Persecution of Christians

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Persecution by David Limbaugh, is quite interesting and is very apropo to our times. This book outlines in voluminous, researched detail the war taking place at this time in the educational, academic, political and judicial arenas against Christianity. This information is not reported by the national, liberal-learning media, of course, but it is taking place all across America. Anything Christian or pertaining to Christian beliefs is being attacked by the secularists, with the young members of society being their particular targets. If I had kids growing up right now, I would surely be an activist in this cause.
Iran holding Christian pastor for $116,000 ransom...
Wife: Jailed American Pastor Still Held in Iran
WASHINGTON January 22, 2013 : Iran's semi-official news agency said Monday that a jailed American pastor of Iranian origin is to be released after posting $116,000 bond, but his wife in the U.S. claims Tehran has no intention of freeing him and that the announcement is "a game to silence" international media reports.
The news agency, ISNA, quoted Saeed Abedini's lawyer, Nasser Sarbazi, as saying that his client stood trial Monday in the Revolutionary Court on charges of attempting to undermine state security by creating a network of Christian churches in private homes. The pastor, who was jailed in September, has rejected the charges. In Tehran, ISNA quoted Sarbazi as saying that the court would issue its verdict later, but that Abedini would be released within the next few days after posting the bail. ISNA said the lawyer indicated that the pastor would be allowed to leave Iran and meet his family in the U.S. Abedini's father attended Monday's court session.

However, the pastor's wife, Naghmeh, said in a statement that the Iranian regime had repeatedly promised to free Abedini on bond, but that he remains in detention. "After the judge told Saeed's lawyer that bail was back on the table, the family in Tehran ran around in circles today to make sure Saeed was let out on bail," said his wife, who lives near Boise, Idaho. "But again, the bail officer rejected (the) bail." Her comments were provided by the Washington-based American Center for Law and Justice, which focuses on constitutional and human rights law around the world. The center is representing the pastor's family in the United States.

She said her husband's lawyer's comments were made before bail was rejected. "This is a game to silence the international media," she said. "Pastor Saeed remains in prison," she said. "He has not been released on bail and Iranian authorities continue to refuse to accept the bail presented to secure his release," she said. "We cannot trust the Iranian regime's reported promise to release him and return him to his family until Pastor Saeed is safely back in the U.S."

Ohh poor widdle persecuted christians. You just have a church for every few hundred people in the USA.

Still. I know that must kill you but the facts remain the facts irregardless of how much they annoy you.

Interesting fact about your avatar. It isn't too far off you know? The real you IS invisible! You are a trichotomy. Three beings in one. God said, Let US make man in OUR image. What image? The image of God the Father, Jesus His Son and His Spoken Word, His Holy Spirit is a picture of Spirit - Soul - Body ( physical ) God is a Spirit and so are you although your spirit is NOT the Holy Spirit. So as a spirit you are an eternal being.

Which simply means you are going to live eternally some place. Where that is, is up to you but I will give you a hint. Mockers lose. Big time.

Globally, the wealth of the Catholic Church is estimated to be in excess of $3,000 Billion. It is the highest land owner of Manhattan Island. It owns more gold than all of Europe combined.

For over 14 centuries, the Vatican was the undisputed wealthest single economic entity in the world.

The problem is that the Catholic Church hides its wealth behind tens of thousands of front companies, blind trusts, off shore accounts and other financial loopholes to both avoid tax and the revelation of its wealth.


And that is just the Catholic church.

