Person scales Statue of Liberty following anti-ICE protests


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Remind me why the alt-left aren't koo-koo?

"I'll show you for not allowing the entire world to enter the nation illegally, I'm gonna jump!"

Person scales Statue of Liberty following anti-ICE protests

At least one person is reportedly scaling the Statue of Liberty after an "Abolish ICE" protest resulted in multiple arrests.

The person has made it to the midsection of the statue, Sgt. Dave Somma, the U S. Park Police public information officer, told WNBC-TV. The park was shut down and is being evacuated, an official told Fox News.

Police are on the scene and are attempting to remove the individual.

Earlier Wednesday, at least six people were arrested after they hung a banner emblazoned with a message about abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Activists with the group Rise and Resist say they hung the banner to protest U.S. immigration policy. In a tweet, the group said the person climbing the statue has no affiliation with the earlier protest.

Liberty Island Evacuated After Woman Climbs Statue Of Liberty; 6 Others Arrested


immigrationracist statueofliberty.jpg

Liberty Island Evacuated After Woman Climbs Statue Of Liberty; 6 Others Arrested | HuffPost
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They're go progressives again thinking that standing in front of banners and billboards are going to get them somewhere. Never works
..... but they keep on doing it:113:

Always do wonder.... could this be people on the right pulling these stunts!?? Anyone with even the political IQ of a small soap dish can figure out that such stunts are political huge
I hope more the far left continue to do this..

Just like I hope they run on repealing the tax cuts.

Hillary might've done well with "Blue Collar" Democrats, and to a lesser extent "Blue Collar" Republicans if only she had spoken more against Illegal immigrants, instead she floundered, now the Party has turned to the Far Left "Kooks" which only will go off the deep end.
...I guess they don't mind foreigners flying planes into buildings murdering nearly 3000 Americans in one day
...I guess they don't mind foreigners flying planes into buildings murdering nearly 3000 Americans in one day

You know, when that happened on 9/11, the United Nations invoked and passed resolution 1373, which said they were going to unite and work with us to bring terrorists to justice.

Now? I personally don't think that the UN would do much now with Trump in office if there was another 9/11 type attack, because he's managed to piss them all off.
Dumbasses. How the hell can I keep my beer cool without ice?
I think she was just trying to get a GOOD POSITION FOR THE FIRE WORKS SHOW

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