Pence: US Withdrawing From Iran Nuclear Deal


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
Just heard it. If fixes are not made we will withdraw immediately, and US Embassy in Jerusalem will open before the end of 2019.
Arab members in Israeli parliament had a fit and raised signs stating Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.

Pence Calls Iran Nuclear Deal 'Disaster,' Warns Of U.S. Withdrawal
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty › tillers...

2 hours ago · U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has reiterated that the United States will " withdraw" from the Iran nuclear deal with world powers unless the agreement is " fixed." Pence made the comments in an address to the Israeli ...

US in Jerusalem embassy move 'next year'
That's a little vague. But no reason not to use the NAFTA deal collapse as leverage. Push for improvements while they are scared.

Could be our withdrawing from the Iran deal will collapse the Iran theocracy. A lot of the protests are about economic issues, after all, and our "sanctions" (soft blockade, as with North Korea) are certainly keeping Iran poor.

Which is fine with me. Blockades are better than wars.

Though blockades often lead to war......there is that. But given that both Iran and North Korea continually make speeches at the highest levels about destroying us with nukes, it's only a matter of time anyway till war. Months, I figure.

There is no viable alternative plans by the Great CIC Bone Spur Douche & WN, kkklan, to the current deal,
as the current deal delays them some. For Iran acquiring nuclear weapons at least. Where many responsible
nations agree it's helpful. As for Iran getting money or supplies, to fund terror, they were doing just
fine before and now. AS the current deal keeps the UN inspectors and their test/sampling equipment
closer to the places requiring monitoring at ground level.

You do recall that the UN inspectors were right about Iraq's WMD. Iran has put to much into it to not
get nukes, But to win anythang having nukes is another issue. As we have now four small nation
active terrorist states with nukes. India, Pakistan (Muslim), North Korea, and Israel (they Claim).
Having Iran test one, or a few, and manufacturing many puts them in North Korea sand box.
They both know it's game over if one is used.
You’re really blinded by your partisanship.

There is no viable alternative plans by the Great CIC Bone Spur Douche & WN, kkklan, to the current deal,
as the current deal delays them some. For Iran acquiring nuclear weapons at least. Where many responsible
nations agree it's helpful. As for Iran getting money or supplies, to fund terror, they were doing just
fine before and now. AS the current deal keeps the UN inspectors and their test/sampling equipment
closer the places requiring monitoring at ground level.

You do recall that the UN inspectors were right about Iraq's WMD. Iran has put to much into it to not
get nukes, But to win anythang having nukes is another issue. As we have now four small nation
active terrorist states with nukes. India, Pakistan (Muslim), North Korea, and Israel (they Claim).
Having Iran test one, or a few, and manufacturing many puts them in North Korea sand box.
They both know it's game over if one is used.
You’re really blinded by your partisanship.

There is no viable alternative plans by the Great CIC Bone Spur Douche & WN, kkklan, to the current deal,
as the current deal delays them some. For Iran acquiring nuclear weapons at least. Where many responsible
nations agree it's helpful. As for Iran getting money or supplies, to fund terror, they were doing just
fine before and now. AS the current deal keeps the UN inspectors and their test/sampling equipment
closer the places requiring monitoring at ground level.

You do recall that the UN inspectors were right about Iraq's WMD. Iran has put to much into it to not
get nukes, But to win anythang having nukes is another issue. As we have now four small nation
active terrorist states with nukes. India, Pakistan (Muslim), North Korea, and Israel (they Claim).
Having Iran test one, or a few, and manufacturing many puts them in North Korea sand box.
They both know it's game over if one is used.

What partisanship? Partisanship is useless to me.
Or he is going to make the world respect, through proper fear the US again, as it should be.
Trump is going to cause WW3 lol
Trump is going to cause WW3 lol

Correct me id I'm wrong. How many wars has the USA won after WWii?

Democrats lost nam'

Democrats almost lost Iraq..

nam' was never winnable.
Iraq was a double loss by GOP invaders for OIL profits.
Try again.
Or he is going to make the world respect, through proper fear the US again, as it should be.
Trump is going to cause WW3 lol
Trump is going to cause WW3 lol

Correct me id I'm wrong. How many wars has the USA won after WWii?

Democrats lost nam'

Democrats almost lost Iraq..

nam' was never winnable.
Iraq was a double loss by GOP invaders for OIL profits.
Try again.

It was always winnable

Show me where we stole or profited off of oil from Iraq?
Iraq Opens Oil Fields To Global Bidding

Iraq Awards Oil Field Contracts to Foreign Companies
Or he is going to make the world respect, through proper fear the US again, as it should be.
Trump is going to cause WW3 lol
Trump is going to cause WW3 lol

Correct me id I'm wrong. How many wars has the USA won after WWii?

Democrats lost nam'

Democrats almost lost Iraq..

nam' was never winnable.
Iraq was a double loss by GOP invaders for OIL profits.
Try again.

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