Poor widdle persecuted christians.
“Robertson lives on the top of a Virginia mountain, in a huge mansion with a private airstrip. He owns the Ice Capades [Pat Robertson's International Family Entertainment Inc bought Ice Capades In February 1995 from Dorothy Hamill for $10 million], a small hotel, diamond mines (in Zaire), a vitamin company (Kalo Vita) involved in a multi-level marketing scheme along the lines of Amway, and until recently, International Family Entertainment, parent company of the Family Channel … all estimated to be worth between $150-200 million”. How does a televangelist, who is supposedly involved in non-profit work, manage to create such a fortune for himself? One thing is known for sure, Robertson's numerous private business interests have at times pushed their expenses onto the tax-exempt, religious interests of CBN. For example, Robertson was caught using CBN money and equipment to aid his diamond mining operation -- a double good deal for Pat, seeing as he employed people in Zaire for ridiculously low wages, and managed to use CBN's infrastructure to cut costs even more. In looking at Robertson's businesses, one is struck by the constant use of non-profit, donor money to fund his schemes. (For documentation of this and more, see Rob Boston's book entitled The Most Dangerous Man in America?: Pat Robertson and the Rise of the Christian Coalition.)
Persecution by David Limbaugh, is quite interesting and is very apropo to our times. This book outlines in voluminous, researched detail the war taking place at this time in the educational, academic, political and judicial arenas against Christianity. This information is not reported by the national, liberal-learning media, of course, but it is taking place all across America. Anything Christian or pertaining to Christian beliefs is being attacked by the secularists, with the young members of society being their particular targets. If I had kids growing up right now, I would surely be an activist in this cause.

Let's be clear: What Limbaugh refers to as 'persecution" simply means "lack of special treatment and privileges." I really don't see how not allowing Christianity special rights and dominance over other religious beliefs is persecution.

Limbaugh is quite clear that he does not want neutrality or equal treatment, he wants Christian dominance and special government support.
Iranian court gives Abedini 8 years in prison...
Iran Sentences American Pastor to Eight Years’ Imprisonment
January 27, 2013 – An Iranian court on Sunday sentenced Iranian-born American pastor Saeed Abedini – a convert from Islam to Christianity – to eight years’ imprisonment for “threatening the national security of Iran” by leading underground house churches, according to a U.S. religious organization closely involved in the case.
The 32 year-old from Boise, Idaho was convicted four months after being arrested while visiting family in Iran. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) says Abedini has been assaulted and mistreated while in custody in Iran’s notorious Evin prison. The State Department and ACLJ have also raised concerns about the conduct of his trial, saying Abedini’s lawyer was given little time to prepare and was excluded from some of the proceedings. ACLJ executive director Jordan Sekulow called the case “a mockery of justice.” “Iran has not only abused its own laws, it has trampled on the fundamentals of human rights,” he said in a statement. “We call on governments around the world to stand and defend Pastor Saeed,” Sekulow added, urging the U.S. government “to engage further” in pressing for the release of an American citizen facing a lengthy prison term “simply because of his Christian faith.”

Tehran’s treatment of a U.S. citizen is a brazen challenge to Washington as President Obama begins his second term and Sen. John Kerry prepares to assume the helm at the State Department. Rather than settle the case quietly, the authorities handed it to a Revolutionary Court judge who has been sanctioned by the European Union for handing down the death penalty or long jail terms to rights activists convicted after the disputed 2009 presidential election. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in its 2012 annual report identified the official, Abbas Pir-Abbassi, as a judge “responsible for particularly severe violations of religious freedom.” Sekulow noted that Revolutionary Court convictions and sentence need top approval. “Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei had to sign off” on the case, he said.


Iranian-born American pastor Saeed Abedini has been imprisoned in Tehran since September, and in a letter to his family reported beatings and death threats.

Sunday’s development came two days after the State Department and White House called on Iran to release an American citizen “detained in Iran on charges related to his religious beliefs.” “We condemn Iran’s continued violation of the universal rights of freedom of religion, and we call on the Iranian authorities to respect Mr. Abedini’s human rights and to release him,” said State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. White House press secretary Jay Carney made an almost-identical appeal during his daily press briefing. Earlier, members of the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate signed letters urging the State Department to exhaust all efforts to secure Abedini’s release and safe return home, while almost 250,000 people have signed an ACLJ petition on his behalf.

The Iranian regime denies discriminating against non-Muslims. “Iran is a land with diverse ethnic and religious communities that live side by side with different traditions, customs and languages,” it said in a major report presented to the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2010. “The Iranian society is a successful model of brotherly and peaceful coexistence.” The report said “recognized religious minorities” – Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians – are allowed to organize and practice, “provided they do not violate the principles of independence, freedom, national unity, the criteria of Islam, or the basis of the Islamic Republic.” Abedini, an ordained evangelical pastor, helped to lead house churches in Iran before moving to the U.S. in 2005.

