Pelosi--when all else FAILS blame it on Bush--now CIA lied to her!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
by Paul Kane
The Washington Post
Thursday, May 14, 2009; 4:47 PM

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today accused the CIA of "misleading" her on the use of harsh interrogation techniques in the fall of 2002, acknowledging for the first time publicly she knew alleged terrorist detainees were subjected to waterboarding more than six years ago.

Pelosi called for the CIA to release detailed notes from her own September 2002 briefing about interrogation techniques.She said today that, at that 2002 briefing, she was told the CIA was not waterboarding detainees despite later government reports showing that a high value al Qaeda detainee had been subjected to waterboarding 83 times in the weeks leading up to Pelosi's briefing.

"At every step of the way, the administration was misleading the Congress. And that is the issue," Pelosi said in a heated news conference, linking the alleged misinformation on waterboarding to now discredited intelligence reports in fall 2002 about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Today was Pelosi's first chance to address the interrogation briefing issue since the CIA released a detailed memo last Thursday outlining 40 congressional briefings given since September 2002 regarding the use of what it calls "enhanced interrogation techniques" on suspected terrorists. That memo included footnotes that appeared to contradict Pelosi's previous statements that she was never personally briefed by Bush administration officials on the use of such tactics, including waterboading, a controversial technique that simulates drowning.

In a statement today, the agency stood by its memo, which said that Pelosi and then-Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.), the top members of the intelligence committee at the time, were briefed on Sept. 4, 2002 on the "the use of EITS" on an al Qaeda prisoner. "The language in the chart--'a description of the particular EITs that had been employed'--is true to the language in the Agency's records," a CIA spokesman said.

Nancy Pelosi was sweating bullets during this news conferance--she was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. This is now her 5th changed explanation of events regarding the over 40 meetings (while on the house intelligence commitee) that she attended while being briefed on the enhanced interrogation technics.
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Arent all these briefings well documented? I'm certain that the truth can be determined without compromising classified material. After all, isn't this administration all about transparency?
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Looks like Lieberman finds her story lacking:

this is so fucking rich.

Old bella pelosi (I want to suck your wallet) is going to get her own sagging ass caught in the same net she was casting for republicans

you can't make this shit up
Nancy Pelosi was complicit with torture!! I think she should resign. She is an embarrassment to the Congress.
I do believe the White House is letting her twist in the wind on this one.

Chicago style will kick San Fran style any day of the week...
by Paul Kane
The Washington Post
Thursday, May 14, 2009; 4:47 PM

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today accused the CIA of "misleading" her on the use of harsh interrogation techniques in the fall of 2002, acknowledging for the first time publicly she knew alleged terrorist detainees were subjected to waterboarding more than six years ago.

Pelosi called for the CIA to release detailed notes from her own September 2002 briefing about interrogation techniques.She said today that, at that 2002 briefing, she was told the CIA was not waterboarding detainees despite later government reports showing that a high value al Qaeda detainee had been subjected to waterboarding 83 times in the weeks leading up to Pelosi's briefing.

"At every step of the way, the administration was misleading the Congress. And that is the issue," Pelosi said in a heated news conference, linking the alleged misinformation on waterboarding to now discredited intelligence reports in fall 2002 about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Today was Pelosi's first chance to address the interrogation briefing issue since the CIA released a detailed memo last Thursday outlining 40 congressional briefings given since September 2002 regarding the use of what it calls "enhanced interrogation techniques" on suspected terrorists. That memo included footnotes that appeared to contradict Pelosi's previous statements that she was never personally briefed by Bush administration officials on the use of such tactics, including waterboading, a controversial technique that simulates drowning.

In a statement today, the agency stood by its memo, which said that Pelosi and then-Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.), the top members of the intelligence committee at the time, were briefed on Sept. 4, 2002 on the "the use of EITS" on an al Qaeda prisoner. "The language in the chart--'a description of the particular EITs that had been employed'--is true to the language in the Agency's records," a CIA spokesman said.

Nancy Pelosi was sweating bullets during this news conferance--she was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. This is now her 5th changed explanation of events regarding the over 40 meetings (while on the house intelligence commitee) that she attended while being briefed on the enhanced interrogation technics.

Hard to tell from her (lack of) facial expression. She must have gotten a hold of some mighty 'tox from Joe. Her forehead didn't budge!
the LIBERAL NATIONAL NEWS MEIDA is on this like a hound dog on a rat. Nancy's the rat and they smell blood.

Obama and his administration stepped in it so bad that their up to their necks in it. He should have NEVER released those memos and this all would not have happened, he caved to the ACLU, move on dot org. and Nancy herself. Nancy thought she could get away with blaming everything on the Bush administration. HELLOOOO NANCY, guess what, you were right there when it was being done and you said absolutely nothing to object. You signed on for it.

What is scaring the crap out of this administration is that they forgot that 70% of Americans, dems, reps, independents want a safe country and we don't think water boarding is torture.

This administration is showing it's true colors, THEY ARE WEAK ON DEFENSE.!!! It's more important to them to be politically correct. I will give credit to Obama for not releasing those pictures, but should they be leaked and they probably will be and Americans die because of it, he will be left to hold that bag. Bush is no longer President, Obama is.
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Sorry - I don't buy Pelosi's story. The CIA does not mis-inform Congress.

Well actually, they do on occasion if they think they can get away with it. But they are very careful about HOW they do it. So as not to get in to m uch trouble.

But no way with 40 briefings they did not tell these shcmucks what was going on. The Democrats thought they would be able to just blame the Republicans and get all they wanted.
Sorry - I don't buy Pelosi's story. The CIA does not mis-inform Congress.

Well actually, they do on occasion if they think they can get away with it. But they are very careful about HOW they do it. So as not to get in to m uch trouble.

But no way with 40 briefings they did not tell these shcmucks what was going on. The Democrats thought they would be able to just blame the Republicans and get all they wanted.

Personally, I think she thought the media wouldn't go after her like they did. One of the journalists brought up that this was a republican ploy in a press conference today. Needless to say, he was booed
Maple is right in her comment. Obama is whinning now--stating he wants to move on with his agenda & would prefer to leave the matter of enhanced interrogation technics & the possible prosecution of Bush officials behind him. Obama opened that door--through the release of classified documents regarding the enhanced interrogation technics. Then Eric Holder walked through that door--threatening to prosecute. They failed to realise that this door is a revolving door that came back around & snapped this administration right on the ass.

It's the old saying: "Be careful for what you wish for, it may just come true."
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I love it...the righties are trying to get some shit to stick to somebody who wasn't in charge at the time. Typical righties not taking responsibility for their own fuck ups...
I love it...the righties are trying to get some shit to stick to somebody who wasn't in charge at the time. Typical righties not taking responsibility for their own fuck ups...

Actually the dems are going after her too, along with the liberal media.

She shouldn't even have to explain herself over something that happened under The Chimp's watch. Only righties could try and bend it around to make a leftie take the blame for their fuck surprises there...
I love it...the righties are trying to get some shit to stick to somebody who wasn't in charge at the time. Typical righties not taking responsibility for their own fuck ups...

Actually the dems are going after her too, along with the liberal media.

She shouldn't even have to explain herself over something that happened under The Chimp's watch. Only righties could try and bend it around to make a leftie take the blame for their fuck surprises there...

yea sure she was tricked into lying about her knowledge...

i didn't know....

i knew they might use it....

i knew the were doing it but i didn't say anything...

i was mislead....

yea it is bush fault she is a liar....

once a liar always a can't believe anything she has ever said or will ever say....

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