Phony letter from president to Texasss teacher


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
So, is this an admission that the law was purely political in nature? Or was he simply trying to defend himself out of fear? Nobody knows, except for one Mr. Ritter, who got a handwritten response from the president after criticizing his health care law.

Since Mr. Obama's writing is a bit hard to read, the full text is duplicated below.

A Texas schoolteacher who wrote a letter highly critical of President Obama’s health care law was surprised when the president himself wrote back defending his policies but admitting that health care “wasn’t the smart political thing!”

Just like every commander in chief before him, Obama has his share of critics. And in the Internet age, those critics have been given a bigger voice than ever before.

But what do you when the president writes back? The New York Post reports that fifth-grade schoolteacher Thomas J. Ritter was shocked to receive a handwritten response from Obama

Obama's response:

Dear Mr. Ritter--

I received your letter, and appreciate your concern about the toxic political environment right now. I hope to challenge you though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been "targeted and ridiculed," or that I have "made fun" of tea-baggers. I think a fair reading is that I have gone out of my way to listen to legitimate criticism, and defend the rights of everyone to speak their mind--including those who routinely call me "socialist" or worse.

I sincerely believe that the health care reform bill was the right thing to do for this country. It certainly wasn't the smart "political thing!" And I hope that in the months to come, you will keep an open mind and evaluate it based not on the political attacks but on what it does or doesn't do to improve people's lives.


Barack Obama

Mr. Ritter's initial statement:

“This bill has caused such a divisive, dirisive [sic], and toxic environment … The reality is that any citizen that disagrees with your *administration is targeted and ridiculed. I hesitated to write for fear of some kind of retribution. I watched you make fun of tea baggers and your press secretary make fun of Ms. Palin which was especially beneath the dignity of the White House.”

Obama pens letter to schoolteacher, says health care ?wasn?t the smart political thing!?
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Well he's right that ACA was not a "smart" political move.

He lost numerous allies because of ACA and of course the right hates him and faults him regardless of what he does.
So, is this an admission that the law was purely political in nature? Or was he simply trying to defend himself out of fear? Nobody knows, except for one Mr. Ritter, who got a handwritten response from the president after criticizing his health care law.

Since Mr. Obama's writing is a bit hard to read, the full text is duplicated below.

A Texas schoolteacher who wrote a letter highly critical of President Obama’s health care law was surprised when the president himself wrote back defending his policies but admitting that health care “wasn’t the smart political thing!”

Just like every commander in chief before him, Obama has his share of critics. And in the Internet age, those critics have been given a bigger voice than ever before.

But what do you when the president writes back? The New York Post reports that fifth-grade schoolteacher Thomas J. Ritter was shocked to receive a handwritten response from Obama

Obama's response:

Dear Mr. Ritter--

I received your letter, and appreciate your concern about the toxic political environment right now. I hope to challenge you though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been "targeted and ridiculed," or that I have "made fun" of tea-baggers. I think a fair reading is that I have gone out of my way to listen to legitimate criticism, and defend the rights of everyone to speak their mind--including those who routinely call me "socialist" or worse.

I sincerely believe that the health care reform bill was the right thing to do for this country. It certainly wasn't the smart "political thing!" And I hope that in the months to come, you will keep an open mind and evaluate it based not on the political attacks but on what it does or doesn't do to improve people's lives.


Barack Obama

Mr. Ritter's initial statement:

“This bill has caused such a divisive, dirisive [sic], and toxic environment … The reality is that any citizen that disagrees with your *administration is targeted and ridiculed. I hesitated to write for fear of some kind of retribution. I watched you make fun of tea baggers and your press secretary make fun of Ms. Palin which was especially beneath the dignity of the White House.”

Obama pens letter to schoolteacher, says health care ?wasn?t the smart political thing!?

One of several personal problems Obama has is he can NEVER say he was wrong period.
He says ACA was not a 'smart political thing' which isn't they same as saying ACA was never needed. Is a flop. Should never been done.
Obama can't say that he was 100% wrong for pushing, promising, lying about the so-called "health crisis" which he used to get ACA passed by 7 votes!
If ACA was so good, why did it not pass by more votes?

But Obama will NEVER admit he was wrong. Elitist, people who think they know better on everything will never admit. Which really shows how stupid he really is!

Socrates said:
"I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good; but he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing;
whereas I, as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do.
In this trifling particular, then, I appear to be wiser than he, because I do not fancy I know what I do not know."

And since I like Socrates I know one thing for sure that Obama obviously doesn't know..

