Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

Where'd you get that idea?
1,000s of affidavits sworn under penalty of law to The FRAUD they witnessed. Faux Joe, will forever have an asterisk next to his name. I have to give you credit for your successful insurrection. You finally pulled it off.
Blah, blah, blah. You just proved reading is not your high suit either. The court ruled, it is being challenged, end of story. Apparently you are more concerned than I am as you are getting your panties a twisted up about a nothing burger story.

The court did not rule the votes of 2020 were fraudulent, why do you keep lying so much?
The PA legislators changed voting laws in direct conflict with their own state constitution.
Was it unconstitutional before Biden cleaned your boy's clock & relegated him to loser status & a fucking has been who can't even Tweet?

If you braindead cultists had at least half a brain that functions clearly you'd let Trump crawl back under the rock he slithered out from under.
Trump would probably stay lost in your head if you morons didn't resurrect him every other post. The OP was about PA court ruling mail in voting unconstitutional--plain and simple--Nowhere in the story was Trump mentioned. Try again moron.
1,000s of affidavits sworn under penalty of law to The FRAUD they witnessed. Faux Joe, will forever have an asterisk next to his name. I have to give you credit for your successful insurrection. You finally pulled it off.
Really? Does your boy know about them? Why hasen't he used some of the "stop the steal" cash he's collected & done something about all those affidavits?

Sorry but they violated The LAW and conducted an Illegal Election when they ILLEGALLY CHANGED THE LAW. This disenfranchised millions of voters.

They did not violate the law, the law passed by the GOP majority Pa Congress made voting by mail legal. The voters followed the law as it was given to them.
I told you all it was illegally done.

It was not illegally done. The Congress of PA passed the law and the people of the state followed the law. If it is later determined the law was unconstitutional (which has not been decided for good yet) it has no impact on what took place prior to the ruling.

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