Christians bein' persecuted in India...
Violence against Christians Spreading in India
February 11, 2013 – Hindu extremist attacks on Christians in Maharashtra state could expand even as violence elsewhere in India grows in areas where extremist groups had not beeen so active, Christian leaders said.
Ram Puniyani of the All India Secular Forum said at press conference in Mumbai this month that Maharashtra is vulnerable to increased attacks on Christians after “a decade of heightened Hindutva [Hindu nationalism], especially targeting tribal and Adivasi [indigenous] communities, as they are easy targets, with little fear of retaliation.” The Catholic Secular Forum (CSF) released preliminary results of a study on Feb. 1, with Christian leaders saying that persecution is not increasing in comparison with previous years but is appearing in new areas. While the perennially troublesome Karnataka state saw the most attacks on Christians with 67, followed by Madhya Pradesh with 28, four new states entered the top 20: More attacks from Hindu extremists took place in Tamil Nadu, Assam, Mizoram and Goa than in previous years. Moreover, CSF noted persecution against Christians from Islamic extremists in Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala and West Bengal.

Joseph Dias, general secretary of CSF, said the study chronicled 250 of the worst cases of persecution, but that the actual number of incidents nationwide was much higher. While there were no pogroms such as occurred in Orissa state in 2008, persecution has become more widespread, with an increase in Hindu nationalist attacks even where the “Hindu brigade” is not traditionally strong, he said. Parliamentary and state assembly elections in the next year portend an increase in attacks as Hindu extremists try to divide voters along religious lines, he said.

Michael Saldanha, former justice of the Bombay High Court, told Morning Star News that he has urged federal Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde to ban Hindutva groups such as the Sanathan Sanstha and Abhinav Bharat, which come under the “Saffron umbrella” with an agenda of a Hindu religious state. Overall, the states with the highest number of incidents after Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh were Tamil Nadu with 25; Orissa – where the most serious crimes took place, including rapes of minors – with 20; and Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, both also with 20. Maharashtra, with nine incidents, was seventh on the list.

The Maharashtra-based Christian leaders emphasized violations in their state, including not just abuses by Hindu nationalists but by family members of converts to Christianity. Two young women in Padmavati Nagar, Pune, 20-year-old Lakshmi Rathod and Vimla Rathod, 19, fled their home on Aug. 12, 2012, after their parents had forced them to drink cow urine daily. They were assaulted, threatened with “honor killing,” labelled unholy and locked in a room for several days after they were found reading the Bible. The report included an account of an attack last month in Maharashtra by Hindu nationalists suspected to belong to Sanathan Sanstha. On Jan. 11 a Hindu extremist mob stormed into New Life Grace Ministry Church in the Sawantwadi area, Sindhudurg District, and severely beat members of the 600-strong congregation, including many women, children and elderly Christians. They threatened to stop any Christian services in the district, according to CFS.

More Violence against Christians Spreading in India
Granny says, "Dat's right - Iran persecutin' Christian pastor `cause he knows Jesus is the Savior o' the world...
80 Members of Congress Call on Kerry to Seek Release of American Pastor Imprisoned by Iran
February 15, 2013 - More than 80 members of Congress have sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry urging him “to exhaust every possible option” to secure the release of American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who is facing a lengthy prison sentence in Iran because of his Christian faith.
The senators and congressmen -- Republicans and Democrats -- say the life of Pastor Saeed Abedini hangs in the balance and calls on Kerry to engage his case directly and without delay. “As an American citizen, Mr. Abedini deserves nothing less than the exercising of every diplomatic tool of the U.S. government to defend his basic human rights,” the letter states. The letter is signed by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress, including Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), co-chairman of the International Religious Freedom Caucus; Rep, an Henry Waxman (D-Calif.); Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.); Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.).

Abedini is a former Iranian Muslim who converted to Christianity in 2000 and later became a U.S. citizen. He was arrested last July by Iranian Revolutionary Guards after travelling back and froth from the U.S. to Iran as part of efforts to build an orphanage in Iran. He was convicted in September by an Iranian court in Tehran of “endangering Iranian national security” for trying to establish churches in Iran a decade earlier. Abedini’s wife, Naghmeh, and their two children currently live in the United States.

