*Philly Is Going Down The Crapper, After Voting In Fetterman*

Ignorant OXyen.

fredgraph (2).png
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey can someone jiggle the handle, wasting water, allowing the toilet to run isn't allowed. lol!!!!!
2. Philly is in the crapper, and there is no saving it.
3. Unless some very drastic changes take place, we will see.

Along with everyone else, they should be benefited by Democratic policies, obviously we need to tax the rich again and invest in our people again, like cheap college and training for crying out loud like every other modern country. You continue to vote for evil greedy lying scumbags, Super Duper

You mean commiecrat policies like they have in Baltimore, where in 13 of their high schools, not one senior scored as proficient in math? And even to make it worse, almost 75% scored a 1 out of 4, meaning they aren't even close to being proficient. We spend more than any other country per student K-12, and have some of the worse test scores of all industrialized countries. So the first thing you commies need to do is educate your ilk on the value of taking advantage of the opportunities afforded them. Your commie policies have produced similar results in virtually every city where you commies have had control for an extended period of time. All you seem to be able to produce is thugs and criminals like in Philly. So why don't you just STFU on the propaganda till you commies can spend the outrageous sums you get effectively.

You mean commiecrat policies like they have in Baltimore, where in 13 of their high schools, not one senior scored as proficient in math? And even to make it worse, almost 75% scored a 1 out of 4, meaning they aren't even close to being proficient. We spend more than any other country per student K-12, and have some of the worse test scores of all industrialized countries. So the first thing you commies need to do is educate your ilk on the value of taking advantage of the opportunities afforded them. Your commie policies have produced similar results in virtually every city where you commies have had control for an extended period of time. All you seem to be able to produce is thugs and criminals like in Philly. So why don't you just STFU on the propaganda till you commies can spend the outrageous sums you get effectively.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world thanks to GOP policy of giveaway to the rich, Super Dupe of course the blacks do the worst of all, their schools are a mess and you can't learn in a war zone. End the ridiculous GOP war on drugs. End also GOP law and order that has given us 10 times as many prisoners per capita as anywhere else in the world and a total mess. Good job! Ignoramus brainwashed functional moron racist...
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world thanks to GOP policy of giveaway to the rich, Super Dupe of course the blacks do the worst of all, their schools are a mess and you can't learn in a war zone. End the ridiculous GOP war on drugs. End also GOP law and order that has given us 10 times as many prisoners per capita as anywhere else in the world and a total mess. Good job! Ignoramus brainwashed functional moron racist...

Yeah, end the war on drugs, who cares if the cartels and their American lackeys are killing 100,000 people a year. Also upward mobility comes through PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and effort, color of skin has nothing to do with it. Stop the projecting ya brainwashed illiterate.

Yeah, end the war on drugs, who cares if the cartels and their American lackeys are killing 100,000 people a year. Also upward mobility comes through PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and effort, color of skin has nothing to do with it. Stop the projecting ya brainwashed illiterate.

If we legalized these drugs and tried an actual mental health system, deaths would end because we would examine the drugs being sold, brainwashed functional moron.
If we legalized these drugs and tried an actual mental health system, deaths would end because we would examine the drugs being sold, brainwashed functional moron.

You stupid fuck that hasn't worked with marijuana anywhere it's been legalized, there is still a black market. Oh, BTW the majority of the ODs are teens and functional adults that do drugs recreationally. So you're fucked in the head again. I'm thinking you're the one that needs the mental health system.

Will they see 40 years in prison like those on Jan 6th arrested for protesting?


If arrested, they will be out on the street in no time.

Arresting criminals is all just virtue signaling now.
Anything to say to this fact Biden supporters?

The Jan 6 committee was evil , politically motivated

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