Photo of 'napalm girl' from Vietnam War turns 40


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
It is amazing that she lived , she is 49 years old now

It was June 8, 1972, when Phuc heard the soldier's scream: "We have to run out of this place! They will bomb here, and we will be dead!"

Seconds later, she saw the tails of yellow and purple smoke bombs curling around the Cao Dai temple where her family had sheltered for three days, as north and south Vietnamese forces fought for control of their village.

The little girl heard a roar overhead and twisted her neck to look up. As the South Vietnamese Skyraider plane grew fatter and louder, it swooped down toward her, dropping canisters like tumbling eggs flipping end over end.

"Ba-boom! Ba-boom!"

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Kim Phuc, center, and Associated Press staff photographer Nick Ut, third from left, are photographed …
The ground rocked. Then the heat of a hundred furnaces exploded as orange flames spit in all directions.

Fire danced up Phuc's left arm. The threads of her cotton clothes evaporated on contact. Trees became angry torches. Searing pain bit through skin and muscle.

Photo of napalm girl from Vietnam War turns 40 - Yahoo News
It's good to see she is still healthy , alive and a good life after all she been through.
Some documentary talked about that picture of her running screaming down the road naked where the editor didn't wanna publish it because of the nudity until it was explained she's only naked because the napalm incinerated her clothes. Context matters.
It's good to see she is still healthy , alive and a good life after all she been through.

Yes, she survived the American made bomb, dropped from an American made aircraft, supplied by American invaders, supporting a mass murdering American sponsored dictator.
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It's good to see she is still healthy , alive and a good life after all she been through.

Yes, she survived the American made bomb, dropped from an American made aircraft, supplied by American invaders, supporting a mass murdering American sponsored dictator.

The napalm and agent orange made by Dow chemical

remember in the 80's their commercial Dow brings you good things
It's good to see she is still healthy , alive and a good life after all she been through.

Yes, she survived the American made bomb, dropped from an American made aircraft, supplied by American invaders, supporting a mass murdering American sponsored dictator.

The napalm and agent orange made by Dow chemical

remember in the 80's their commercial Dow brings you good things

Unless willing to denounce every company's weapons used in every conflict, condemning 1 in particular for 1 weapon is rather hypocritical don't ya think?
It's good to see she is still healthy , alive and a good life after all she been through.

Yes, she survived the American made bomb, dropped from an American made aircraft, supplied by American invaders, supporting a mass murdering American sponsored dictator.

The napalm and agent orange made by Dow chemical

remember in the 80's their commercial Dow brings you good things

Unless willing to denounce every company's weapons used in every conflict, condemning 1 in particular for 1 weapon is rather hypocritical don't ya think?
To me this is all irevalant, she is only one year younger then me and I remember the picture when it happened and I am glad today she is ok.
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It's good to see she is still healthy , alive and a good life after all she been through.

Yes, she survived the American made bomb, dropped from an American made aircraft, supplied by American invaders, supporting a mass murdering American sponsored dictator.

The napalm and agent orange made by Dow chemical

remember in the 80's their commercial Dow brings you good things

Unless willing to denounce every company's weapons used in every conflict, condemning 1 in particular for 1 weapon is rather hypocritical don't ya think?


what I commented on is what I have personally seen and people who were directly effected by it , agent orange
It's good to see she is still healthy , alive and a good life after all she been through.

Yes, she survived the American made bomb, dropped from an American made aircraft, supplied by American invaders, supporting a mass murdering American sponsored dictator.

The napalm and agent orange made by Dow chemical

remember in the 80's their commercial Dow brings you good things

Unless willing to denounce every company's weapons used in every conflict, condemning 1 in particular for 1 weapon is rather hypocritical don't ya think?


what I commented on is what I have personally seen and people who were directly effected by it , agent orange
Fair enough, but a company like Sumitomo who made the Zero jap planes are still in business making industrial machines, an a plastic extruder machine I worked on a few years ago was made by the same German company who made the ovens for the Death camps in WWII.
Unless willing to denounce every company's weapons used in every conflict, condemning 1 in particular for 1 weapon is rather hypocritical don't ya think?

Not at all. I'm condemning WMDs deliberately used on civilians.
Yes, including Dresden, before you moan on about it.
Fair enough, but a company like Sumitomo who made the Zero jap planes are still in business making industrial machines, an a plastic extruder machine I worked on a few years ago was made by the same German company who made the ovens for the Death camps in WWII.

And the US companies that made WMDs, do they make industrial machines now, or still make weapons?
And how many countries are still experimenting with WMD?

US may have sent live anthrax to UK lab - BBC News

Saddam would have been proud of you.

the current experiments with anthrax endospores relate to the development of vaccines against this agent used in the filth of Islamic terrorism Baathist pig Saddam had vats of the stuff. There is a vaccine already developed but it is not particularly reliable----the infaction can also ----fairly unreliably---- be treated with anti biotics
the current experiments with anthrax endospores relate to the development of vaccines against this agent

So you claim, but America still has a massive stockpile of chemical weapons.
U.S. to destroy largest remaining chemical weapons cache

Even after massive usage of chemical weapons (commonly against civilians), the US maintains a large stockpile of these illegal munitions.
It claims to be destroying them, but is just getting rid of old stuff, probably keeping many more.
The Shameful and Recent History of Chemical Weapons Abuses by the US Government Scriptonite Daily

The US has tested chemical weapons on its own people, and use them in many wars since WWII. I'm amazed your politicians have the cheek to complain about anyone.

keep your KHUTBAH JUMAAT SHIT for the mosque ---tomorrow is the weekly feces fling

As usual, you can't refute the fact, so you just shout a lot.
Thick as pigshit.

refute what? your citation is idiotic and very out dated. Napalm during the war in Vietnam? Chlorine gas bombs have not only been used in Syria LAST WEEK-----but they have been found in the hands of your fellow meccaist kharah eating khalbin in the USA.
For those who do not now----muzzie scum love
chlorine gas bomb----they are cheap and easy to make with available ingredients-----with just a few bottles of chlorox-----a pious muslimah slut can create enough of a chlorine bomb to murder dozens of children-----the chlorine gas,
on inhlation-----lines the lung with HCL----hydrochloric acid------children are especially
vulnerable and gasp for hour and then die----there is no cure -----then the muzziettes ululate and wiggle their fat assed in dance as they praise the lump of shit in the sky ALLLAAAAAAAHUUUAKBAAARRRR

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