The American Center for Law and Justice and the European Centre for Law and Justice in Strasbourg, France, which have been working with Abedini’s family to obtain his release, say the pastor was convicted during a “sham” trial in which his defense counsel was given only 24 hours to prepare a defense. “This is a significant bipartisan effort to secure the freedom of a U.S. citizen who faces incredible torture and life-threatening punishment in one of Iran’s most brutal prisons – simply because of his Christian beliefs,” said ACLJ Executive Director Jordan Sekulow.

Sekulow welcomed the efforts of Congress to obtain the release of “Pastor Saeed” – as Abedini has become known internationally. But Sekulow said there is also an important principle at stake. “The real issue here is this: the U.S. government must protect its citizens and exercise every diplomatic tool available to secure the freedom of Pastor Saeed,” Sekulow added. Last week, the ACLJ and its European affiliate, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), urged the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to call on Iran to immediately release Pastor Saeed.

Mooslamics persecutin' Copts in Egypt...
Islam or death? Egypt's Christians targeted by new terror group
February 21, 2013 - A group of Christian priests from a local Coptic church in Egypt were told to convert to Islam or face death, according to an Arabic news site.
The incident, which comes in the midst of continued persecution and pressure on Egypt’s Christian community, took place this week in the town of Safaga, near the Red Sea, the El Balad site reported. According to El Balad, the threats are from a new group in Egypt, Jihad al-Kufr, whose name translates to Jihad against non-believers or non-Muslims. The group targets non-Muslims, and reportedly pressures them to convert to Islam. “It’s not the first time. This is happening every day,” said Adel Guindy, president of Coptic Solidarity and a member of Egypt’s Coptic community who travels between Paris and Cairo. “This one incident caught the attention of the news agencies, but there are worse things happening to the Christians every day in Egypt,” he said.

Christians have felt increasingly at risk since the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, which resulted in the rise of President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood movement. “It has definitely worsened under the revolution. Once the worst part of the society surfaced -- the Islamists -- the Copts are paying a heavy price. The West doesn’t really feel our pain. It’s a war of attrition,” Guindy said. Copts are the largest Christian community in the Middle East, and the most prominent religious minority in the region. Christians make up about 10 percent of Egypt’s 85 million people.


Clergymen gather to wait for the arrival of Egypt's Coptic Christian Pope Tawadros II, at the historic al-Muharraq Monastery, a centuries-old site some 180 miles (300 kilometers) south of Cairo in the province of Assiut, Egypt, Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2013. Egypt's Coptic Christian pope sharply criticized the country's Islamist leadership in an interview with The Associated Press on Tuesday, saying the new constitution is discriminatory and Christians should not be treated as a minority.

Egypt’s new constitution has come under scrutiny by many for including elements of Sharia, or Islamic law, while simultaneously legitimizing the marginalization of the country’s religious minorities by denying them legal protection. It also granted increased powers to Morsi, who self-declared sweeping powers in a Nov. 22 power grab that prompted heavy international criticism. The new constitution was ratified after its second referendum in late December, winning more than 70 percent of the vote. Moderate Egyptians took to the streets to protest the rushed ratification, but the demonstrations were quickly quashed.

Some believe members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic extremists, emboldened by the constitution’s passage, have stepped up attacks against Egyptian Christians. “There was a relative amount of freedom (for Christians) before Egypt’s revolution, and many were hoping for more freedoms, and now things are unfortunately much worse and much more difficult,” said Jason DeMars, founder of Present Truth Ministries, a Christian advocacy group that tracks religious persecution around the world. “It’s what they’ve always wanted to do, but Mubarak held some of that back because of the support he got from the United States and other Western countries,” DeMars said. “People were paying attention, but now the extremists are seeing this as an opportunity to crack down on the community there.”

Read more: Islam or death? Egypt's Christians targeted by new terror group | Fox News
Ohh poor widdle persecuted christians. You just have a church for every few hundred people in the USA.

Still. I know that must kill you but the facts remain the facts irregardless of how much they annoy you.

