Permanent War Watch: US Taxpayers Will Be 'Crying In Their Beers' Over Iraqi Reconstruction Tab...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Remember, the MIC Globalist Elites will always be fine. It's average American Taxpayers who suffer the most from this Permanent War agenda.

The neocons and the military-industrial complex are rubbing their hands with glee over profits to be made from Iraqi reconstruction, but that cannot be said of the US taxpayer who must foot the bill, says Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams.

After Amnesty International had published a report accusing the US coalition of partial responsibility for mass civilian casualties, Major General Rupert Jones, the deputy commander of the international anti-ISIS coalition, criticized the findings, calling the allegations disrespectful and naive.

“It strikes me as being written by people who simply have no understanding of the brutality of warfare. But we should be absolutely clear who were deliberately killing civilians,” Jones told the Telegraph.

RT: How much legitimacy is there to support the permanent basing of US troops in Iraq following the military operation in Mosul that has left much of the city in ruins?

Daniel McAdams: There is absolutely no consensus in Congress; there has been no new authorization. The ground is very shaky legally for the US to permanently base troops there.

It is almost like a case of national amnesia. We forgot what happened in 2003 when President Bush said: “mission accomplished, we have done everything we need to do, great victory.” The reality is that they just created the problems that we are still fighting today...

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US Taxpayers Will be ‘Crying in Their Beers’ When Iraqi Reconstruction Bill Arrives

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