Pete Buttigieg says to shut down cameras if questions are "aggressive"

Why go at all if you are not there to answer difficult questions?

And what sort of political career can you have going forward if you are unable to handle difficult questions?

You wait 3 weeks to visit the site, in which time, even Trump visited before you, and you don't understand why people are put out with you?
Any question where he can't blame it on Trump will not be allowed.
To address the OP despite the best effort of the LEFT's attempts to derail it:

Trump was a bit shameless in self promotion on his East Palestine visit but he was warmly received by the residents, and he brought actual welcomed aid, gave them encouragement, did something thoughtful for the first responders. He did that when he was President too. Yes he campaigned. But he was also genuine in providing some help. Did he make the people feel better and did he help? I think he did.

What did Pete offer other than photo ops and discomfort at being asked hard questions? Did he address the concerns of the people? I didn't see anything to suggest that. Did he act like he cared about their concerns? I didn't see anything to suggest that. Did they feel better after his visit? Did he help? Not that I can see.

So far the Administration re this disaster:

"Congressional Republicans and former Trump Administration officials owe East Palestine an apology for selling them out to rail industry lobbyists when they dismantled Obama-Biden rail safety protections as well as EPA powers to rapidly contain spills," the statement from Andrew Bates said. "Congressional Republicans laid the groundwork for the Trump Administration to tear up requirements for more effective train brakes, and last year most House Republicans wanted to defund our ability to protect drinking water."
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg arrives in East Palestine to survey toxic train derailment -

And the facts with observation that Biden DID NOT reinstate those regulations removed in the Trump administration:

“NTSB Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy noted that the Obama administration’s ECP brake rule would not have prevented the crash, as it only applied to trains carrying large quantities of highly-flammable liquids.

The threshold for that rule was at least 20 train cars of highly flammable liquid, but Norfolk Southern train was only carrying three cars of flammable gas.

“This means even if the rule had gone into effect, this train wouldn’t have had ECP brakes,” Homendy said in a tweet.”
Vote the sorry bastards out!

Make them stay the hell OUT! Our country is crumbling before our eyes.... (if you don't heed that advice next elections)
The country is crumbling before our eyes. Well said. My concern is that it just gets worse and worse every day --- more and more homeless camping on the sidewalks, now all over Washington, D.C.! and the awful perverts in goverment and everywhere demanding attention and all kinds of special privileges, the ever-increasing inflow from Latin America across our open, undefended borders, and worst of all the constant rise in new and different crimes -- the mass murders, the gangs, the black violence against police and citizens, all the store robberies getting worse by the day. It's not staying bad but steady: it's constantly getting worse! And they wonder we want to secede???

Government is supposed to stop invasion and punish crime convincingly enough to deter it. Those are the two fundamental functions of government. Ours has totally failed in its basic functions and everything is falling apart.
You belong to the party started by Andrew Jackson. If you were alive then, you would have helped him track down and kill natives.
Oh, did he go to Africa, too? Or are you talking about wild Indians?

I think Andrew Jackson mostly killed the British.

They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit wouldn't go
They ran so hard even hounds couldn't catch 'em

Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico!
Oh, did he go to Africa, too? Or are you talking about wild Indians?

I think Andrew Jackson mostly killed the British.

They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit wouldn't go
They ran so hard even hounds couldn't catch 'em

Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico!

This is the man who founded the DemoKKKrat party, which Hellbilly enthusiastically supports:

After generations of pro-Jackson historians left out Jackson's role in American Indian removal — the forced, bloody transfer of tens of thousands of Native Americans from the South — a recent reevaluation has rightfully put that crime at the core of his legacy.

But Jackson is even worse than his horrifyingly brutal record with regard to Native Americans indicates. Indian removal was not just a crime against humanity, it was a crime against humanity intended to abet another crime against humanity: By clearing the Cherokee from the American South, Jackson hoped to open up more land for cultivation by slave plantations. He owned hundreds of slaves, and in 1835 worked with his postmaster general to censor anti-slavery mailings from northern abolitionists. The historian Daniel Walker Howe writes that Jackson, "expressed his loathing for the abolitionists vehemently, both in public and in private."

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