Peter Schweitzer on Fox Levin Show Yesterday.

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
It was must see TV for the well informed.

Hunter Biden was making 83k monthly, not 50k!

Burisima took over assets illegally from the Ukrainian Gov't when the the pro-Russian leader fell.

Chinese Gov't money to the tune of 1.5 billion given to Hunter Biden's financial firm was used to buy dual use U.S. companies ( combined private/military sector).

Why is Joe soft on the Chinese?
He surrendered us to them already.

Corrupt Democrats are truly anti-American.

BTW, Schweitzer, a true investigative reporter who has documents to back this up, has never been subpoenaed to Congress by either Party.
Why? Both RINO'S and Democrats do not want the corrupt gravy train to be impeded.

Meanwhile, Trump, who promised to drain the swamp, is stuck in the middle of our ultra-corrupt ruling class who has the co-conspiratorial media and intelligence agencies on their side.
Recorded it and it’s in my Keeper File. Right next to my prized copy of the MSDNC election night live meltdowns of Roswell Rachel, thrill-up-his-leg-while-jism-trickles-down-it Chrissy Mathews, and the other heartbroken lefty scum shedding tears and soiling their pants on live TV that glorious night.

Anyway, agree Schweitz is one hell of an investigative reporter from whom one can learn a lot.

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