Phoenix On High Alert For Trump Rally Tonight Due To Antifa And Illegals Attacking Trump Supporters


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I'm predicting this will be worse than Charlottesville. The illegal wetbacks and their anti-Trump supporters will be there protesting the Trumps alleged plan to pardon legendary illegal alien catcher, Joe Arpaio, and the Wall. Then you have Antifa who are Bolshevik domestic terrorists who are Anti-American everything who will destroy property and violently attack anyone, even the elderly. It's just a matter of time before the National Guard gets called out and gives Antifa a 1970 'Kent State' moment of reality.

Phoenix on high alert for Trump rally
I'm predicting this will be worse than Charlottesville. The illegal wetbacks and their anti-Trump supporters will be there protesting the Trumps alleged plan to pardon legendary illegal alien catcher, Joe Arpaio, and the Wall. Then you have Antifa who are Bolshevik domestic terrorists who are Anti-American everything who will destroy property and violently attack anyone, even the elderly. It's just a matter of time before the National Guard gets called out and gives Antifa a 1970 'Kent State' moment of reality.

Phoenix on high alert for Trump rally

Sounds like something you would enjoy.
I'm predicting this will be worse than Charlottesville. The illegal wetbacks and their anti-Trump supporters will be there protesting the Trumps alleged plan to pardon legendary illegal alien catcher, Joe Arpaio, and the Wall. Then you have Antifa who are Bolshevik domestic terrorists who are Anti-American everything who will destroy property and violently attack anyone, even the elderly. It's just a matter of time before the National Guard gets called out and gives Antifa a 1970 'Kent State' moment of reality.

Phoenix on high alert for Trump rally

Sounds like something you would enjoy.

But not this -

Will the trumpanzees notice that he's STILL not building The Wall? Will they notice that all he does is twit, lie, play golf and eat?
Subversives will definitely be on the march. Paid subversives.

It will look something like this only I think their uniform is all black with hoodies. They are white but want to appear to be black.

Will the trumpanzees notice that he's STILL not building The Wall? Will they notice that all he does is twit, lie, play golf and eat?
What we have noticed is the never ending obstruction put into place by regressives.
Will the trumpanzees notice that he's STILL not building The Wall? Will they notice that all he does is twit, lie, play golf and eat?
I did not know you wanted the wall built. Don't concern yourself with the illegals, they are fleeing the country without a wall. You might be concerned if you live in Canada.
I'm predicting this will be worse than Charlottesville. The illegal wetbacks and their anti-Trump supporters will be there protesting the Trumps alleged plan to pardon legendary illegal alien catcher, Joe Arpaio, and the Wall. Then you have Antifa who are Bolshevik domestic terrorists who are Anti-American everything who will destroy property and violently attack anyone, even the elderly. It's just a matter of time before the National Guard gets called out and gives Antifa a 1970 'Kent State' moment of reality.

Phoenix on high alert for Trump rally

Sounds like something you would enjoy.

But not this -

A real tough guy there. Snot and tears-----------call his mother, He needs a hug.
I'm predicting this will be worse than Charlottesville. The illegal wetbacks and their anti-Trump supporters will be there protesting the Trumps alleged plan to pardon legendary illegal alien catcher, Joe Arpaio, and the Wall. Then you have Antifa who are Bolshevik domestic terrorists who are Anti-American everything who will destroy property and violently attack anyone, even the elderly. It's just a matter of time before the National Guard gets called out and gives Antifa a 1970 'Kent State' moment of reality.

Phoenix on high alert for Trump rally

Sounds like something you would enjoy.

But not this -

Or this'd
I'm predicting this will be worse than Charlottesville. The illegal wetbacks and their anti-Trump supporters will be there protesting the Trumps alleged plan to pardon legendary illegal alien catcher, Joe Arpaio, and the Wall. Then you have Antifa who are Bolshevik domestic terrorists who are Anti-American everything who will destroy property and violently attack anyone, even the elderly. It's just a matter of time before the National Guard gets called out and gives Antifa a 1970 'Kent State' moment of reality.

Phoenix on high alert for Trump rally

Sounds like something you would enjoy.

But not this -

Or this,

Houston Man Arrested Trying To Plant Bomb At Confederate Statue | Zero Hedge
Will the trumpanzees notice that he's STILL not building The Wall? Will they notice that all he does is twit, lie, play golf and eat?
What we have noticed is the never ending obstruction put into place by regressives.
Republicans control everything. Who's stopping them from enacting Trumps agenda?
Politicians and the media.
Sure thing bud :thup:
Who else controls the country?
Arapio for Senate!

Stop anyone carrying a Nazi flag, these will be Antifa members

Exactly. Just as Saul Alinsky used in 1972. Not all will be Antifa. Some will just be paid. What they need to learn is that they aren't paid enough to take the beating they should be taking.
Will the trumpanzees notice that he's STILL not building The Wall? Will they notice that all he does is twit, lie, play golf and eat?
What we have noticed is the never ending obstruction put into place by regressives.
Republicans control everything. Who's stopping them from enacting Trumps agenda?
Politicians and the media.

I didn't know the media had a vote in the house or senate.

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