Perfect movies...movies that give you everything you hoped for, and you can watch and feel good.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I'm not talking about the blockbusters here....I am talking about the smaller movies that are everything you want in a movie, and you feel good everytime you watch them....they don't change the world, they don't win awards, but they are perfect movies in every way they do things...

For me?

Rustler's Rhapsody
The Crow
Blood of Heroes
Zoro the Gay Blade

more recently,

Bullet Train

I'll add to the list as I think of more....
I like stories based on real life for what I would consider inspiring...
One I never heard of before stands out after just watching it a couple days ago.
Yep....Halloween, watch it every Halloween.....

to add.....

The Howling
American Werewolf in London

You ever go into a dollar store and get the 5 for $5 horror movie packs? I do every now and then for shits and giggles, and some are so hilariously bad, they're worth the money. Others are just awful. All of them have titties everywhere. I've only ever liked a couple of them.
Tombstone....though it drags in part and has a slightly odd story path...
That’s a blockbuster, not a small movie

Technically true.....doesn't quite match the intention of the list, but sure, whatever anyone wants to post......

As you suggest, I am thinking about the small movies that get made......some of them you wonder how anyone ever got the money together to make them....
Sue me.
It still makes my list of inspirational movies.

This isn't about "inspirational," movies...just movies that you can watch over and over, do everything right, but just aren't what you would call "big movies."

But whatever you think, this is meant to be a non-aggressive thread....

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