I KNOW that I don't know everything...
Obama obviously is ignorant that he thinks he knows!

For example: Obama obviously either LIED i.e. HE KNOWS or HE doesn't KNOW WHAT I and countless millions KNOW that when Obama said this:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

THERE NEVER WERE 46 million that were legal citizens, that knew they were covered by Medicaid or WANTED insurance!
10 million are not citizens : Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
14 million eligible are like 2 people I KNOW that are eligible for MEDICAID but just haven't REGISTERED!!!
18 million under 34 making over $50,000 don't want their employers' plans..!! don't want:CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
42 million is what that adds up to but not 46 million for sure!

So Obama either LIED knowing the above numbers... OR HE IS IGNORANT!
Yup, Healthmyths saying those dirty stinking Mexicans deserve to die because they are "illegals".

And JoeB says LYING About the numbers is OK right?
Hey Joe... are you
1) on Medicare or
2) on Medicaid
3) on health insurance paid by your company or you?


EMTALA takes care of as your obvious biased and racist opinion of illegals as" stinking and are Mexicans".. in saving anyone's life.

Take some time to think before you write and do a little research about EMTALA.. a little known bill passed by GOP in 1986 that has ballooned into
one of the two larger health care costs in this country neither of which have been ADDRESSED BY ACA!

But again... you don't know that you don't KNOW!!!
Yup, Healthmyths saying those dirty stinking Mexicans deserve to die because they are "illegals".

And JoeB says LYING About the numbers is OK right?
Hey Joe... are you
1) on Medicare or
2) on Medicaid
3) on health insurance paid by your company or you?


EMTALA takes care of as your obvious biased and racist opinion of illegals as" stinking and are Mexicans".. in saving anyone's life.

Take some time to think before you write and do a little research about EMTALA.. a little known bill passed by GOP in 1986 that has ballooned into
one of the two larger health care costs in this country neither of which have been ADDRESSED BY ACA!

But again... you don't know that you don't KNOW!!!

EMTALA is a total clusterfuck. We should have gone to single payer back in the 1980's.

But yeah, ACA is addressing the problem of people showing up at Emergency rooms as their primary care provider by providing them insurance.

Even those dirty stinking illegals you don't seem to think deserve health care.

Point is, we spend the most, and we get the worst results, because we've put profits ahead of people.
Democrats suffered politically for Obamacare. The 2010 election showed that. but they were willing to pay the political cost to do the right thing
Alleged Obama letter for auction calls critics 'tea-baggers' | The Daily Caller


I have no doubt the idiots will line up behind this latest lie but really, look at it. They couldn't do better than this?

Nonetheless, by this time tomorrow, it will be fact to the brain dead right.

Can't wait to read the horse manure from lushbo and fux.
Alleged Obama letter for auction calls critics 'tea-baggers' | The Daily Caller


I have no doubt the idiots will line up behind this latest lie but really, look at it. They couldn't do better than this?

Nonetheless, by this time tomorrow, it will be fact to the brain dead right.

Can't wait to read the horse manure from lushbo and fux.

Poor Luddly, it must suck to be you.

The letter is on sale at an auction site that specializes in historical documents. It is remotely possible that they were fooled, but I am willing to bet on them a lot more than I am on you.

Handwritten Obama Letter | Moments In Time
Who cares?

He said he didn't target anyone, and didn't make fun of tea baggers, and says that health care reform was the right thing to do, even if it was politically risky. My first thought was somebody else wrote it and signed his name, but it looks hand written.

President Obama's response

On the other hand, tain't that hard to set up fonts that look like handwriting nowadays.
Who cares?

He said he didn't target anyone, and didn't make fun of tea baggers, and says that health care reform was the right thing to do, even if it was politically risky. My first thought was somebody else wrote it and signed his name, but it looks hand written.

President Obama's response

On the other hand, tain't that hard to set up fonts that look like handwriting nowadays.

No stupid.

That is not "President Obama's response" to the letter in my op.

Why is every single thread the same here?
Who cares?

He said he didn't target anyone, and didn't make fun of tea baggers, and says that health care reform was the right thing to do, even if it was politically risky. My first thought was somebody else wrote it and signed his name, but it looks hand written.

President Obama's response

On the other hand, tain't that hard to set up fonts that look like handwriting nowadays.

No stupid.

That is not "President Obama's response" to the letter in my op.

Why is every single thread the same here?

Because you can't read?

It is exactly the same, the only difference is someone Photoshopped Obama into the screenshot in your link, I posted a digital copy of the actual note that was uploaded by the New York Post, which originally reported the story.

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