Pentagon: “2,000%" increase in "Russian" trolls in the last 24-hours


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
we must stop them at least here, have you seen some of them here in in the last 24-hours?

"Chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White ended a press briefing on Saturday by highlighting that the US had seen a “2,000%” increase in Russian trolls in the last 24-hours. White had been providing an update of the latest developments from overnight airstrikes on Syrian targets by US, UK and French forces. "

As it happened: The strike and its aftermath

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I have created 500 Syrian troll bots today. They will operate a trollbotnet and will be thousand tomorrow, one billion next year.
I have created 500 Syrian troll bots today. They will operate a trollbotnet and will be thousand tomorrow, one billion next year.

Will we be voting for Hillary next time instead? :auiqs.jpg:
are you one of those who think that Putler is better for USA than Hillary or any other American "Liberal"?

No. I'm one of those who don't believe the so-called "Russian trolling" had one bit of influence over the 2016 election. That was sarcasm.

Of course Putin isn't good for the US. He's a murdering communist shithead, the same type I was trained to kill throughout my entire service in the U.S. Army.
we must stop them at least here, have you seen some of them here in in the last 24-hours?

"Chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White ended a press briefing on Saturday by highlighting that the US had seen a “2,000%” increase in Russian trolls in the last 24-hours. White had been providing an update of the latest developments from overnight airstrikes on Syrian targets by US, UK and French forces. "

As it happened: The strike and its aftermath

The problem is they’re almost impossible to stop.

Russia believes it can influence political policy in the West through cyber-attacks, and there’s no reason to believe they’re wrong.
we must stop them at least here, have you seen some of them here in in the last 24-hours?

"Chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White ended a press briefing on Saturday by highlighting that the US had seen a “2,000%” increase in Russian trolls in the last 24-hours. White had been providing an update of the latest developments from overnight airstrikes on Syrian targets by US, UK and French forces. "

As it happened: The strike and its aftermath

The problem is they’re almost impossible to stop.

Russia believes it can influence political policy in the West through cyber-attacks, and there’s no reason to believe they’re wrong.

Was the OP referring to simple "trolls" or cyber-attacks? because trolls are harmless idiots. Cyber-attacks are pretty serious.
There are russian, trolls. They start their propaganda off on twitter, reddit, and facebook though; not this humble forum.

Its funny I listened to the press briefing last night after the strikes and they mention that there will "likely be propaganda like we have seen" or something like that.
we must stop them at least here, have you seen some of them here in in the last 24-hours?

"Chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White ended a press briefing on Saturday by highlighting that the US had seen a “2,000%” increase in Russian trolls in the last 24-hours. White had been providing an update of the latest developments from overnight airstrikes on Syrian targets by US, UK and French forces. "

As it happened: The strike and its aftermath

The problem is they’re almost impossible to stop.

Russia believes it can influence political policy in the West through cyber-attacks, and there’s no reason to believe they’re wrong.

Was the OP referring to simple "trolls" or cyber-attacks? because trolls are harmless idiots. Cyber-attacks are pretty serious.

Trolls spread misinformation #pizzagate.
I have created 500 Syrian troll bots today. They will operate a trollbotnet and will be thousand tomorrow, one billion next year.

Will we be voting for Hillary next time instead? :auiqs.jpg:
are you one of those who think that Putler is better for USA than Hillary or any other American "Liberal"?

No. I'm one of those who don't believe the so-called "Russian trolling" had one bit of influence over the 2016 election. That was sarcasm.

Of course Putin isn't good for the US. He's a murdering communist shithead, the same type I was trained to kill throughout my entire service in the U.S. Army.
you do you believe to the reality star and ex-KGB agent more than CIA, FBI, Congress, UK government, etc. ok. whats about Muscovite hybrid warfare , do you believe in it?
we must stop them at least here, have you seen some of them here in in the last 24-hours?

"Chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White ended a press briefing on Saturday by highlighting that the US had seen a “2,000%” increase in Russian trolls in the last 24-hours. White had been providing an update of the latest developments from overnight airstrikes on Syrian targets by US, UK and French forces. "

As it happened: The strike and its aftermath

The problem is they’re almost impossible to stop.

Russia believes it can influence political policy in the West through cyber-attacks, and there’s no reason to believe they’re wrong.
well, we can stop (minimize the damage) it for sure, we have all tools:
"Anne Applebaum discuss modern Putin Russia disinformation propaganda."

I have created 500 Syrian troll bots today. They will operate a trollbotnet and will be thousand tomorrow, one billion next year.
That sounds like a very ambitious projection. Those could be put to use as spam bots for USmessageboard and we could make this the most popular website in the world.
There are russian, trolls. They start their propaganda off on twitter, reddit, and facebook though; not this humble forum.

Its funny I listened to the press briefing last night after the strikes and they mention that there will "likely be propaganda like we have seen" or something like that.

No, trust me. There are genuine Russian trolls on this board.
I have created 500 Syrian troll bots today. They will operate a trollbotnet and will be thousand tomorrow, one billion next year.

Will we be voting for Hillary next time instead? :auiqs.jpg:
are you one of those who think that Putler is better for USA than Hillary or any other American "Liberal"?

No. I'm one of those who don't believe the so-called "Russian trolling" had one bit of influence over the 2016 election. That was sarcasm.

Of course Putin isn't good for the US. He's a murdering communist shithead, the same type I was trained to kill throughout my entire service in the U.S. Army.
you do you believe to the reality star and ex-KGB agent more than CIA, FBI, Congress, UK government, etc. ok. whats about Muscovite hybrid warfare , do you believe in it?

What "reality star"? I don't understand that part.

But I do know that my CIA, FBI, Congress, and other governmental agencies are infested with communists. They may not be card-carrying dues-paying communists, but they're communists to the bone.
There are russian, trolls. They start their propaganda off on twitter, reddit, and facebook though; not this humble forum.

Its funny I listened to the press briefing last night after the strikes and they mention that there will "likely be propaganda like we have seen" or something like that.

No, trust me. There are genuine Russian trolls on this board.
Sure, other types too. This board isn't big enough to launch propaganda viral though they use those other sites for that.
The troll-bots are extremely dangerous. The Trumpanzees believe anything that accords with their twisted ideology. BHO is a Muslim Kenyan, Michelle is a man, Trump is good for America.... Any silly shit at all is gospel to these idiots.
God help America!

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