Perry wants cheap illegal labor for businesses.if you want illegal aleins for cheap l


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

McALLEN, Texas (AP/The Huffington Post) -- For all of his rock-solid conservative credentials, Texas Gov. Rick Perry may have an Achilles' heel: immigration. If Perry runs for president -- he is expected to announce his candidacy on Saturday -- he will undoubtedly focus on Texas' relatively healthy economy and its low taxes and his record in creating jobs in the 11 years he's been governor. What he may have to explain on the stump is how undocumented immigrants have contributed to that success, adding as much as $17.7 billion a year to the state gross product and enjoying such benefits as in-state tuition at... MORE

al on HuffingtonPost ... 61718.html
Rick Perry Wants $349 Million For Jailing Illegals
By: Jonathan Moormann

In a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Texas Governor and presidential hopeful Rick Perry has requested $349.2 million dollars. Apparently, this small sum is the amount that Texas has spent incarcerating and housing illegal immigrants. The GOP frontrunner apparently penned the note back on August 10th, though the DHS will not even confirm that they have received the invoice.

In the past, Perry has been criticized for not being tough enough on illegal immigrants. Of course, in this case "not being tough enough" means not supporting a giant wall like Michele Bachmann​ or claiming that Arizona's immigration regulations "might not be right for Texas." Perry's immigration position has almost always been centered around increasing border security, and this letter is just his way of urging the DHS to help out.

Politics | Ology ... g-illegals
Isn't this an odd situation. Record numbers of unemployed Americans, coupled with the housing crisis, added to a record deficit, and a near default. And Texans are urged to hire foreign nationals by their governor. Welcome to cloud cuckoo land . Let’s don’t tax the rich, lets help them (the "wealthy") exploit foreign nationals for profit at the further cost of American culture AND screw over poor unemployed Americans, too. If exploiting illegal aliens benefits the community, then, let's set the clock back to 1800 and reinstate slavery. Texas was a member of the Confederacy, perhaps they can also sue the Federal government for all projected losses of all the profits lost since 1865 after abolition. Please, Texas is a border state, THEY of all, should feel the sting of illegal immigration and want to stop it, not blame the feds for this mess…Jeesse Louise! Good move, Perry. Holy cow. We are sooo screwed!
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Aiding and abetting the illegals...
Labor Dept. Signs 'Partnerships' with Foreign Gov’s to Protect Illegal Workers in U.S.
Monday, August 29, 2011 - U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis today signed "partnership" agreements with ambassadors from a group of Latin American nations aiming to protect what she described as the labor rights of both legal and illegal migrants working in the United States.
During the signing ceremony hosted at Labor Department headquarters in Washington D.C., Solis said the agreements are aimed at educating migrant workers, regardless of how they got here, about their rights under U.S. law and to help prevent them from being abused in the workplace, either through wages, loss of job, or deportation. When asked by, she made clear the agreements aim at protecting both documented and undocmented workers inside the United States.

In her address at the signing ceremony, Solis asserted that all migrant workers have a “right to a legal wage”--even though the Labor Department itself states that under U.S. law, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), “employers may hire only persons who may legally work in the United States (i.e., citizens and nationals of the U.S.) and aliens authorized to work in the U.S.” The INA “protects U.S. citizens and aliens authorized to accept employment in the U.S. from discrimination in hiring or discharge on the basis of national origin and citizenship status," states the Labor Department Web site.

Nevertheless, during the signing ceremony today, Solis said, “No matter how you got here or how long you plan to stay, you have certain rights. You have the right to be safe and in a healthy workplace and the right to a legal wage. We gather here today to strengthen our shared commitment to protect the labor rights of migrant workers in the United States. Unfortunately, due to language barriers and immigration status, migrant workers can be those that are most vulnerably abused.”

“We’re committed to ending that abuse and in a few moments we’ll sign a new partnerships between the Department of Labor and the embassies of Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador,” she said. “These are pledges between our governments to work together to educate migrant workers about their labor rights and prevent abuses in the workplace.”


See also:

Labor Dept. Confirms: It Will Ensure Illegal Aliens Get Paid Legal Wages in U.S. Jobs
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - The U.S. Department of Labor told in a written statement on Wednesday that it will enforce the federal wage laws on behalf of anyone working in the United States “regardless of their immigration status.” The statement was in response to a written question from
The written statement backed up a video statement that Labor Secretary Hilda Solis made to on Monday in which she indicated that “partnership” agreements she had signed that day with a group of Latin American countries will obligate the U.S. government to protect the working conditions for both “documented and undocumented” migrant laborers here in the United States. (See earlier story.)

The Labor Department’s determination to make U.S. employers treat illegal aliens taking jobs in the United States as if they were U.S citizens or legal immigrants seems to contradict the Immigration and Nationality Act. That act says “employers may hire only persons who may legally work in the United States (i.e., citizens and nationals of the U.S.) and aliens authorized to work in the U.S.” and that the U.S. government “protects U.S. citizens and aliens authorized to accept employment in the U.S. from discrimination in hiring or discharge on the basis of national origin and citizenship status.”

After being unable to get a question into Solis or another Labor Department official during a conference call the Labor Department held with reporters on Wednesday, followed up with a question sent to the Labor Department via e-mail. The question was: “Will the Department of Labor enforce existing law under the Immigration and Nationality Act that says ‘employers may hire only persons who may legally work in the United States (i.e. citizens and nationals of the U.S.) and aliens authorized to work in the U.S.?’”

A Department of Labor official responded: “The WHD [Wage and Hour Division] administers and enforces the law for all workers employed in the United States, regardless of their immigration status.” On Monday, Labor Secretary Solis had signed “partnerships” with Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador to protect the rights of “migrant” workers in the United States.


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