Pessimists Live Longer

It might be more intellectually honest to propose that REALISTS live longer than MAGICAL THINKERS.

Most people claiming to be optimists are magical thinkers.

Ask them and they'll tell you that having positive outlook worksto bring good things into your life and having a pessimistic (or realist) POV will bring bad things into your life

They are also the first people to call anyone who comes at them with a reality-based POV pessimists.

They do this because they WANT TO BELIEVE that somehow a realistic POV will attract bad things into your life.

That, ladies and gents is the HALLMARK of magical thinking.

The graveyard is ALSO filled with people who were optimistic magical thinkers.
That seems rather abstract. If you're saying one can have too much bliss, then I agree. But I have nothing against optimism whenever it is warranted. People do often cloak their denials in optimism. Conversely, people that are overly pessimistic are often joyless soul suckers. Like anything in life, there has to be balance.

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