!), Michael Pataki appeared elsewhere in Star Trek. One other place he appeared was in the 1st season of ST:TNG in the episode 'Too Short A Season' where he played Karnas, leader of a planet set into eternal war, the guy whom Admr. Jaimison was going back to, to settle the old score of supplying him with the guns in the first place which started it, but took an age-reducing serum hoping it would make him more able to cope that forced him instead from an old man back to a young man killing him.


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I just want to know what the Klingons did to them when Scotty beamed them over to their ship. It must not have been a pretty sight.
If they showed what the Klingons did to the tribbles the episode wouldn't be funny anymore.
I wonder what got the Tribbles so worked up that they were breeding so fast?


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