Interesting fact about your avatar. It isn't too far off you know? The real you IS invisible! You are a trichotomy. Three beings in one. God said, Let US make man in OUR image. What image? The image of God the Father, Jesus His Son and His Spoken Word, His Holy Spirit is a picture of Spirit - Soul - Body ( physical ) God is a Spirit and so are you although your spirit is NOT the Holy Spirit. So as a spirit you are an eternal being.

Which simply means you are going to live eternally some place. Where that is, is up to you but I will give you a hint. Mockers lose. Big time.


How do you know god said anything?
Because some people wrote down that he did?
Paper does not care what men write on it.

And there is absolutely no proof that I or anyone else will live eternally in any plane of existence.
What I am is the result of biochemical reactions and such in my brain, the combined experiences of my life, etc. When my brain dies I cease to exist. Period.

You post proves that christians are the ones who practice the persecution.
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Persecution of Christians in China...
China's Christians see mounting persecution in country's effort to disband churches, report finds
February 21, 2013 - Christians and human rights advocates are alarmed over an aggressive crackdown on house churches in China, where the faithful are forced to call their gatherings "patriotic" assemblies or sent to prison where they can face torture, according to a new report.
Cases of the government persecuting Christians rose 42 percent last year, amid a three-phase plan by Beijing to eradicate the home-based churches, according to China Aid, a Texas-based human rights group. Experts say the Communist Party in China has long felt threatened by any movement that galvanizes a large sector of the population, fearing it could wield political clout. But the nation has become more systematically hostile to worshippers, according to Bob Fu, China Aid founder and president. “There have been new tactics of persecution as well, especially with the government using secret directives and memos with long-term, step-by-step strategies to eradicate house churches,” Fu told “This is very serious stuff.”

Last year, the government mounted a new three-phase approach designed to wipe out unregistered house churches by forcing them to join the official "Three-Self Patriotic Movement" and stop defining themselves as churches. The phase included having China's State Administration for Religious Affairs secretly investigate house churches and create files on them, the report found. The current wave of crackdowns, which began midway through 2012, is part of the second phase, according to Fu.

Fu said the government is using a wide array of subtle and ham-handed tactics to persecute Christians, targeting house church leaders and churches in urban areas. “Instead of using law enforcement officials directly to attack churches, last year we found they used a softer approach,” he said. “They used utility companies, service committees and neighborhood committees to terminate contracts with rental facilities and cut off electricity and water [to the churches].”

Those semi-official agencies, including industrial and commercial affairs departments, used various excuses to “harass, interfere and ban” church services. “In most cases, they did not take anyone into custody, or detain or sentence, and even if a person was in custody, he was quickly released,” the report found. “The unrelenting persecution of Shouwang Church in the past nearly two years has been conducted in this manner. For example, landlords were pressured to terminate lease agreements with church members, church members who had purchased real estate were unable to take possession of them, church leaders were placed under house arrest and church members were evicted — all of which was done to make it impossible for the house church to operate normally so that it would eventually disband.”

Read more: China's Christians see mounting persecution in country's effort to disband churches, report finds | Fox News
Iran persecutin' American pastor...
Jailed American Pastor Writes of ‘Horrific,’ ‘Unbearable’ Conditions in Iranian Prison
February 22, 2013 – Imprisoned American pastor Saeed Abedini wrote of what he called “horrific” and “unbearable” conditions in the Iranian prison where he is held after being convicted in January for being a Christian.
“They are trying to put me under such horrific pressures (that are sometimes unbearable) so that they can show me that my faith is empty and not real,” Saeed wrote in a letter obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). Saeed wrote that his Iranian jailors subjected him to “psychological warfare” and that one of his guards had “attacked me” while he was singing worship songs in his cell. He also wrote that “my body does not have the strength to walk” due to the conditions of his imprisonment. Saeed is in Iran’s Evin prison, sentenced there by Iranian Judge Pir-Abassi, whom ACLJ says is known as the “hanging judge, serving an eight-year term for threatening the national security of Iran by leading Christian services in Iranian households.

Saeed and his Iranian lawyers were allowed to attend only one day of his trial, according to the ACLJ, which represents his wife and children still in the United States. This is the first letter the 32-yeard-old Saeed has written since his imprisonment began in January. The pastor writes of enduring “physical violence, actions committed to humiliate me, insults,” and “being confronted [by] extremists in the prison who create another prison within the prison walls, and death threats.” His wife, Naghmeh, said in a statement released by the ACLJ: “The most important thing we can do is pray, continue to raise awareness of his case and continue to work for his freedom.”

Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the ACLJ, said in a press release accompanying the letter that the account of Pastor Saeed underscores the need for the U.S. government to do “all that can be done” to secure his freedom. “The letter also underscores the need to move quickly. A U.S. citizen is in failing health from beatings and abuse – a menacing scenario that should command the full attention and engagement of the U.S. government. It’s our hope that Secretary Kerry will act without delay – doing all that can be done by the State Department to save this U.S. citizen.” The ACLJ told that the letter was released to family in Iran and was then sent to Saeed’s wife, who provided a typed copy of the missive to the ACLJ.

The idea that Christians are persecuted in the U.S. is beyond absurd and an insult to all groups of people that have actually suffered being persecuted.
Iran holding Christian pastor for $116,000 ransom...
Wife: Jailed American Pastor Still Held in Iran
WASHINGTON January 22, 2013 : Iran's semi-official news agency said Monday that a jailed American pastor of Iranian origin is to be released after posting $116,000 bond, but his wife in the U.S. claims Tehran has no intention of freeing him and that the announcement is "a game to silence" international media reports.

Iranian court gives Abedini 8 years in prison...
Iran Sentences American Pastor to Eight Years’ Imprisonment
January 27, 2013 – An Iranian court on Sunday sentenced Iranian-born American pastor Saeed Abedini – a convert from Islam to Christianity – to eight years’ imprisonment for “threatening the national security of Iran” by leading underground house churches, according to a U.S. religious organization closely involved in the case.
Iran persecutin' American pastor...
Jailed American Pastor Writes of ‘Horrific,’ ‘Unbearable’ Conditions in Iranian Prison
February 22, 2013 – Imprisoned American pastor Saeed Abedini wrote of what he called “horrific” and “unbearable” conditions in the Iranian prison where he is held after being convicted in January for being a Christian.

Christians bein' persecuted in India...
Violence against Christians Spreading in India
February 11, 2013 – Hindu extremist attacks on Christians in Maharashtra state could expand even as violence elsewhere in India grows in areas where extremist groups had not beeen so active, Christian leaders said.

Mooslamics persecutin' Copts in Egypt...
Islam or death? Egypt's Christians targeted by new terror group
February 21, 2013 - A group of Christian priests from a local Coptic church in Egypt were told to convert to Islam or face death, according to an Arabic news site.

Persecution of Christians in China...
China's Christians see mounting persecution in country's effort to disband churches, report finds
February 21, 2013 - Christians and human rights advocates are alarmed over an aggressive crackdown on house churches in China, where the faithful are forced to call their gatherings "patriotic" assemblies or sent to prison where they can face torture, according to a new report.

But are these incidences persecution of Christians per se, or are Christians just part of overall intolerance of other religions?
Let's look at the State Dept International Religious Freedom Reports.
The constitution and other laws and policies severely restrict freedom of religion. The constitution declares the “official religion of Iran is Islam and the doctrine followed is that of Ja’afari (Twelver) Shiism.” The fourth article of the constitution states that all laws and regulations must be based on undefined “Islamic criteria” and official interpretation of Sharia (Islamic law).

The constitution provides Sunni Muslims a degree of religious freedom, and states that, “within the limits of the law,” Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians are the only recognized religious minorities with protected freedom to practice their religious beliefs, as long as they do not proselytize. Articles 13 and 26 of the constitution specifically recognize Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism and grant these three groups the right to worship freely and to form religious societies. The government regarded the Sabean-Mandaeans as Christians, and they are included among the three recognized religious minorities; however, Sabean-Mandaeans do not consider themselves Christians. No other non-Islamic religions are recognized by the law, and adherents of these other religious groups, such as the Baha’is, do not have the freedom to practice their beliefs.
So it's not just Christians, and Christians have some measure of freedom not granted to some other groups.

India varies by local government..there's discrimination against non-Hindus, especially Muslims and Christians, in some areas, and discrimination against non-Muslims in others, etc. I don't see any particular anti-Christian problem as opposed to poor treatment of Christians along with other minority religions.

