Pentagon Report:Obama created Isis to overthrow Assaad

The website specializes in conspiracy theories and other far out notions. Not a creditable website. The writers use pseuds to publish. Tyler Durden is a character in Fight Club.
Yeah, except that ISIS was born during the HW administration.

Next lie?

When did ISIS become a big problem? After Obama was at the helm for several years. Why did they suddenly feel emboldened enough to start terrorizing people? What changed that caused them to rise up? Clearly, Obama didn't discourage any terrorists. And look what ISIS is getting away with on a daily basis. Beheading Christians, murdering gay people and burning people alive. They kill journalists and any other infidel they can get their hands on. And they aren't bitching about anything Bush did. No, they are saying it's all about ridding the world of non-Muslims. Did Bush cause radical Muslims to slaughter infidels? No, they've been doing it for centuries. Only difference now is that they have little fear of reprisals.
Most Americans live in blissful ignorance. They don't wanna know that their own Government created ISIS. So they'll just go on pretending ISIS just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons.

All they have to do is follow the money. And the money leads back to Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, and the U.S. They're the main culprits in creating ISIS.
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