Pessimists And Optimists...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....each have their own view of the future of this once great nation, and each have their own evidence for the view.

Here's why I stand by the view that we are merely basking in the afterglow of the flames of liberty that once beckoned the masses throughout the world:

Most US young adults see Donald Trump presidency as illegitimate
Most US young adults see Donald Trump presidency as illegitimate

Majority of Young Americans View Trump as Illegitimate President: Poll Poll finds most young Americans see Trump as illegitimate president

Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president
Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president – The Denver Post

No....I'm not arguing that these headlines represent the the actual opinions that they claim to.....

Worse: I'm proving that the Leftists control the avenues of dissemination of information. The above was actually the AP headline:
Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president

Now that the Associated Press and NBC have featured it,
...let's investigate the source of that 'poll' that the AP and most other news sources pushed as 'news.'
The poll was conducted by GenForward


A survey panel representing the racial and ethnic diversity of today’s young adults from the Black Youth Project at The University of Chicago and NORC. › Our Work › Services and Solutions
GenForward is a survey panel of racially and ethnically diverse young Americans age 18-30 who have agreed to participate in research surveys on a range of ...

It was a poll of their members!!!

'The Black Youth Project (BYP), based at the University of Chicago, is a nationally recognized research initiative focused on examining and documenting the political and civic engagement habits and attitudes of African American youth ages 15-30. BYP’s mission is to heighten the voices of black youth, in particular black males, in political and civic engagement spaces where they are often absent or marginalized.'
Black Youth Project

That funding is from the OpenSocietyFoundation....
"Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros."

Open Society Foundations - Wikipedia

Sooo....'news' becomes what communist/Marxist intelligentsia would have everyone believe.
The media, the schools, the pop culture.....all controlled by the Left.

To paraphrase the 65th sonnet....

Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
But indoctrination o'ersways their power,
How with this rage shall wisdom hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O! how shall savvy judgment hold out,
Against the wrackful siege of blithering idiots
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong but the NYTimes decays?

(Forgive me, Shakespeare!)
....each have their own view of the future of this once great nation, and each have their own evidence for the view.

Here's why I stand by the view that we are merely basking in the afterglow of the flames of liberty that once beckoned the masses throughout the world:

Most US young adults see Donald Trump presidency as illegitimate
Most US young adults see Donald Trump presidency as illegitimate

Majority of Young Americans View Trump as Illegitimate President: Poll Poll finds most young Americans see Trump as illegitimate president

Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president
Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president – The Denver Post

No....I'm not arguing that these headlines represent the the actual opinions that they claim to.....

Worse: I'm proving that the Leftists control the avenues of dissemination of information. The above was actually the AP headline:
Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president

Now that the Associated Press and NBC have featured it,
...let's investigate the source of that 'poll' that the AP and most other news sources pushed as 'news.'
The poll was conducted by GenForward


A survey panel representing the racial and ethnic diversity of today’s young adults from the Black Youth Project at The University of Chicago and NORC. › Our Work › Services and Solutions
GenForward is a survey panel of racially and ethnically diverse young Americans age 18-30 who have agreed to participate in research surveys on a range of ...

It was a poll of their members!!!

'The Black Youth Project (BYP), based at the University of Chicago, is a nationally recognized research initiative focused on examining and documenting the political and civic engagement habits and attitudes of African American youth ages 15-30. BYP’s mission is to heighten the voices of black youth, in particular black males, in political and civic engagement spaces where they are often absent or marginalized.'
Black Youth Project

That funding is from the OpenSocietyFoundation....
"Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros."
Open Society Foundations - Wikipedia

Sooo....'news' becomes what communist/Marxist intelligentsia would have everyone believe.
The media, the schools, the pop culture.....all controlled by the Left.

To paraphrase the 65th sonnet....

Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
But indoctrination o'ersways their power,
How with this rage shall wisdom hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O! how shall savvy judgment hold out,
Against the wrackful siege of blithering idiots
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong but the NYTimes decays?

(Forgive me, Shakespeare!)

A post which raises this question: Why would anyone consider your posts anything but a cherry picked effort to put forth and ideology anathema to the vast majority (3-5 million voters) who find Trump to be unfit to hold the office of POTUS?
This is outrageous - an intentional distortion of reality to create a desired political illusion.

Thank you for drilling down to expose it.

And most of the Leftists here think Fox News is "dangerous." This crap is dangerouser.
This is outrageous - an intentional distortion of reality to create a desired political illusion.

Thank you for drilling down to expose it.

And most of the Leftists here think Fox News is "dangerous." This crap is dangerouser.

Fox isn't News, it's entertainment. Don't you find it entertaining, especially the sexual escapades of late, the sexual harassment, the abdications (both to MSNBC) and the litigation? The only thing missing is the canned laugh track.
....each have their own view of the future of this once great nation, and each have their own evidence for the view.

Here's why I stand by the view that we are merely basking in the afterglow of the flames of liberty that once beckoned the masses throughout the world:

Most US young adults see Donald Trump presidency as illegitimate
Most US young adults see Donald Trump presidency as illegitimate

Majority of Young Americans View Trump as Illegitimate President: Poll Poll finds most young Americans see Trump as illegitimate president

Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president
Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president – The Denver Post

No....I'm not arguing that these headlines represent the the actual opinions that they claim to.....

