Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Liberaltopia downsizing our military? Chuck Hagel is simply Obama's stodge

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will reportedly propose a Pentagon budget that will shrink the U.S. Army to its smallest number since 1940
and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets.

The New York Times reported late Sunday that Hagel's proposal, which will be released to lawmakers and the public on Monday, will call for a reduction in size of the military that will leave it capable of waging war, but unable to carry out protracted occupations of foreign territory, as in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Under Hagel's plan, the number of troops in the Army will drop to between 440,000 and 450,000, a reduction of at least 120,000 soldiers from its post-Sept.11 peak.

Officials told the Times that Hagel's plan has been endorsed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and protects funding for Special Operations forces and cyberwarfare. It also calls for the Navy to maintain all eleven of its aircraft carriers currently in operation. However, the budget proposal mandates the elimination of the entire fleet of Air Force A-10 attack aircraft,

Proposed budget will reportedly shrink Army to pre-WWII numbers | Fox News
Do you want American soldiers to occupy foreign countries where they are constantly a target?
obama has made America loved in the world. We don't need a military at all except for expected domestic uprisings by conservatives.
How big a military do we need?

Do we need a Military that is larger than the next ten forces combined? Do we need a Navy that protects the world? Has new technology made many of the ground pounders obsolete? Same goes with our aircraft
Do you want American soldiers to occupy foreign countries where they are constantly a target?

No I want to be the most powerful military in the world always..understand?
It doesn't matter how powerful your military is. The US won't win in Afghanistan because the CIA trained the jihad in guerrilla warfare. It was called Operation Cyclone. The Mujaheddin were specifically trained in how to fight a more powerful military over a long period of time. You've now spent $2b/wk for over ten years trying to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan and the US still hasn't won yet. This doesn't tell you anything?
Whine and bitch about spending, then when it's cut whine and bitch. See cons don't want less spending, they just want to fuck the poor and elderly.
Do you want American soldiers to occupy foreign countries where they are constantly a target?

No I want to be the most powerful military in the world always..understand?
It doesn't matter how powerful your military is. The US won't win in Afghanistan because the CIA trained the jihad in guerrilla warfare. It was called Operation Cyclone. The Mujaheddin were specifically trained in how to fight a more powerful military over a long period of time. You've now spent $2b/wk for over ten years trying to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan and the US still hasn't won yet. This doesn't tell you anything?

it's a philosophy understand? that's the problem with some people, they can't see the big picture. "Winning the hearts and minds' screwed um that's not my philosophy at all.
A pre WWII Army is a completely different animal from todays modernized force. A 1940 Army was labor intensive and relied heavily on infantry.
Todays Army is highly mechanized and computerized. Makes it much more efficient. To assume that if we have the same manpower as 1940 we have the same military strength is ridiculous.
We have to look at the proposed mission of a Modern Army and how many troops we need to execute that mission
Whine and bitch about spending, then when it's cut whine and bitch. See cons don't want less spending, they just want to fuck the poor and elderly.

Military spending is the job of the federal government idiot. All this social spending isnt
Whine and bitch about spending, then when it's cut whine and bitch. See cons don't want less spending, they just want to fuck the poor and elderly.

Military spending is the job of the federal government idiot. All this social spending isnt

I thought Proecting the Nation was the job of the Federal Government.


Now I understand: "Military Spending" is actually the goal here.........:eusa_whistle:
Either the "experts" have a pretty good idea of what we need or we need a new team of "experts".
A pre WWII Army is a completely different animal from todays modernized force. A 1940 Army was labor intensive and relied heavily on infantry.
Todays Army is highly mechanized and computerized. Makes it much more efficient. To assume that if we have the same manpower as 1940 we have the same military strength is ridiculous.
We have to look at the proposed mission of a Modern Army and how many troops we need to execute that mission

Indeed, but otherwise how will we find federal employment for thousands of undereducated minority dykes?


They cannot all be mail carriers, you know.
A pre WWII Army is a completely different animal from todays modernized force. A 1940 Army was labor intensive and relied heavily on infantry.
Todays Army is highly mechanized and computerized. Makes it much more efficient. To assume that if we have the same manpower as 1940 we have the same military strength is ridiculous.
We have to look at the proposed mission of a Modern Army and how many troops we need to execute that mission

Indeed, but otherwise how will we find federal employment for thousands of undereducated minority dykes?


They cannot all be mail carriers, you know.

That's for a whole separate thread.
Whine and bitch about spending, then when it's cut whine and bitch. See cons don't want less spending, they just want to fuck the poor and elderly.

Yeah, because scumbags like you got so much we want....
Whine and bitch about spending, then when it's cut whine and bitch. See cons don't want less spending, they just want to fuck the poor and elderly.

Military spending is the job of the federal government idiot. All this social spending isnt

I thought Proecting the Nation was the job of the Federal Government.


Now I understand: "Military Spending" is actually the goal here.........:eusa_whistle:

No, that is totally, conceptually and factually wrong.

It is PRECISELY what the Founding Fathers feared the most.... An overwhelmingly burdensome centralized government that used the excuse of 'protection'.

The only Constitutionally mandated job of the Federal Government is to protect us from Foreign Invasion.


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