Personal responsibility

Find another forum for philisophical questions. If you supported WW2 and 20 Million civilians ended up getting killed....are you partially responsible? Don't drive yourself crazy with this stuff.
Ahh too deep for some I see.

It is really not deep at all.
Tp me it is clear cut, If I support a move to invade a country thru my votes, talk or other actions I berar some responsibility for the results of that invasion.

btw WW2 cannot be compared with any war the US has been involved with since.

I bear some responsibility for Obama since I voted for the asshole.
He has yet to fullfill virtually any campaign promises.
ie close gitmo, get out of Iraq, etc
I could rationalize this away by saying that my state went for McCain/Palin, but I do not as my responsibility is still there based on my intent and actions.
Do those who advocate cuttng spending but vote to re-elect a congressperson with a proven track record of overspending bear some responsibility for their vote and the resulting continued overspending if the person is re-elected?
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?


You drunk tonight?

Did you ever find proof that I claimed that vacines cause autism like you claimed earlier in another thread?
And another fool "amened" you for it.

The people that are now in the TP were around back then.
This is about PERSONAL responsibility.
Does not matter which group, etc you do or do not belong to. You are responsible for your actions.
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The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?


You drunk tonight?

Did you ever find proof that I claimed that vacines cause autism like you claimed earlier in another thread?
And another fool "amened" you for it.

You posted in the thread on proof of Tea Party gun violence that they were responisble for the violence of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the thread on mercury levels when ask for proof that government accepted levels of mercury wer dangerous you posted a link to a claim that Autism was caused by Mercury in vaccines. When called on it you claimed the right made those claims so it was not a left thing. I pointed out if you knew the threads you also knew before you posted that autism was caused by mercury in vaccines that those threads had numerous links to facts, studies and testimony that mercury had absolutely nothing to do with autism.

dodging personal responsibility I see.
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?

uscitizen voted for President Obama and by extension has committed gun violence, aerial bombing violence, and the most extensive stupidity violence in history.
Agreed but there is personal responsibility there, right?

Don't agree.

We vote.

In 2000 I held my nose and voted for GWB. In 2004, I controled the urge to vomit until I got outside the booth.

Am I responsible for Bush. No more that I blame my democractic loser friends for putting up idiots like Gore and Kerry.

I vote because that is a responsibility of mine. I vote for the person best suited for the job based on what information and disinformation I get.

And clear....we are in the disinformation age...not the information age.
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?

uscitizen voted for President Obama and by extension has committed gun violence, aerial bombing violence, and the most extensive stupidity violence in history.

He also bears responsibility for the US assassinating a US citizen with out ever charging them with a crime. Also assassinating his 16 year old son, again with no charges ever made.
Yes, in my opinion you bear some responsibility (or credit, if it's a good thing). However, you only bear responsibility to the extent your support made a difference (more if you served as a candidate's campaign director than if you just voted for him or her) and to the extent that the consequences of the support were predictable (if a reasonable and diligent person could not have predicted a consequence of their actions they aren't responsible for it).

so as a voter in a democratic republic your vote does not count as any type of personal support?
nor would your vocal support of a thing or candidate when speaking to friends, family, co-workers, etc?

What is your point here? That every douchebag that voted for scum of the earth like Murtha, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Charles Rangel should be arrested for doing so?
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?


You drunk tonight?

Did you ever find proof that I claimed that vacines cause autism like you claimed earlier in another thread?
And another fool "amened" you for it.

You posted in the thread on proof of Tea Party gun violence that they were responisble for the violence of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the thread on mercury levels when ask for proof that government accepted levels of mercury wer dangerous you posted a link to a claim that Autism was caused by Mercury in vaccines. When called on it you claimed the right made those claims so it was not a left thing. I pointed out if you knew the threads you also knew before you posted that autism was caused by mercury in vaccines that those threads had numerous links to facts, studies and testimony that mercury had absolutely nothing to do with autism.

dodging personal responsibility I see.

Still lying? Or can't you post a link to what I actually posted?

I will NOT take responsibility for something I did not do.

If proven wrong I will apologize.
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?

uscitizen voted for President Obama and by extension has committed gun violence, aerial bombing violence, and the most extensive stupidity violence in history.

I do bear some responsibility for that as I have said.
In history? Well since the last president anyway ;)

I never actively supported invading Iraq and voted for Obama becuase he indicated he would get us out of there fast and close Gitmo.
Just another lying assed politician.
If one supports a "thing" be it a politician, war, etc does one bear a portion of the blame for any bad results of the thing they supported?

Depends on how much direct support was given, and if the results were foreseeable.

Like supporting the fall of the Egyptian government. Only a fool couldn't foresee the muslim on christian violence.
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?

uscitizen voted for President Obama and by extension has committed gun violence, aerial bombing violence, and the most extensive stupidity violence in history.

I do bear some responsibility for that as I have said.
In history? Well since the last president anyway ;)

I never actively supported invading Iraq and voted for Obama becuase he indicated he would get us out of there fast and close Gitmo.
Just another lying assed politician.

Voters remorse?
The Tea Party did not exist in 2001 or 2002 or even 2003, so they bear no responsibility as a party for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Do you bear personal responsibility for lying about them?

uscitizen voted for President Obama and by extension has committed gun violence, aerial bombing violence, and the most extensive stupidity violence in history.

I do bear some responsibility for that as I have said.
In history? Well since the last president anyway ;)

I never actively supported invading Iraq and voted for Obama becuase he indicated he would get us out of there fast and close Gitmo.
Just another lying assed politician.

You're actually one of those people who believe that campaign bullshit? Wow. Just wow.
In theory, yes! But, if a politician claims s/he'll do this and that is the premise to which s/he was elected and then fails to do such, then, no.

You drunk tonight?

Did you ever find proof that I claimed that vacines cause autism like you claimed earlier in another thread?
And another fool "amened" you for it.

You posted in the thread on proof of Tea Party gun violence that they were responisble for the violence of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the thread on mercury levels when ask for proof that government accepted levels of mercury wer dangerous you posted a link to a claim that Autism was caused by Mercury in vaccines. When called on it you claimed the right made those claims so it was not a left thing. I pointed out if you knew the threads you also knew before you posted that autism was caused by mercury in vaccines that those threads had numerous links to facts, studies and testimony that mercury had absolutely nothing to do with autism.

dodging personal responsibility I see.

Still lying? Or can't you post a link to what I actually posted?

I will NOT take responsibility for something I did not do.

If proven wrong I will apologize.

Are you senile?

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