Non-Muslim religious minorities officially recognized by the government, including most Christians, generally worshiped without harassment. However, Christians faced personal and collective discrimination, especially in government employment and the ability to build, renovate, and repair places of worship. The government also failed to redress laws relating to church renovation and construction. Members of the Baha’i Faith, which the government does not recognize, faced personal and collective discrimination. The government also sometimes arrested, detained, or harassed minority Muslim sects, converts from Islam to Christianity, and members of other religious groups whose beliefs or practices it deemed jeopardized communal harmony. Government authorities often refused to provide converts with new identity documents indicating their chosen faith.
So again, it's not explicitly Christian persecution.

The constitution provides for freedom of “religious belief,” but limits protections for religious practice to “normal religious activities.” The government applies the term “normal religious activities” in a manner that does not meet international human rights standards for freedom of religion. The government’s respect for and protection of the right to religious freedom deteriorated.
Only religious groups belonging to one of the five state-sanctioned “patriotic religious associations” (Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim, Roman Catholic, and Protestant) are permitted to register with the government and legally hold worship services. Other religious groups, such as Protestant groups unaffiliated with the official patriotic religious association or Catholics professing loyalty to the Vatican, are not permitted to register as legal entities. Proselytizing in public or unregistered places of worship is not permitted. Some religious and spiritual groups are outlawed. Tibetan Buddhists in China are not free to venerate the Dalai Lama openly and encounter severe government interference in religious practice (see Tibet section). Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members are required to be atheists and are generally discouraged from participating in religious activities.
Is that persecution against Christians or against all theists?

I find it interesting that those claiming Christian persecution never mention persecution against other religious minorities in the same country.
Ohh poor widdle persecuted christians. You just have a church for every few hundred people in the USA.

Still. I know that must kill you but the facts remain the facts irregardless of how much they annoy you.

Interesting fact about your avatar. It isn't too far off you know? The real you IS invisible! You are a trichotomy. Three beings in one. God said, Let US make man in OUR image. What image? The image of God the Father, Jesus His Son and His Spoken Word, His Holy Spirit is a picture of Spirit - Soul - Body ( physical ) God is a Spirit and so are you although your spirit is NOT the Holy Spirit. So as a spirit you are an eternal being.

Which simply means you are going to live eternally some place. Where that is, is up to you but I will give you a hint. Mockers lose. Big time.


How do you know god said anything?
Because some people wrote down that he did?
Paper does not care what men write on it.

And there is absolutely no proof that I or anyone else will live eternally in any plane of existence.
What I am is the result of biochemical reactions and such in my brain, the combined experiences of my life, etc. When my brain dies I cease to exist. Period.

You post proves that christians are the ones who practice the persecution.

Right. I hear that is the case atheists brought before the courts in Europe.. Arrest any Christian overheard saying Jesus is the Only Way into Heaven and it is hell for all those who reject salvation. What is the crime called? Terrorism. They claim the gospel instills fear into their hearts. It should. Would you prefer to be awakened to the dangers of hell only after you are there? What kind of love would that be? Definitely not calvary love. That is for sure. If you want to go to hell, you are not going to do it with your blood on my hands. I will most assuredly tell you that you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Without holiness, no one will see the LORD. God isn't grading on a curve here. You either take the holiness of Christ garment and put it upon you or you can forget it. You own righteous deeds are considered nothing more than filthy rags in the eyes of G-D Almighty. Put on Christ or stand before G-d naked and ashamed one day. He didn't send His Son to the Cross as a mere "option" of salvation. No. HE IS THE WAY TO SALVATION. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. - Jeremiah
Right. I hear that is the case atheists brought before the courts in Europe.. Arrest any Christian overheard saying Jesus is the Only Way into Heaven and it is hell for all those who reject salvation. What is the crime called? Terrorism. They claim the gospel instills fear into their hearts.

Whoever you heard that from was lying.
Right. I hear that is the case atheists brought before the courts in Europe.. Arrest any Christian overheard saying Jesus is the Only Way into Heaven and it is hell for all those who reject salvation. What is the crime called? Terrorism. They claim the gospel instills fear into their hearts.

Whoever you heard that from was lying.

It's the law there.

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