People With Extreme Political Views Have Trouble Thinking About Their Own Thinking


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Interesting...seems people who are attracted to the political extremes are literally unable to comprehend that they may be wrong!

People With Extreme Political Views Have Trouble Thinking About Their Own Thinking - Popular Science - Pocket

"Radical political views of all sorts seem to shape our lives to an almost unprecedented extent. But what attracts people to the fringes? A study from researchers at University College London offers some insight into one characteristic of those who hold extreme beliefs—their metacognition, or ability to evaluate whether or not they might be wrong."

I wonder if they used USMB for research material?

What, with posters saying they want to see white children tortured in front of their parents and others who think the gang rape of thousands of children is funny, there is certainly much here of interest.
Or the others who want to spray the Libs with their AK...or the ones who slaver for a civil war....that they may act out their SHTF fantasies....Yeah..USMB would be fertile research material indeed!
But what is "extreme"?

Is being pro-life "extreme"?

Is impeaching a president with no underlying crime "extreme"?

Is believing there are only 2 genders "extreme"?
But what is "extreme"?

Is being pro-life "extreme"?

Is impeaching a president with no underlying crime "extreme"?

Is believing there are only 2 genders "extreme"?
I think a large part of extreme is about how adamant one holds onto their beliefs. Are you open to discussion? Can you be persuaded by logic? Do you ignore facts in your desire to believe? Is your world view black and white.."my way or the highway"?

All of the views you quoted can be held by a person..strongly and quietly. Those who choose to always make a point of confronting others..with the fire of the fanatic in their eyes...are extremists. IMO, it is more about behaviors..than it is about the views themselves.

I would point out..that your view on impeachment is, indeed, a point of view, Nothing more..and couching it as though it were a a bit extreme. To me..presenting opinions as though they are an indication of extremist behaviors....I see it on both the left and the right.

A pro-lifer that lives his/her beliefs may, indeed, be quite moderate. One who haunts PP storefronts..thrusting pictures of dead fetus' in people's an extremist.
I would point out..that your view on impeachment is, indeed, a point of view, Nothing more..and couching it as though it were a a bit extreme.

Can you name the statute number of the law that's been broken?

Feel free to use google or any other research tool...I'll wait.
***yawn*** wrong thread...for that.
I'd point out that I'm against impeachment..and have said so many times. But impeachment is not really about breaking the is politics.
***yawn*** wrong thread...for that.
I'd point out that I'm against impeachment..and have said so many times. But impeachment is not really about breaking the is politics.

You see, this is not about's about me stating fact and you saying it's meerly my opinion but then refusing to back it up.

I said: Is impeaching a president with no underlying crime "extreme"?

You said: I would point out..that your view on impeachment is, indeed, a point of view, Nothing more..and couching it as though it were a a bit extreme.

I said: Can you name the statute number of the law that's been broken?

You said: I'm just talking out of my asshole once usual!
***yawn*** wrong thread...for that.
I'd point out that I'm against impeachment..and have said so many times. But impeachment is not really about breaking the is politics.

You see, this is not about's about me stating fact and you saying it's meerly my opinion but then refusing to back it up.

I said: Is impeaching a president with no underlying crime "extreme"?

You said: I would point out..that your view on impeachment is, indeed, a point of view, Nothing more..and couching it as though it were a a bit extreme.

I said: Can you name the statute number of the law that's been broken?

You said: I'm just talking out of my asshole once usual!
LOL! You're just too stupid to see the disconnect there...I do thank you for being the case in point that proves the article.

Your opinion is that impeachment is about an underlying statutory crime..when in point of need not be.

I said..that this is not the thread about impeachment--but you are literally unable to let go of your fixation--thus proving the premise of the thread--again, thank you.
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I think a large part of extreme is about how adamant one holds onto their beliefs. Are you open to discussion? Can you be persuaded by logic? Do you ignore facts in your desire to believe? Is your world view black and white.."my way or the highway"?

Religmo Fundie's sheer denial rates highest in my experience

I think a large part of extreme is about how adamant one holds onto their beliefs. Are you open to discussion? Can you be persuaded by logic? Do you ignore facts in your desire to believe? Is your world view black and white.."my way or the highway"?

I'd say, checking their own "thinking", and correcting themselves, reversing course upon being confronted with contrary facts, are among the least-developed of human skills. So, extremists may be a bit less "developed" in that respect, but the difference doesn't appear that big as to support the author's sweeping conclusion.

Also, political and societal developments, severe crises in particular, lead to extremist stances rapidly gaining in prevalence. Just look back at the U.S. during the last decade for clues. Are we to assume these folks adopting extremist stances suddenly lose an ability they previously had, namely, thinking about their own thinking? I find that a bit hard to believe.

That said, I tend to reject attempts at explaining (away) societal ills by referring to some sort of "disability". There is a long-standing finding that humans deploy various strategies to reduce uncertainty, and adopting, and sticking to, rigid ideologies appears to be one such strategy. These strategies, of course, quite naturally gain prevalence in times of wide-spread and growing uncertainty. Explained that way, findings don't contradict historical changes - much rather align themselves with available, and changing evidence better than rigid and immutable traits such as a "disability". I find that far more compelling.

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