Worse: I'm proving that the Leftists control the avenues of dissemination of information. The above was actually the AP headline:
Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president

Now that the Associated Press and NBC have featured it,
...let's investigate the source of that 'poll' that the AP and most other news sources pushed as 'news.'
The poll was conducted by GenForward


A survey panel representing the racial and ethnic diversity of today’s young adults from the Black Youth Project at The University of Chicago and NORC. › Our Work › Services and Solutions
GenForward is a survey panel of racially and ethnically diverse young Americans age 18-30 who have agreed to participate in research surveys on a range of ...

It was a poll of their members!!!

'The Black Youth Project (BYP), based at the University of Chicago, is a nationally recognized research initiative focused on examining and documenting the political and civic engagement habits and attitudes of African American youth ages 15-30. BYP’s mission is to heighten the voices of black youth, in particular black males, in political and civic engagement spaces where they are often absent or marginalized.'
Black Youth Project

That funding is from the OpenSocietyFoundation....
"Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros."
Open Society Foundations - Wikipedia

Sooo....'news' becomes what communist/Marxist intelligentsia would have everyone believe.
The media, the schools, the pop culture.....all controlled by the Left.

To paraphrase the 65th sonnet....

Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
But indoctrination o'ersways their power,
How with this rage shall wisdom hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O! how shall savvy judgment hold out,
Against the wrackful siege of blithering idiots
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong but the NYTimes decays?

(Forgive me, Shakespeare!)

A post which raises this question: Why would anyone consider your posts anything but a cherry picked effort to put forth and ideology anathema to the vast majority (3-5 million voters) who find Trump to be unfit to hold the office of POTUS?

I reveal the bogus and 'fake news' that you rely on for the spoon-fed opinions the Left pours into you....
....and you look for a way to support it.

.....once again....unable to find any error in a perfectly constructed post, you choose tap-dancing as your best option.

Sadly, you're as good at tap-dancing as you are at every one of your endeavors.

The good news is that your vapid attempt proves..
a. my post hit a nerve
b. you've actually helped prove me correct.

Now....back in that sewer.
obfuscation and outright partisan deceit by the MSM

Clearly one more example of the sort of corruption that the Left advances.
Every one of them needs the re-education that reminds of the objectivity that was implied when they accepted prominent placement in the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

They have murdered the republic.
Now....for that dunce who was carping about Fox News, there's this:

"MSNBC, CNN and every other major network but Fox News are keeping their viewers in the dark about the alleged violent rape of a 14-year-old girl by two illegal immigrants, the New York Times conceded in an article about Fox News on Saturday.

The two alleged rapists, ages 17 and 18, were enrolled as freshmen at a public high school in Rockville, Maryland after being detained and then released by federal immigration authorities, despite being in the country illegally.

Liberal television networks have left their viewers largely uninformed about the rape–a fact the Times conceded on Saturday."
‘Virtually Uncovered’–NYT Admits CNN And MSNBC Are Ignoring Rockville Rape

"....Times also conceded that Fox News has been accurate in its criticisms of other major networks for ignoring the story."

QED....Liberal outlets function as political operatives rather than media.

Puts that fool in his place, huh?
The distrust of mainstream media has provided a new level of interest for conservative sources....

"...conservative media, which has benefitted from increased access to Washington’s power brokers and a White House that has gone out of its way to accommodate outlets that were once considered fringe.

“We’re having some growing pains as we try to expand our reach and become more mainstream and less sensationalist in our writing and journalism. It’s an interesting transition. You have publications that historically have not had much oversight suddenly needing to reevaluate how they do things.”

The millennial-focused conservative website Independent Journal Review (IJR) suspended three staffers last week, including creative director Benny Johnson — a former BuzzFeed reporter who had been a high-profile hire for the young outlet — for publishing a conspiracy theory about President Obama."

“Conservative media has always been held to a higher standard than liberal media, and as conservatives we have to live up to that higher standard,” said Matthew Continetti, the editor-in-chief of the Washington Free Beacon. “When we don’t, it not only undermines our work as journalists, but also the conservative project as a whole.”
Conservative media struggles with new prominence under Trump
From a WaPo op-ed entitled "Americans have lost faith in institutions".

" The easiest sell of President Trump’s life is that a “corrupt” media produces “fake news.” After all, fewer than 2 in 10
Americans have “a lot” of trust in news organizations, the Pew Research Center has found, and we live in a “Matrix”-infused
“conspiracy culture,” according to social scientists, where one is thought to be impossibly simple to not understand that the
world is ruled by collusion and machination. "


“It’s concerning that news organizations with a clear and stated bias are serving as the eyes and ears of the White House press corps, regardless of their political leaning,” Andrew Seaman, chair of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Ethics Committee and a Reuters reporter, told The Washington Post ...

“In a perfect world, only news organizations with editorial independence and proven track records of reliability should be able to provide pool reports for the White House or any other government agency or official.”
The Myth of an Unbiased Mainstream Media
Watch MSNBC Host claim that media isn't biased, and get put in her place by the Congressman

If proof were necessary....

The media is a wholly owned subsidiary of Democrats/Liberals.

Soooo.....where do you get your news?

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